Node.js on Red Hat OpenShift
Red Hat build of Node.js. is an open source JavaScript runtime environment designed to build modern scalable applications for the cloud.

Explore Node.js on OpenShift
Easily deploy Node.js applications to Red Hat OpenShift using Nodeshift
Use Node.js 12 on Red Hat OpenShift today
Modern web applications on OpenShift: Part 1 -- Web apps in two commands
Modern web applications on OpenShift: Part 2 -- Using chained builds
Deploying serverless Node.js applications on Red Hat OpenShift, Part 1
Get started with Node.js 14 on Red Hat OpenShift
Featured Node.js articles

Service bindings, the kube-service-bindings npm package, and the Red Hat...

Dive into how Node.js uses the V8 JavaScript engine to run your code and the...

Discover how to instrument your Node.js application to troubleshoot...

This is the third and final article in a three-part series introducing...

Many applications need a database or other backing service....

Learn the steps to link and validate Node.js applications to OpenShift...

This is the second part of a three-part series explaining how to bind easily...

A demonstration of how Drogue IoT simplifies device communication with the...

Red Hat provides S2I images for many languages, including Node.js. Learn how...

Discover how the Node.js community‘s Next-10 project is the basis for many...

Learn how to enable OpenTelemetry traces in React applications and make them...