Red Hat build of OpenJDK

The Red Hat build of OpenJDK is an open source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE).

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Benefits of OpenJDK

Shared components


OpenJDK is now supported on Windows and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, helping you standardize on a single Java platform across your desktop, data center, and hybrid cloud.

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Frequent releases

Red Hat delivers quarterly JRE and JDK updates per year for the OpenJDK 8 and 11 distributions via rpm and zip files.


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Long-term support

Red Hat supports the recently released OpenJDK 11 as well as OpenJDK 8.


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Oracle JDK alternative

OracleJDK alternative Oracle JDK and OpenJDK are functionally very similar but have major differences when it comes to support. Red Hat’s build of OpenJDK is a great alternative.

Red Hat support for Eclipse Temurin

Eclipse Temurin is a relatively new distribution of OpenJDK from the Eclipse Adoptium community that originated with the AdoptOpenJDK project. Temurin has enjoyed tremendous popularity across the industry as a source of high-quality OpenJDK builds across many platforms, with nearly half a billion downloads to date.

Red Hat is a founding strategic member of the Adoptium Working Group. To learn more about Red Hat’s support for OpenJDK, read the OpenJDK Life Cycle and Support Policy.

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