
Featured image for: Learn Quarkus faster with quick starts in the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift.

RESTEasy Reactive and more in Quarkus 2.0

James Falkner

Discover ways to improve developer and operational productivity with new Quarkus 2.0 features like fast RESTEasy Reactive and new Developer UI in this overview.

Featured image for Red Hat Process Automation.

Deliver decision services with Kogito

Karina Varela

Develop decision services that meet DMN standards with Kogito. We use Red Hat's business and process automation managers for rules creation and optimization.

Learning path featured image

Red Hat Interactive Learning Portal

No matter where you are in your software development career, from just starting, to re-training, to expert-level but needing a brush-up, the Red Hat Developer program can help with tutorials and learning.

Featured image for Red Hat Data Grid.

Create and manage Data Grid services

Katia Aresti +2

Learn how to make and manage services on cloud-based platforms with the Red Hat Data Grid Operator. This technique adds global clusters across multiple services.

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Cheat Sheet

Quarkus + Spring Cheat Sheet

Alex Soto Bueno

While you may be currently using Java EE, MicroProfile, or Quarkus annotations/extensions, Quarkus provides an API compatibility layer for some Spring projects. If you're coming from Spring development, these integrations might help you to make a smoother transition to Quarkus.

Featured Image: Spring and Quarkus magic

Spring Boot on Quarkus: Magic or madness?

Eric Deandrea

Follow a migration path from Spring Boot to Quarkus. The magic: Perform the migration without changing a single line of code. The madness: How was it done?