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Reproducible OpenJDK builds

James Falkner

The Adoptium project has achieved reproducible builds for Java versions 21 and 22 across Linux, Windows, and Mac platforms. This capability ensures an independently verifiable path from source to binary code, enhancing trust in the software and its dependencies.

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Understand modernization of a traditional Java application with an example

Yashwanth Maheshwaram +1

Developers frequently work with monolithic applications. However, the popularity of these monolithic applications has waned due to their lack of flexibility. Scaling a specific component requires scaling the entire application. Transitioning to a microservice architecture, with modular, independently scalable units addresses these challenges and is well-suited for cloud environments. This article focuses on moving a monolithic application, exemplified by a Java™-based e-commerce app called Pedal, to the cloud, offering guidance for this complex task.

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How to use Java container awareness in OpenShift 4

Francisco De Melo Junior

Dive into container awareness for Java application deployments and learn how to use this capability to take advantage of fully containerized deployments.