
Red Hat Developer - Build Here Go Anywhere

Red Hat Developers

Join Red Hat Developer for the software and tutorials to develop cloud applications using Kubernetes, microservices, serverless and Linux.

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Trade-offs, bad science, and polar bears: The world of Java optimization

Holly Cummins

This talk introduces the basic principles of optimization and pitfalls to avoid. We’ll dive into why the exact same techniques that make Quarkus rocket-fast were considered a terrible idea fifteen years ago; why fast benchmarks make for slow programs; why Project Loom may not be the speedup you’re hoping for; and why—even though it can be easy to get wrong—optimization really, really matters.

Cache configuration in Red Hat Data Grid
Cheat Sheet

Cache configuration in Red Hat Data Grid

Dipanshu Gupta +1

This cheat sheet is a quick reference with information and configuration examples for creating and configuring caches in Red Hat Data Grid.

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Red Hat & Node.js

Node.js. is an open source JavaScript runtime environment designed to build

Featured image for best of application development 2023.

Our top application development articles of 2023

Colleen Lobner

Our 10 most popular articles about application development this year include Java 21 features, Podman Desktop, OpenTelemetry observability, and more.

Featured image for Quarkus and MongoDB.

Getting started with MongoDB and Quarkus

Hans-Peter Grahsl

Explore the basics of using MongoDB and Quarkus to write cloud-native Java applications and extensions that simplify deploying containerized apps on Kubernetes.

The Red Hat build of Apache Camel

The Red Hat build of Apache Camel

Agile, distributed, containerized, and API-centric solution to integrate applications by transforming data, composing and orchestrating services across hybrid infrastructures.

Java on-OpenShift_Share Image.png

Java on OpenShift

Java is the ideal framework for cloud-native applications on OpenShift

Featured image for Java topics.

Beyond Loom: Weaving new concurrency patterns

Ben Evans

Explore new concurrency patterns enabled by virtual threads in Java 21, along with two related features: Structured Concurrency and Scoped Values.