Build serverless architectures for Kubernetes with Knative

Knative is an open source community project that offers developers a Kubernetes-native API, adding components to build, deploy, and manage modern serverless workloads and serverless-style functions.

Make serverless seamless with Knative

Build and deploy a serverless service to Knative

The Knative serverless environment lets you deploy code to Kubernetes, but no resources are consumed unless your code needs to do something. With Knative, you create a service by packaging your code as a Docker image and handing it to the system. Your code only runs when it needs to, with Knative starting and stopping instances automatically.

Want to learn how? This series of articles and videos, the Compile Driver, shows you how to build your own working serverless environment.

Knative and Serverless Service Tutorial

What is Knative?

Serverless architecture has recently taken center stage in cloud native application deployment. Enterprises started to see the benefits that serverless applications bring to them, such as agility, rapid deployment, and resource cost optimization. 

Knative was started with the simple goal of having a Kubernetes-native platform to build, deploy, and manage your serverless workloads. Knative tries to solve Kubernetes problems by providing all essential middleware primitives via a simpler deployment model. On Knative you can deploy any modern application workload, such as monolithic applications, microservices, or even tiny functions. Knative can run in any cloud platform that runs Kubernetes, which gives enterprises more agility and flexibility in running their serverless work‐ loads without relying on cloud vendor–specific features.

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Kubernetes Native Microservices with Quarkus and MicroProfile e-book cover

Kubernetes Native Microservices with Quarkus and MicroProfile

Kubernetes Native Microservices: With Quarkus and MicroProfile provides an essential understanding of what it takes to develop cloud-native applications using modern tools such as microservices that utilize and integrate with Kubernetes features naturally and efficiently. The result is a productive developer experience that is consistent with the expectations of Kubernetes platform administrators.

By reading these early release chapters, you will:

  • Understand what microservices are and how they have evolved over the last decade as a popular enterprise software architecture. 
  • Dive into the history and overview of MicroProfile and its growth into a significant collection of microservices-related specifications and introduce Quarkus as a Java runtime that supports these technologies. 
  • Get an introduction to core Kubernetes concepts and why they make Kubernetes an ideal microservices deployment platform.
  • Learn how to unite Java, MicroProfile, Quarkus, and Kubernetes to build fast, efficient applications.
  • Get step-by-step instructions on how to make code changes in Quarkus Live Coding.
  • Learn how to develop Java microservices with Quarkus and Microprofile that target Kubernetes as a deployment environment.

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Tutorial: Introduction to Knative

Serverless epitomize the very benefits of what cloud platforms promise: offload the management of infrastructure while taking advantage of a consumption model for the actual utilization of services. While there are a number of server frameworks out there, Knative is the first serverless platform specifically designed for Kubernetes and OpenShift.

This tutorial will act as step-by-step guide in helping you to understand Knative starting with setup, understanding fundamentals concepts such as service, configuration, revision etc., and finally deploying some use cases which could help deploying serverless applications.

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