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Trade-offs, bad science, and polar bears: The world of Java optimization

Holly Cummins

This talk introduces the basic principles of optimization and pitfalls to avoid. We’ll dive into why the exact same techniques that make Quarkus rocket-fast were considered a terrible idea fifteen years ago; why fast benchmarks make for slow programs; why Project Loom may not be the speedup you’re hoping for; and why—even though it can be easy to get wrong—optimization really, really matters.

Featured image for Quarkus and MongoDB.

Getting started with MongoDB and Quarkus

Hans-Peter Grahsl

Explore the basics of using MongoDB and Quarkus to write cloud-native Java applications and extensions that simplify deploying containerized apps on Kubernetes.

Java + Quarkus 2

Integrate your Quarkus application with GPT4All

Alex Soto Bueno

GPT4All is an open source tool that lets you deploy large language models locally without a GPU. Learn how to integrate GPT4All into a Quarkus application.

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Quarkus & Testcontainers: Perfect synergy for cloud-native development

Red Hat Developer

Applications today don't exist in a vacuum; they typically communicate with other services, such as databases, message brokers, cache servers, and more. These interconnectivity requirements make it hard to do local/inner-loop development and testing efficiently, often forcing developers to write lots of code and configuration that never gets to production. What if there was a better way?

What if you didn’t need to write any extra code or configuration, and things just worked out of the box, making your life simpler and easier?

This session will introduce Testcontainers and explore the synergy between Testcontainers and Quarkus, showcasing all the integration that has been done for you, the developer, so that you don’t need to worry about a thing.