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Open Service Broker API: Enabling microservices in the enterprise

Red Hat Developer Program

Hear from Paul Morie, Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat and Todd Sanders, Director, Software Engineering, Red Hat in this breakout session at Red Hat Summit 2017 Connectivity is not enough to implement microservices-based systems on Kubernetes. Application authors want a seamless service experience that includes connectivity and adding coordinates, credentials, and configuration into their applications. To meet this need, the Kubernetes service catalog uses the Open Service Broker application programming interface (API) to connect any application deployed in Kubernetes to a wide variety of service brokers in a microservices-based software environment.

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Microservices with Kubernetes, Docker, and Jenkins (Rafael Benevides, Christian Posta)

Red Hat Developer Program

A lot of functionality necessary for running in a microservices architecture have been built into Kubernetes; why would you re-invent the wheel with lots of complicated client-side libraries? Have you ever asked why you should use containers and what are the benefits for your application? This talk will present a microservices application that have been built using different Java platforms: WildFly Swarm and Eclipse Vert.x. Then we will deploy this application in a Kubernetes cluster to present the advantages of containers for MSA (Microservices Architectures) and DevOps. The attendees will learn how to create, edit, build, deploy Java Microservices, and also how to perform service discovery, rolling updates, persistent volumes and much more. Finally we will fix a bug and see how a CI/CD Pipeline automates the process and reduces the deployment time.

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Intro to Microservices (Burr Sutter)

Burr Sutter +1

Burr shows a private cloud for your laptop and walks through the critical capabilities of microservices architectures - Spring Boot, Wildfly Swarm and Eclipse Vert.x.

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Developing and Deploying Cloud-Native Apps as Resilient Microservices Architectures (Edson Yanaga)

Red Hat Developer Program

You've been hearing about microservices for months and have probably taken a look at 12-factor and cloud-native apps, too. But there's a myriad of frameworks and tools you can use to craft your software and join the pieces together into a microservices architecture. You want to use the best tool for the job, and you need a hassle-free DevOps pipeline to orchestrate and deploy all of them. In this session, you'll learn how to combine a lot of different technologies and tools in a live demo that will open your eyes to the huge possibilities that microservices can help you achieve. We'll have it all: containers, Docker, Wildfly Swarm, Spring Boot, NodeJS, .NET, OpenShift, Jenkins, Kubernetes, and more.

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Vert.X: Microservices Were Never So Easy (Clement Escoffier)

Red Hat Developer Program

Vert.x 3 is a framework to create reactive applications on the Java Virtual Machine. Vert.x 3 takes the JVM to new levels of performance yet having a small API. It lets you build scalable microservice-based applications transparently distributed and packaged as a single jar file. Due to this simplicity, deploying and managing Vert.x applications on OpenShift 3 is a breeze, upload your jar and Vert.x internal cluster manager will connect all your pods in single distributed network. Several examples are shown during the talk and demonstrate how Vert.x can simplify DevOps daily job when working together with OpenShift 3.

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Decomposing A Java EE Monolith Into WildFly Swarm Microservices

Ken Finnigan

In this session we'll introduce you to WildFly Swarm through the migration of TicketMonster from a Java EE monolith to Java EE microservices for parts of the stack. The services will be discoverable, provide failover with Netflix Ribbon, and utilize Netflix Hystrix for circuit breaking. TicketMonster, a full Java EE application, will be dissected into appropriate services while also retaining Java EE pieces that are appropriate. We'll then walk through several required aspects for a full services architecture. This will include securing these services with Keycloak; registering services for discovery via JGroups, Consul or Zookeeper; service logging to external sources such as logstash; and capturing service metrics with Hawkular and DropWizard Metrics. By the end of the session, we'll have converted some pieces of a Java EE application into services, while learning how WildFly Swarm integrates with external tools to provide a complete solution for service delivery.

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Mobile, Microservices, And Containers (John Frizelle)

Red Hat Developer Program

This session will take an in-depth look at the recently announced Red Hat Mobile Application Platform 4.0. Re-architected as a suite of containerized microservices, we'll look at how the platform uses OpenShift 3 both as an execution environment for the platform and a hosting environment for mobile developers. We'll then look at how this microservices architecture applies to mobile app development and to their role the whole way through the development stack. Finally, we'll take a look at a hands-on demo using the Red Hat Mobile Application Platform to deploy a Mobile Backend-as-a-Service (MBaaS) onto an OpenShift by Red Hat instance and how to use it to deploy mobile microservices.

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JavaOne 2015 - Aslak Knutsen - Taming Microservices Testing with Arquillian

Red Hat Developer Program

The Borg is docking your system; testing is futile! Or is it? With microservices, polyglot, and DevOps on the rise, where are we at with testing? Do these technologies bring more complexity and make our testing effort harder, or maybe the contrary? Do they actually help us write better tests more easily? This session explores not only how we can do our testing in this new world but also how the new world can help us test better. It takes a close look at various topics, from NodeJS-, DynJS-, VertX-, Ceylon-, or Ruby-orchestrated microservices through system-scale testing with various configurations to database migration and regression testing. All are within reach.

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Helloworld Microservices Introduction

Burr Sutter

Our Microservices Playground: 6 different microservices, each using a unique Java framework: Dropwizard, Spring Boot, WildFly Swarm, JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, Node.js, Vert.x.

Leveraging Docker+Kubernetes+OpenShift running in a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) VM. Microservices Slide Presentation http://bit.ly/helloworldmsa Demo Source Organization https://github.com/redhat-helloworld-msa Download the RHEL VM for Docker+Kubernetes+OpenShift (CDK) http://developers.redhat.com/products/cdk/docs-and-apis/

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DevNation 2015 - Knutsen, Majsak - Taming microservices testing with Docker & Arquillian Cube

Red Hat Developer Program

With microservices, polyglot, and DevOps on the rise, what's happening with testing? Do they increase complexity and make our testing efforts harder? Or do they actually make it easier to write better tests? In this session, we will explore how we can do our testing in this new world, and how the new world can help us test better. Other topics we'll discuss include: NodeJS, DynJS, VertX, Ceylon, or Ruby-orchestrated microservices. System scale testing with different configurations. Database migration and regression testing.

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Microservices & you: Practical Introduction

Steve Pousty +1

This session introduces the basic ideas behind microservices, covers the pros and cons of them, and gets started on building your first one.

FULL ABSTRACT: Curious about microservices? Want to hear what happens when you actually use them in your environments? This session introduces the basic ideas behind microservices and goes on to discuss some pros and cons of using them. We’ll discuss the process I went through in constructing http://wwww.flatfluffy.com, a multi-device application for gamified recording of roadkill. We’ll review the code and tools used to run the whole application, with a focus on how a microservices architecture was used to produce the mapping experience in FlatFluffy. Join this informal, interactive session where you’ll have the opportunity to ask your implementation questions. Come in curious, and leave with a solid understanding of how to get started on your first microservice-architected application.

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DevNation 2015 - Sarah Novotny - Making the case for microservices

Red Hat Developer Program

The Internet has evolved from a monolithic application stack to a loosely coupled collection of microservices delivering specialized features. The benefits? Faster development and faster repair. In this session, we’ll share strategies to help you move from a monolithic architecture to one that allows you to innovate, respond faster, and give your users the best possible experience. We'll discuss ways to give your users a better experience when failure does happen.

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The cold hard truth about microservices and how open source can help

Red Hat Developer Program

Microservice architectures have become popular, but we have to balance hype with reality. Microservices make it harder to manage deployments and create complex inter-service communications patterns. Learn how Open Source software built by open communities like Apache Camel, Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift and Fabric8 can help achieve organizational goals to integrate services and establish effective continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines. With Christian Posta -  Principal Middleware Specialist

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JGroups - An effective framework for cluster communication

Red Hat Developer Program

Today, when microservices are widely used we often need a tool for sending messages throughout the cluster. During the presentation we will learn how to send information between nodes, invoke RPCs or even coordinate distributed task execution. Clustering might be fun!

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Java EE Microservices with WildFly Swarm

Red Hat Developer Program

For this session we have Bob McWhirter talking about WildFly Swarm, which is a project he founded to bring microservices to the Java EE world. == Abstract == WildFly Swarm makes it possible to wade into the great ocean of microservices without abandoning your JavaEE knowledge and experience. In this talk, we’ll introduce you to what makes WildFly Swarm similar to and distinct from proper WildFly. We will explore how WildFly Swarm can enable a microservices architecture. We’ll also demonstrate how to weave together multiple services to have a non-trivial application composed of multiple, independently-deployable services.

Technical How-to Books for Developers - Microservices, Design Patterns, .NET, Reactive, Databases Open configuration options

Technical How-to Books for Developers - Microservices, Design Patterns, .NET, Reactive, Databases

Emily Parish

Within Red Hat knowledge sharing and collaboration are important. As a part of that many Red Hatters write books and we get the honor of sharing their knowledge with other developers. We have 7 more books in queue for the coming year and thought we would share the books you can currently download. Learn how to get started with a new technology. Learn why you would want to use new methodologies or technologies. Or just dive in a little deeper...

Red Hat Summit logo

18 Recorded Sessions on Cloud Native Development - from Red Hat Summit

Mike Guerette

As I mentioned prior to Red Hat Summit, there was a whole lot of activity around the complementary aspects of microservices, containers, open source, and cloud, so I've assembled this recorded set of sessions on the topic Cloud Native Development. Enjoy! Lessons Learned - From Legacy to Microservices - The Road to Success of Miles & More, by Torben Jaeger, Matthias Krohnen (Miles & More), Serge Pagop An introduction to OpenShift.io, an end-to-end OpenShift development platform in the cloud, by...

Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio Logo

JBoss Tools and Red Hat Developer Studio Maintenance Release for Eclipse Neon.3

Jeff Maury

JBoss Tools 4.4.4 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 10.4 for Eclipse Neon.3 are here waiting for you. Check it out! Installation JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our Red Hat Developers and run it like this: java -jar devstudio-.jar JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio require a bit more: This release requires at least Eclipse 4.6.3 (Neon.3) but we recommend using the latest Eclipse 4.6.3 Neon JEE Bundle since...

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Fighting Service Latency in Microservices with Kubernetes

Bilgin Ibryam

CPU and network speed have increased significantly in the last decade, as well as memory and disk sizes. But still one of the possible side effects of moving from a monolithic architecture to Microservices is the increase in the service latency. Here are few quick ideas on how to fight it using Kubernetes. It is not the network In the recent years, networks transitioned to using protocols that are more efficient and moved from 1GBit to 10GBit and even to...

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Riviera Dev/JUDCon: Riviera 2017 Recap

Lance Ball

I returned late Sunday night from a trip to the south of France, where I was privileged to speak about Microservices, OpenShift, and how to do it all on Node.js. The conference was RivieraDev/JUDCon: Riviera 2017 and took place in Sophia Antipolis, near Nice, Cannes, St. Tropez and other fabulous Mediterranean cities on the southeastern coast of France. This was a two-day conference, sponsored in part by Red Hat. It was great to see so many Red Hatters there and...