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Transactions for Microservices? Really?

tom jenkinson

At the upcoming JavaOne 2017 , which is being held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA during October 1-5, we will be hosting a session on transactions for microservices. In this session, Mark Little and Tom Jenkinson will present the subject of "Transactions for Microservices? Really?" . We shall give an overview of the topic, including useful information on transaction models, which can be appropriate for use in microservice architectures. This will be followed by a live coding...

Containers Image

Connecting Kubernetes and Docker

Nikhil Chawla

This blog to help my fellow developers who are working on "Docker" and " Kubernetes" simultaneously. Because, they know that Kubernetes runs over docker-engine but there is a catch, that: 1. Containers running on Docker, and 2. Containers running inside of a Kubernetes Pod, are absolutely running isolated, without even knowing each other's existence. But, we are developers, so there are chances where we might come across a situation where we desperately need to let the Docker formatted containers communicate...


JBoss Developer's Guide Book is out

Elvadas Nono

The JBoss Ecosystem is very large and diverse, while you are looking for step by steps and practical introduction to the major JBoss products or looking for tips to improve your business by coupling JBoss Products, this book is for you. In a series of nine practical chapters, you will progressively; Learn how to set up and maintain a JBoss Enterprise Application Server domain. Build Microservices by coupling JBoss Undertow with the most popular Java EE frameworks like CDI, JPA...

DevOps with OpenShift_tile card

Devops with OpenShift: Cloud Deployments Made Easy

Stefano Picozzi +2

For many organizations, a big part of DevOps’ appeal is software automation using infrastructure-as-code techniques. This book presents developers, architects, and infra-ops engineers with a more practical option. You’ll learn how a container-centric approach from OpenShift® can help your team deliver quality software through a self-service view of IT infrastructure.

A MicroProfile-based microservice on OpenShift Container Platform

A MicroProfile-based microservice on OpenShift Container Platform - Part 2

Cesar Saavedra

Creating, associating, and using a database with a MicroProfile-based microservice In this blog post, I will cover how to create, populate, and associate a database to your MicroProfile-based microservice. I will also cover how to modify your microservice so that it makes use of the database. This is the continuation of the " A MicroProfile-based microservice on OpenShift Container Platform - Part 1; Creating a simple MicroProfile-based microservice and deploying it to OpenShift Container Platform" blog post and it assumes...

A MicroProfile-based microservice on OpenShift Container Platform

A MicroProfile-based microservice on OpenShift Container Platform - Part 1

Cesar Saavedra

Creating a simple MicroProfile-based microservice and deploying it to OpenShift Container Platform Eclipse MicroProfile is an open source specification for Enterprise Java microservices. It is a community of individuals, vendors, and organizations collaborating and working on innovative microservices patterns for Enterprise Java within the context of modern development, architectures, and underlying infrastructures, e.g. health checks, fault tolerance, metrics, and security propagation within a cloud environment. Its first release was based on 3 Java EE JSRs/libraries/APIs, but this does not necessarily...

Skinny on Fat

The Skinny on Fat, Thin, Hollow, and Uber

James Falkner

"I used WildFly Swarm to shrink my app from 45 megabytes to only 2243 bytes." I was recently playing around with various techniques for packaging Java microservices and running on OpenShift using various runtimes and frameworks to illustrate their differences (WildFly Swarm vs. WildFly, Spring Boot vs. the world, etc). Around the same time as I was doing this an internal email list thread ignited discussing some of the differences and using terms like Uber JARs, Thin WARs, Skinny WARs...

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Announcing Red Hat Developer Studio 11.0.0.GA and JBoss Tools 4.5.0.Final for Eclipse Oxygen

Jeff Maury

JBoss Tools 4.5 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 11.0 for Eclipse Oxygen are here waiting for you. Check it out! Installation JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our Red Hat Developers and run it like this: java -jar jboss-devstudio-.jar JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio requires a bit more: This release requires at least Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen) but we recommend using the latest Eclipse 4.7 Oxygen JEE Bundle since...

Camel / Red Hat Fuse

How to run FIS 2.0 application using source S2I deployment procedure

Chandra Shekhar Pandey

This article describes how to create and deploy an FIS 2.0 project using the s2i source workflow. It creates a project from scratch and using github repository one can deploy their FIS 2.0 camel and spring-boot based project to an Openshift environment. Below are the steps in the sequence, which should be followed to deploy the application easily. Firstly, one should setup an Openshift environment with FIS image and templates as per doc https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_fuse/6.3/html-single/fuse_integration_services_2.0_for_openshift/. Create a directory spring-boot somewhere in...

Organizing Microservices

Organizing Microservices - Modern Integration

Christina Lin

Microservices is probably one of the most popular buzz words among my fellow developer friends, and I do like the concept of being flexible, agile and having simply having more choices. But as a person that worked in the software integration space for years, I started to see some resemblance of the old ESB days. Looking at the problem from ten thousand feet up. A decade ago, we had to come up with a better way of organizing the spaghetti...

Advanced Microservices with .NET

Advanced Microservices with .NET

Don Schenck

During Red Hat Summit, this past May I along with Scott Hunter from Microsoft took part in a session titled Microservices and OpenShift with .NET Core and .NET Standard 2.0. I went first and talked about building microservices. This was an overview demonstrating the evolution through running a program at a command line, a .NET Core program in RHEL. Once completed I then showed just how easy it was to take the image and put into OpenShift and scale it...

Kill your API: the burger analogy

Kill your API: the burger analogy

Owen Rubel

The other day I had a chat with the folks working on the OpenAPI initiative and I explained a trick that some of us in enterprises use to get greater speeds and scalability out of our API’s. At first, this may seem like complete sacrilege to those who are a stickler for standards but if you allow me to explain using a simple analogy, you may see how this can be useful… The ‘Burger Analogy’ Say for instance your computer...

Architecture for Agile Integration

Reference Architecture for Agile Integration

Christina Lin

Integration is still around but in a different form. So, what does modern integration look like? Looking at how agile scrum has taken over traditional waterfall development framework, by enabling shorter delivery cycles, faster feedback, and having the flexibility to rapidly adapt to changes. I believe it’s time for traditional integration to be agile again. By breaking up traditional ESB into distributed microservices. A little recap of what should be in Agile integration: Distributed Integration Lightweight, support distributed deployment Pattern...

Testing REST APIs

Testing REST APIs with REST Assured

Heiko Rupp

Note: This is an updated version of a post I wrote for my private blog years ago. While working on the REST API of RHQ a long time ago, I had started writing some integration tests against it. Doing this via pure HTTP calls is very tedious and brittle. So, I was looking for a testing framework to help me and found one that I used for some time. I tried to enhance it a bit to better suit my...

MicroProfile specifications via WildFly Swarm

MicroProfile: Optimizing Enterprise Java for a Microservices Architecture

John Clingan

The pace of Java EE releases has been slowing and has been unable to adapt to the rapid rise of microservices. MicroProfile was created as a means to collaborate with vendors, individuals, and organizations like Java user groups in an open forum, to rapidly bring microservices to traditional Java EE developers. We moved the project to the Eclipse Foundation and have officially renamed it Eclipse MicroProfile. Red Hat is implementing MicroProfile specifications via WildFly Swarm and optimizing it for use...

OpenShift Application Runtimes

OpenShift Application Runtimes

John Clingan

One question, which is often asked of me is “How do I quickly get new features into production?” This is the whole idea of microservices, to quickly move features into production. At this year’s Red Hat Summit, I spoke to this during my OpenShift Application Runtimes session, introducing it as an upcoming product. I spoke on integrating language runtimes into OpenShift and Kubernetes so that as you write Microservices you can leverage a lot of the features that are available...

Red Hat Mobile Application Platform

Local Development Setup for Red Hat Mobile using Docker

Evan Shortiss

Getting up and running with local development for Red Hat Mobile Application requires that you run MongoDB and Redis locally. Doing so isn’t particularly difficult if you follow online guides, but it would be much more straightforward if you could just get these pieces of software up and running in a single command and not need to worry about versioning, creating data directories, setting permissions, and compiling some things such as Redis from source. It would be even better if...


Your first Business Rules application on OpenShift: from Zero to Hero in 30 minutes

Duncan Doyle

In a previous blog post, we explained how to deploy an existing JBoss BRMS/Drools rules project onto an OpenShift DecisionServer. We created a decision/business-rules microservice on OpenShift Container Platform that was implemented by a BRMS application. The polyglot nature of a microservice architecture allowed us to use the best implementation (a rules engine) for this given functionality (business rules execution) in our architecture. The project we used was an existing rules project that was available on GitHub. We did however...

Ducklings image

The rise of Agile Integration, Integration is not DEAD nor LAME!

Christina Lin

I wanted to blog about this for a very long time, but because of work and being too lazy to turn on my laptop on the weekends, I now finally have a couple of hours to sit down and start blogging. "Integration is DEAD." "No, no, let's talk about microservice!" "What is that again? Integration, you mean SOA? It's lame...". During my recent conversations with many people about Integration, these comments came up a lot. In fact, if you happen...

Envoy Sidecar Proxy

Microservices Patterns With Envoy Proxy, Part III: Distributed Tracing

Christian Posta

Distributed Tracing: This blog is part of a series looking deeper at Envoy Proxy and Istio.io and how it enables a more elegant way to connect and manage microservices. Follow me @christianposta to stay up with these blog post releases. I think the flow for what I cover over the next series will be something like:

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How to handle the complexity of migrating to microservices from 10 years of monolithic code

Red Hat Developer Program

Alberto Salazar, CTO and Chief Architect, Advance Latam shares insights in this breakout session at Red Hat Summit 2017. In this session, attendees will learn about a real world migration case involving a 10 years JEE monolithic application to Microservices; tips, tricks, pros, cons and the reasons for being involved on a microservices architecture. We will also be reviewing some sample code and tips on how to move to a full microservices solution that will bring as result, less effort delivering new features, saving cost, time and therefore, faster time to market of banking products. We will be using open source frameworks and products such as: JAVA, React, React Native, Vert.x, Apache Camel, Apache ActiveMQ and Apache Cassandra. https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/2017/agenda/session

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From legacy to microservices: Lessons learned on the road to success by Miles & More

Red Hat Developer Program

Watch Matthias Krohnen, Manager IT, Lead Innovation Lab, Miles & More GmbH, Torben Jaegar, Middleware Specialist Solution Architect, Red Hat, and Pagop, Middleware Sales Specialist, Red Hat speak in this breakout session at Red Hat Summit 2017. With over 29 million participants, Miles & More is the largest frequent flyer program in Europe. Expanding this travel rewards program into other markets required a fundamental change to the company's IT infrastructure, as the previous legacy environment was hard to maintain and not scalable. Miles & More chose to move to a microservices-based architecture built on Red Hat OpenShift. With this new environment, the company can support innovation and deploy new microservices into production within 5 days with zero downtime. Learn more about how Miles & More modernized their application development environment and process. Learn more: https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/2017/agenda/sessions

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MicroProfile: Optimizing Java EE for a microservices architecture

Red Hat Developer Program

Hear from John Clingan, Sr. Principal Product Manager, Red Hat, and Ken Finnigan, Red Hat in this breakout session at Red Hat Summit 2017. MicroProfile is a community-led effort to bring microservices to Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) across multiple implementations, including WildFly Swarm, IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile, Apache TomEE, Payara Micro, and Hammock. In this session, we'll briefly introduce MicroProfile, then discuss its current technical and community status, including efforts to standardize Java EE microservices. We'll then have a community discussion on what technologies we should tackle as a community. Do you want to see a standard Circuit breaker application programming interface (API)? Service discovery? Configuration? Join us to share your thoughts. https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/2017/agenda/session

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Microservices and OpenShift with .NET Core and .NET Standard 2.0

Red Hat Developer Program

Hear from Don Schenk, Director of Developer Experience, Red Hat and Scott Hunter, Microsoft in this breakout session at Red Hat Summit 2017. In this session, we’ll show the evolution from a .NET application running on a server to a microservices architecture with zero-downtime deployments—including advanced techniques for optimizing performance. Join this session if you’re ready to apply your .NET skills to microservices and Linux containers. https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/2017/agenda/session