OpenShift Application Runtimes

One question, which is often asked of me is “How do I quickly get new features into production?” This is the whole idea of microservices, to quickly move features into production. At this year’s Red Hat Summit, I spoke to this during my OpenShift Application Runtimes session, introducing it as an upcoming product.

I spoke on integrating language runtimes into OpenShift and Kubernetes so that as you write Microservices you can leverage a lot of the features that are available in OpenShift and Kubernetes, making it easier to develop microservices instead of traditional monolithic applications. We are even going beyond Openshift integration by also integrating with other JBoss Middleware products running on OpenShift like Red Hat SSO and more. You can take advantage of Kubernetes and JBoss middleware already running on OpenShift to help you get your features into production in days instead of weeks.

OpenShift Application Runtimes provides application developers with a variety of application runtimes running on the OpenShift Container Platform. The following application runtimes will be included:

  • WildFly Swarm
  • Eclipse Vert.x
  • Spring Boot (Unsupported, but test and verify it runs and integrates well)
  • Node.js

A key concern during our discussion was, do you think the enterprise is ready for microservices?  They're significantly more complex than developing monoliths! We’ve done a lot of work integrating the run times with our middleware and with OpenShift and Kubernetes to reduce that complexity.

Go to, where you can experience this running in the cloud.

To build your Java EE Microservice visit WildFly Swarm and download the cheat sheet.

Last updated: October 31, 2023