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Working with OpenShift secrets for ASP.NET Core

Takayoshi Tanaka

If you want to use secret configuration which you don't want to store the code repository during developing ASP.NET Core app, what will you do? ASP.NET Core provides Secret Manager tool. Then how about developing on OpenShift? I'd like to talk about Secret Manager tool and working OpenShift secrets for ASP.NET Core in this blog. Secret Manager tool Let's try to use following the document. At first, make ASP.NET Core web project. Then add Microsoft.Extensions.SecretManager.Tools, Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets and userSecretsId to the...

Automating microservices deployment with Red Hat Ansible Automation

Automating microservices deployment with Ansible

Rafael Benevides

One of the main principles of microservices is to be independently deployable. As a consequence, Microservices development and operation tend to be much more complex than a Monolith because of their distributed nature --- if your IT team has not moved out yet from its silos and has adopted DevOps practices, the operations team will not really understand why they have to deploy hundreds of independent software pieces in opposite to the "good old monolith". "You need a mature operations...

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Microservices: Comparing DIY with Apache Camel

James Falkner

Microservices are currently enjoying immense popularity. It is rare to find a tech conference without at least a few mentions of them in corridor conversations or titles of talks, and for good reason: microservices can provide a path to better, more maintainable, higher quality software delivered faster. What's not to love? Of course there are the "negatives" and details in the implementation of microservices that can trip up even the most seasoned architect-developer, but at the same time we are...

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Running Che on OpenShift at CheConf

Emily Parish

Che on OpenShift is coming and you can get a peek into how it works at CheConf with our very own Mario Loriedo. Mario will joining CheConf at 3pm on November 14, 2016 to show you how you can setup and deploy Che on Red Hat OpenShift. In his presentation learn: Cloud development with OpenShift and Che Running Che on OpenShift Service Provider Interface Get the details at http://www.eclipse.org/che/checonf/sessions.html#mario.

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Container Orchestration Specification for better DevOps

Pradeepto Bhattacharya

The world is moving to microservices, where applications are composed of a complex topology of components, orchestrated into a coordinated topology. Microservices have become increasingly popular as they increase business agility and reduce the time for changes to be made. On top of this, containers make it easier for organizations to adopt microservices. Increasingly, containers are the runtimes used for composition, and many excellent solutions have been developed to handle container orchestration such as: Kubernetes/OpenShift; Mesos and its many frameworks...

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Getting started with Hyperledger on Kubernetes

Kunal Limaye

Why? Recently, I have been following the Hyperledger project, and Fabric in particular, with fair bit of interest. The current deployment process 1 for Fabric Starter Kit uses Docker Swarm. Kubernetes is a leading platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of containerised applications. Using Kubernetes instead of Docker Swarm would allow Hyperledger Fabric to leverage features like: Automatic binpacking Horizontal scaling Automated rollouts and rollbacks Storage orchestration Self-healing Service discovery and load balancing Secret and configuration management Batch execution...

That app you love

That app you love, part 10: Long live "that app you love"

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the tenth and final installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a Connection. You’ll need the docker service and the oc utility to follow along in this post; for instructions check out Part 5: Upping Our (Cloud) Game. Wow, we’ve come a...

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The fast-moving monolith: how we sped-up delivery from every three months, to every week

Raffaele Spazzoli

Editor's note: Raffaele Spazzoli is an Architect with Red Hat Consulting's PaaS and DevOps Practice. This blog post reflects his experience working for Key Bank prior to joining Red Hat. A recount of the journey from three-months, to one-week release cycle-time. This is the journey of KeyBank, a super-regional bank, from quarterly deployments to production to weekly deployments to production. In the process we adopted all open source software migrating from WebSphere to Tomcat and adopting OpenShift as our private...

That app you love

That app you love, part 9: Storage and statefulness

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the ninth installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a Connection. You’ll need the docker service and the oc utility to follow along in this post; for instructions check out Part 5: Upping Our (Cloud) Game. In Part 8 we learned how...

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Docker project: Can you have overlay2 speed and density with devicemapper? Yep.

Jeremy Eder

It's been a while since our last deep-dive into the Docker project graph driver performance. Over two years, in fact! In that time, Red Hat engineers have made major strides in improving container storage: Introduced the docker-storage-setup package to help make configuring devicemapper-based storage a snap. Introduced full support for overlay FS in RHEL7.2+ when used with containers Introduced overlay2 as Tech Preview mode Gotten SELinux support to both overlay and overlay2 merged into upstream kernel 4.9 Added a warning...

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Understanding OpenShift Security Context Constraints

Alessandro Arrichiello

OpenShift gives its administrators the ability to manage a set of security context constraints (SCCs) for limiting and securing their cluster. Security context constraints allow administrators to control permissions for pods using the CLI. SCCs allow an administrator to control the following: Running of privileged containers. Capabilities a container can request to be added. Use of host directories as volumes. The SELinux context of the container. The user ID. The use of host namespaces and networking. Allocating an 'FSGroup' that...

That app you love

That app you love, part 8: A blueprint for "that app you love"

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the eighth installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a Connection. You’ll need the docker service and the oc utility to follow along in this post; for instructions check out Part 5: Upping Our (Cloud) Game. In Part 7 we learned how...

That app you love

That app you love, part 7: Wired for sound

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the seventh installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a Connection. You’ll need the docker service and the oc utility to follow along in this post; for instructions check out Part 5: Upping Our (Cloud) Game. In Part 6 of our adventure...

Devoxx logo

13 Red Hat sessions at Devoxx Belgium

Mike Guerette

For any of you planning to attend Devoxx Belgium during the week of 7 November, Red Hatters will be delivering 13 sessions, labs and BoFs and so you'll definitely want to attend one or more of them when you're there. Here's the list in chronological order. Enjoy! (By the way - if you're, I'll be there too so please stop by the Red Hat booth to say "hello".) Monday : Managing Cloud Native Applications with Kubernetes - End-to-End - University...

That app you love

That app you love, part 6: Container, meet cloud

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the sixth installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a Connection. You’ll need the docker service and the oc utility to follow along in this post; for instructions check out Part 5: Upping Our (Cloud) Game. We’ve been on a pretty amazing...

OpenShift Operator

Four creative ways to create an OpenShift/Kubernetes dev environment

Rafael Benevides

Developers have a lot of choices when deciding how to start using OpenShift and Kubernetes locally --- without going through a native OS installation. We all need to have a development environment as close as possible to production (to prevent defects caused by environmental differences), but ideally we need to do this without spending a lot of time to setup and a lot of computational resources (cpu, memory and disk space). This post will present four alternatives to create a...

That app you love

That app you love, part 5: Upping our (cloud) game

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the fifth installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a Connection. The previous posts of this series have focused on how to package ZNC in a way that exposes run-time configurability into the immutable world of containers. But forget about ZNC -...

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Shane Boulden

In the microservices landscape, the API provides an essential form of communication between components. To allow secure communication between microservices components, as well as third-party applications, it's important to be able to consume API keys and other sensitive data in a manner that doesn't place the data at risk. Secret objects are specifically designed to hold sensitive information, and OpenShift makes exposing this information to the applications that need it easy. In this post, I'll demonstrate securely consuming API keys...

That app you love

That app you love, part 4: Designing a config-and-run container

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the fourth installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a Connection. In Part 3, we looked at how to customize the configuration of ZNC using an expect script and environment variables. But forget ZNC, because we’re really talking about That App You...

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Messaging as a Service on OpenShift

Ulf Lilleengen

Inspired by a great blog post by Jakub Scholz on "Scalable AMQP infrastructure using Kubernetes and Apache Qpid", I wanted to write a post about the ongoing effort to build Messaging-as-a-Service at Red Hat. Messaging components such as the Apache Qpid Dispatch Router, ActiveMQ Artemis and Qpidd scales well individually, but scaling a large deployment can become unwieldy. As Scholtz demonstrates, there are a lot of manual setup when creating such a cluster using kubernetes directly. The EnMasse project was...

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Containerizing an application for the cloud: A journey of settings, state, and security.

Lincoln Baxter III

Red Hat Developers and author N. Harrison Ripps have just released the first pieces of a ten-part series ("That app you love") in which Harrison describes the process of deploying an application using containers into a clustered environment on the cloud. Using the ZRC IRC client as a sample application, Harrison demonstrates each step in the process of containerizing software, dealing with issues like statelessness, security, and robustness that are typically architectural hurdles for most development teams moving to a...

That app you love

That app you love, part 2: Immutable but flexible - What settings matter?

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the second installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a connection. In our last post, we met my ZNC container, good ol’ znc-cluster-app - but don’t fret about ZNC because we’re really talking about That App You Love - whatever it happens...

That app you love

That app you love, part 1: Making a connection

N. Harrison Ripps

I am going to show you how I took an everyday, off-the-shelf application and turned it into a cluster-ready juggernaut of persistent usefulness. Along the way, I’ll share the pitfalls that I hit in getting this all working so that you can chuckle at my misfortune and avoid having to make the same mistakes yourself. This series will run every Tuesday and Thursday until we've accomplished our goals, so stay tuned in, subscribe, and thanks for reading! Meet “That App...

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Development workflows with Fuse Integration Services (FIS)

Frédéric Giloux

Fuse Integration Services (FIS) is a great product bringing routing (Apache Camel), SOAP and Rest services (CXF) and messaging (JMS) to the modern age of containers and PaaS and all its goodies: encapsulation, immutability, scalability and self healing. OpenShift provides the PaaS infrastructure to FIS. A developer may implement a module in isolation on his own machine, but it often makes sense, especially when we talk about integration services, to have the code being validated in a complex integrated environment...

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A microservices example: writing a simple to-do application

Saurabh Badhwar

Microservices are becoming a new trend, thanks to the modularity and granularity they provide on top of advantages like releasing applications in a continuous manner. There are various platforms and projects that are rising which aims to make writing and managing microservices easy. Keeping that in mind, I thought, why not make a demo application that can give an example of how microservices are built and how they interact. In this article, I will be building a small application using...