
Featured image for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

Our top Ansible automation articles of 2024

Colleen Lobner

Take a look at our most popular posts on Ansible automation from the past year, covering monitoring, Ansible development tools, security automation, and more.

A code editor with four icons symbolizing DevOps, developers, a gear, and a cluster.

How to migrate your Eventlet projects to Asyncio

Herve Beraud

If you're a Python developer who relies on the Eventlet library, it's time to think about migrating your projects to Asyncio. This article helps you get started.

DevNation Day

DevNation Day Stockholm

Our event in Stockholm will provide you the opportunity to join your peers, explore the latest Red Hat technologies, and collaborate with industry leaders to explore the future of technology.

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Monitoring and Managing Anomaly Detection on OpenShift

Tosin Akinosho +2

In this interactive workshop, we'll explore the exciting world of edge anomaly detection powered by OpenShift. You'll learn how to leverage robust tools like Prometheus, Kafka, and Camel K Ship to gain real-time visibility and control over your edge applications.

Building resilient event-driven architectures with Apache Kafka

Encryption at rest for Apache Kafka

Tom Bentley +1

Discover the importance of encryption of data at rest in Apache Kafka and examine one approach to encrypting data at rest using the Kroxylicious Kafka proxy.

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Node.js and JavaScript at the edge: The why, what, and how

Michael Dawson +2

Node.js and JavaScript have always been a great fit for Internet of Things (IoT) applications due to their asynchronous nature and easy integration with C/C++ through add-ons. They are also heavily used in cloud and web-based applications running on existing IT infrastructure.

Red Hat Developer - Build Here Go Anywhere

Red Hat Developers

Join Red Hat Developer for the software and tutorials to develop cloud applications using Kubernetes, microservices, serverless and Linux.