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We're extremely pleased to announce updates to our Red Hat Development Suite of products, including Container Development Kit 3.2, JBoss Developer Studio 11.1, OpenJDK 9 and our DevSuite 2.1 Installer. As always, our focus is on increasing usability for developers, while adding new features that matter for developers targeting Red Hat platforms.

Red Hat Development Suite is a curated, integrated set of desktop tools especially suited for developing Linux container-based microservices. It combines JBoss Developer Studio, Red Hat Container Development Kit, and optional installations of JBoss EAP, JBoss Fuse, and a technical preview of Kompose, along with all of the complementary pieces required to get an integrated development platform configured and running on your desktop. It is packaged in an easy-to-use installer to make setup simple for Windows, macOS and RHEL.

We have updated the installation and setup experience for DevSuite, so it’s cleaner and simpler to follow with more feedback available when you need it. We’ve also updated many of the components:

Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 11.1 has been updated to the latest Eclipse Oxygen.1a release, with added tooling for developing Java 9 applications as well as integration with the latest release of Red Hat Container Development Kit 3.2. With DevStudio and CDK, developers will be able to easily create container-based applications.

Red Hat Container Development Kit 3.2 has been updated to include support for OpenShift 3.6, as well as several enhancements including support for multiple profiles in MiniShift and technical preview support for assigning a static IP address to a MiniShift VM when using HyperV.

As optional installs, Fuse Tooling 10.1.0 and Kompose 1.3.0 Technical Preview are now available.

DevSuite 2.1 Red Hat Products updated to latest releases:

  • CDK 3.2
  • OpenJDK 8 u151
  • DevStudio 11.1.0
  • Fuse Tooling 10.1.0
  • Kompose 1.3.0 Technical Preview

Additionally, OpenJDK 9.0.1 is now available for Fedora and Windows, and is available via an MSI installer for ease-of-use on Windows. These offerings are made available with community-support.

Resources and Links:

Last updated: November 9, 2023