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Start developing directly on OpenShift with Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces

The Developer Sandbox comes pre-configured with Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces, Red Hat's productized version of Eclipse Che. You can quickly spin up a development environment with everything you need, all hosted on OpenShift.

Launch a workspace for an application directly from the OpenShift topology viewer to quickly view and make changes to the code!

OpenShift Dev Spaces and JKube

About the solution

What is the difference between Eclipse Che and OpenShift Dev Spaces?

OpenShift Dev Spaces is built upon Eclipse Che and is optimized for Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat Linux. It is built on RHEL 8. OpenShift Dev Spaces bundles a curated set of devfiles and plug-ins supported by Red Hat, whereas Eclipse Che has a broader set, including ones that are not supported in the product.

Learn more about Eclipse Che

Are there limitations using OpenShift Dev Spaces on the Developer Sandbox?

There are no particular limitations but a specific configuration. OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace and storage strategy, CPU and memory quotas, and other properties of the workspace server, are pre-configured and cannot be changed. The devfile and plug-in registry are also pre-configured and cannot be customized.