Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

Deploy consistent, reliable automation everywhere

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Accelerate automation onboarding and productivity

Ansible content (playbooks, collections, and roles) is the fuel for automation. Yet many organizations struggle with their adoption of automation simply because users lack the access, experience, or right tools to get started.

Ansible plug-ins for Red Hat Developer Hub delivers a portal experience with curated learning paths, push-button content creation, integrated development tools, and other opinionated resources to help users who are new to Ansible learn quickly, while supporting more experienced automation developers with the Ansible-specific resources they need to be more productive.

Ansible plug-ins for Red Hat Developer Hub provides an Ansible-specific experience using Red Hat Developer Hub which is based on Backstage, the open source Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project.

Accelerate automation onboarding and productivity image
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Upskill on Ansible

Ansible plug-ins for Red Hat Developer Hub promotes learning and collaboration across IT teams. If you're new to Ansible, you can ramp up your skills quickly and build confidence while simultaneously creating Ansible Playbooks, collections, roles, and more. Follow guided learning paths, labs, and other expert-developed resources to help you learn the basics of Ansible and start automating faster.

Upskill on Ansible
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Boost your productivity image
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Boost your productivity

Eliminate common points of friction in your automation CI/CD pipelines with a portal-like experience and common UI, integrated tooling, and other Ansible-specific resources. You can quickly locate the resources and tools you need to be autonomous and productive.

Connect to the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces integrated development environment (IDE) via the user interface or choose your existing IDE to develop your automation code.

Build an automation community of practice

Ansible plug-ins for RHDH lower the barrier to entry into automation. Align users with a unified platform with opinionated templates that can enable automation best practices while ensuring consistency, and standardization across your organization.

Curated, opinionated Ansible tools and resources help democratize access to automation so that users, regardless of their background, can put their operational expertise to work through automation faster.

Build an automation community of practice image
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Ensure governance, control, and trust

Improve adherence to your organization's governance policies and best practices with an enterprise-grade, Red Hat-supported environment, tools, and more. Improve your IT system reliability and consistency through improved code quality and governance.

Deploy and share trusted content with operations teams to run consistently throughout your entire IT environment using streamlined CI/CD pipelines.

Featured articles and tutorials

Introduction to Ansible share image
Learning Path

Foundations of Ansible

Explore essential Ansible concepts, terminology, and tools, then set up your...
YAML AnsibleAP featured image
Learning Path

YAML essentials for Ansible

Learn the basics of YAML, a simple yet powerful data serialization language,...
Ansible Content Collections
Learning Path

Get started with Ansible Playbooks

For the best experience in this learning path, we suggest that you complete...
Interactive Tutorial

Create your first Ansible Playbook

Learn the basics of writing a Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform playbook to...

Automation e-books

Developer Portals share image

Developer Portals: Prepare to Perform with Red Hat Developer Hub

Hans-Peter Grahsl +2
Automation at the edge

Automation at the edge

Red Hat
The cost of human error and the advantages of automation - Share Image

The cost of human error and the advantages of automation

Red Hat
Enhance security with automation_Share

Enhance security with automation

Red Hat

Automation cheat sheets

Share Image

WiFi automation with Ansible and SD-WAN Meraki Cheat Sheet

Dafne Mendoza
Network automation with Ansible validated content - Share Image

Network automation with Ansible validated content

Rohit Thakur
SSH into remote machines

SSH into remote machines using Ansible

Deepankar Jain