Edge computing and automation help organizations achieve significant business gains. Discover how automation at the edge can help your organization improve scalability, security, agility, and overall efficiency. This e-book describes seven use cases and examples demonstrating automation at the edge of the network.
You will learn about the benefits of edge automation in these seven industry use cases:
- Transportation
- Retail
- Manufacturing
- Telecommunications
- Financial services and insurance
- Smart cities
- Healthcare
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Automation at the edge is about adapting in real-time by connecting devices, applications, and data to discover, decide, and take action. From improving safety at industrial sites to faster diagnoses in healthcare to better customer experiences in telco, business happens at the edge. A comprehensive automation platform helps you build streamlined processes and management across your organization, whether on-premise, in the datacenter, or in a cloud environment.
Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform provides a unified automation language across datacenter, cloud, and edge environments so teams can rapidly connect, analyze, read, and react to critical data. Turn insightful data into business decisions and automated actions, providing better overall safety, scalability, efficiency, and agility.