Burr Sutter

An introduction to serverless | DevNation Tech Talk

In this session we will start to see What is Serverless and what it means to you ? Knowing that we will continue our journey to quickly deploy a serverless platform Apache OpenWhisk on Kubernetes. Having platform ready we will then demystify what should be your Java Programming model in the serverless world?? Is this enough for me to build my serverless applications, the answer is !!!NO!!! , then what else is required, “TOOLS” , in the last part of this session we will stock check our inventory of tools that can make the serverless journey quick, easy and productive.

Presenter: Kamesh Sampath, director of Developer Experience, Red Hat Kamesh Sampath is currently Red Hat’s director of Developer Experience. A major part of Kamesh’s career was in the services industry helping various customers build Java™-based solutions. Kamesh is the creator of the vertx-maven-plugin, and he has been an active contributor to the fabric8 project. As an open source developer and contributor, Kamesh loves sharing his experience building and deploying Java applications on Kubernetes/OpenShift.