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What's new in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4?

Nikhil Mungale

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9.4 is now generally available (GA). Learn about the latest enhancements that improve the developer experience.

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Red Hat Interactive Learning Portal

No matter where you are in your software development career, from just starting, to re-training, to expert-level but needing a brush-up, the Red Hat Developer program can help with tutorials and learning.

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PHP 7.2, Node.js 10, NGINX 1.14 and others now GA for RHEL

Mike Guerette

We are pleased to announce general availability Red Hat Software Collections 3.2, which adds these components to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 : PHP 7.2 Varnish Cache 6.0 MySQL 8.0 NGINX 1.14 Node.js 10 Git 2.18 Update of Apache HTTP server 2.4 These versions are available on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (Devtools or RHSCL channel) for x86_64, s390x, aarch64, and ppc64le. Read more details about each component in the "New Components details" section. About Red Hat Software Collections Twice...

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PHP Configuration Tips

Remi Collet

RHEL 7 provides the Apache HTTP Server version 2.4 and PHP version 5.4. The most common configuration for Apache httpd and PHP uses, but this has some limitations and drawbacks: a single PHP version of mod_php can be used mod_php run in the httpd process, without any isolation mod_phpis only supported for the prefork MPM This article will explain how to configure Apache httpd to delegate PHP scripts execution to a backend using the FastCGI protocol, how to use a...

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Red Hat updates Python, PHP, Node.js, more; supports new arches

Mike Guerette

I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of Red Hat Software Collections 3.0 Beta , Red Hat’s newest installment of open source development tools, dynamic languages, databases, and more. Delivered on a separate lifecycle from Red Hat Enterprise Linux with a more frequent release cadence, Red Hat Software Collections bridges development agility and production stability by helping you create modern applications that can be confidently deployed into production. Most of these components are also available in Linux container image...

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

How to set up a LAMP stack on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

David Kittell

You have been asked to create a LAMP stack, whether you're thinking "Lamp stack, as in lights and bulbs" or "Ok let’s build a web server" this guide will help get you working quickly. First for those that do not know a LAMP stack, also known simply as LAMP, is an acronym for a Linux/UNIX server with Apache as the server engine, MySQL/MariaDB as the database engine and PHP as the primary server-side script language. These steps are based on...

RedHat Shadowman Logo

Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 now beta

Mike Guerette

Today, Red Hat announced the beta availability of Red Hat Software Collections 2.3, Red Hat’s newest installment of open source web development tools, dynamic languages, and databases. Delivered on a separate lifecycle from Red Hat Enterprise Linux with a more frequent release cadence, Red Hat Software Collections bridges developer agility and production stability by helping to accelerate the creation of modern applications that can then be more confidently deployed into production. New additions to Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 Beta...

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Setting up a LAMP stack on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Keith Rogers

You obviously know what a LAMP stack is if you’ve managed to find your way here, but for those who may be unsure, the key is in the name (L)inux (A)pache (M)ariaDB (P)HP—a term that has become synonymous around the globe for building a basic web server with database and PHP functionality. There are a myriad of web applications, ranging from Wordpress to Joomla to Magento that all use this setup, and if you know how to get it up...

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Node.js 4.4, Python 3.5, and Ruby 2.3 Get Started guides on

Rob Terzi

On you can find short, focused guides to help you start developing with a number of Red Hat technologies. With the recent release of Red Hat Software Collections (RHSCL) 2.2, a number of Get Started guides have been updated to use the newest software collections, such as Node.js 4.4, Python 3.5, and Ruby 2.3. These guides give you the steps you need to install the software and get to a simple "Hello, World" in a few minutes. The guides...

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Because Red Hatters are PHPers, too

Mike Guerette

Because Red Hatters are PHPers, too PHP is everywhere, including at Red Hat. Red Hat offers a number of options to deploy PHP and get it up and running quickly. As a PHP developer, you'll find plenty of options to keep you happy with our support of PHP applications on both physical servers and in the cloud. Read on to learn how we support PHP in Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®, and how you can get your applications up and running...

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Our Top 12 Blog Articles of 2013

Mike Guerette

One thing I love about this blog site is the variety of developer-related topics - all created by the experts themselves! So, in case you missed any, here are the top 12 blog posting for 2013: 1. Setting up Django and Python 2.7 on Red Hat Enterprise 6 the easy way - This was the most popular article, by our developer evangelist, Langdon White. Great job, dude! 2. Released! Red Hat Software Collections now GA! - And here's the beta...