
Camel / Red Hat Fuse

How to containerize your Camel route on Karaf within OpenShift

Abdellatif Bouchama

The Red Hat JBoss Fuse solution offers a new approach of ESB, both lightweight and modular. It is perfectly suited to allow you to implement light integrations. JBoss Fuse is fully supported, based on the power of Apache Karaf --- Karaf allows for the easy deployment of your ActiveMQ Broker, your CXF web services, or your own Apache Camel routes. Most of us are more familiar with the OSGI Environment, and what it offers: things like control of classloader behavior...

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Spring Cloud for Microservices Compared to Kubernetes

Bilgin Ibryam

Spring Cloud and Kubernetes both claim to be the best environment for developing and running Microservices, but they are both very different in nature and address different concerns. In this article we will look at how each platform is helping in delivering Microservice based architectures (MSA), in which areas they are good at, and how to take best of both worlds in order to succeed in the Microservices journey. Background Story Recently I read a great article about building Microservice...

Fedora logo

Installing Red Hat Container Development Kit on Fedora

Preeti Chandrashekar

Fedora users seeking help on installing Container Development Kit (CDK), here is how you can install CDK 2.2 on your Fedora 24. These same steps can be used for CDK 2.3 too. CDK provides a container development environment, to build production-grade applications, for use on OpenShift. The installation of CDK 2.2 on Fedora essentially involves the following stages: Setting up your virtualization environment You need to first install the virtualization software, in this case, KVM/libvirt, and then proceed to install...

Automating microservices deployment with Red Hat Ansible Automation

Automating microservices deployment with Ansible

Rafael Benevides

One of the main principles of microservices is to be independently deployable. As a consequence, Microservices development and operation tend to be much more complex than a Monolith because of their distributed nature --- if your IT team has not moved out yet from its silos and has adopted DevOps practices, the operations team will not really understand why they have to deploy hundreds of independent software pieces in opposite to the "good old monolith". "You need a mature operations...

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Microservices: Comparing DIY with Apache Camel

James Falkner

Microservices are currently enjoying immense popularity. It is rare to find a tech conference without at least a few mentions of them in corridor conversations or titles of talks, and for good reason: microservices can provide a path to better, more maintainable, higher quality software delivered faster. What's not to love? Of course there are the "negatives" and details in the implementation of microservices that can trip up even the most seasoned architect-developer, but at the same time we are...

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Container Orchestration Specification for better DevOps

Pradeepto Bhattacharya

The world is moving to microservices, where applications are composed of a complex topology of components, orchestrated into a coordinated topology. Microservices have become increasingly popular as they increase business agility and reduce the time for changes to be made. On top of this, containers make it easier for organizations to adopt microservices. Increasingly, containers are the runtimes used for composition, and many excellent solutions have been developed to handle container orchestration such as: Kubernetes/OpenShift; Mesos and its many frameworks...

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Getting started with Hyperledger on Kubernetes

Kunal Limaye

Why? Recently, I have been following the Hyperledger project, and Fabric in particular, with fair bit of interest. The current deployment process 1 for Fabric Starter Kit uses Docker Swarm. Kubernetes is a leading platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of containerised applications. Using Kubernetes instead of Docker Swarm would allow Hyperledger Fabric to leverage features like: Automatic binpacking Horizontal scaling Automated rollouts and rollbacks Storage orchestration Self-healing Service discovery and load balancing Secret and configuration management Batch execution...

That app you love

That app you love, part 10: Long live "that app you love"

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the tenth and final installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a Connection. You’ll need the docker service and the oc utility to follow along in this post; for instructions check out Part 5: Upping Our (Cloud) Game. Wow, we’ve come a...

That app you love

That app you love, part 9: Storage and statefulness

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the ninth installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a Connection. You’ll need the docker service and the oc utility to follow along in this post; for instructions check out Part 5: Upping Our (Cloud) Game. In Part 8 we learned how...

That app you love

That app you love, part 8: A blueprint for "that app you love"

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the eighth installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a Connection. You’ll need the docker service and the oc utility to follow along in this post; for instructions check out Part 5: Upping Our (Cloud) Game. In Part 7 we learned how...

That app you love

That app you love, part 7: Wired for sound

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the seventh installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a Connection. You’ll need the docker service and the oc utility to follow along in this post; for instructions check out Part 5: Upping Our (Cloud) Game. In Part 6 of our adventure...

Red Hat Mobile Application Platform

Announcing fully containerized Red Hat Mobile Application Platform 4.2

Javier Perez

Last June, we announced the availability of version 4.0 of our product. This was the culmination of months of hard work and demonstrated our constantly expanding set of capabilities. I went on to recap the key technology choices made over five years ago, choices that proved to be visionary for our mobile platform’s architecture and functionality: Node.js and containers. We are very proud of our accomplishments with Red Hat Mobile Application Platform 4.0 and the new technologies we introduced to...

That app you love

That app you love, part 6: Container, meet cloud

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the sixth installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a Connection. You’ll need the docker service and the oc utility to follow along in this post; for instructions check out Part 5: Upping Our (Cloud) Game. We’ve been on a pretty amazing...

That app you love

That app you love, part 5: Upping our (cloud) game

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the fifth installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a Connection. The previous posts of this series have focused on how to package ZNC in a way that exposes run-time configurability into the immutable world of containers. But forget about ZNC -...

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Business process management in a "microservices world"

David Bush

Generally when the topic of Business Process Management (BPM) comes up we think of BPM software suites. There’s another side to BPM though, and that’s the practice of process management, which doesn’t require any software at all. Traditionally the BPM practice has focused on continuous process improvement. There are various methodologies but it generally comes down to this: Collect metrics on the existing process Analyze those metrics Propose an optimization Simulate the optimization with the collected metrics Institute the validated...

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Shane Boulden

In the microservices landscape, the API provides an essential form of communication between components. To allow secure communication between microservices components, as well as third-party applications, it's important to be able to consume API keys and other sensitive data in a manner that doesn't place the data at risk. Secret objects are specifically designed to hold sensitive information, and OpenShift makes exposing this information to the applications that need it easy. In this post, I'll demonstrate securely consuming API keys...

That app you love

That app you love, part 4: Designing a config-and-run container

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the fourth installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a Connection. In Part 3, we looked at how to customize the configuration of ZNC using an expect script and environment variables. But forget ZNC, because we’re really talking about That App You...


Micro-rules on OpenShift: The CoolStore just became even cooler!

Duncan Doyle

One of our most popular Red Hat JBoss BRMS demo's, and one that has been available for quite some time, is the CoolStore demo. The CoolStore demo shows how business rules can be used to calculate values like promotional and shipping discounts in a shopping-cart. It furthermore illustrates concepts like ruleflow-groups and dynamic rule updates using KieScanner. Rules and micro-services: the JBoss BRMS Decision Server One of the more interesting features we've recently released in the Red Hat JBoss BRMS...

That app you love

That app you love, part 3: Every setting in its place

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the third installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a Connection. In Part 2 of this series, we looked at ZNC’s configuration options to decide which settings we wanted to expose to the user, and which settings we could hard-code straight into...

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Messaging as a Service on OpenShift

Ulf Lilleengen

Inspired by a great blog post by Jakub Scholz on "Scalable AMQP infrastructure using Kubernetes and Apache Qpid", I wanted to write a post about the ongoing effort to build Messaging-as-a-Service at Red Hat. Messaging components such as the Apache Qpid Dispatch Router, ActiveMQ Artemis and Qpidd scales well individually, but scaling a large deployment can become unwieldy. As Scholtz demonstrates, there are a lot of manual setup when creating such a cluster using kubernetes directly. The EnMasse project was...

That app you love

That app you love, part 2: Immutable but flexible - What settings matter?

N. Harrison Ripps

Welcome to the second installment of That App You Love, a blog series in which I show you how to you can make almost any app into a first-class cloud citizen. If you want to start from the beginning, jump back and check out Part 1: Making a connection. In our last post, we met my ZNC container, good ol’ znc-cluster-app - but don’t fret about ZNC because we’re really talking about That App You Love - whatever it happens...

That app you love

That app you love, part 1: Making a connection

N. Harrison Ripps

I am going to show you how I took an everyday, off-the-shelf application and turned it into a cluster-ready juggernaut of persistent usefulness. Along the way, I’ll share the pitfalls that I hit in getting this all working so that you can chuckle at my misfortune and avoid having to make the same mistakes yourself. This series will run every Tuesday and Thursday until we've accomplished our goals, so stay tuned in, subscribe, and thanks for reading! Meet “That App...

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A microservices example: writing a simple to-do application

Saurabh Badhwar

Microservices are becoming a new trend, thanks to the modularity and granularity they provide on top of advantages like releasing applications in a continuous manner. There are various platforms and projects that are rising which aims to make writing and managing microservices easy. Keeping that in mind, I thought, why not make a demo application that can give an example of how microservices are built and how they interact. In this article, I will be building a small application using...

Microservices CI/CD Pipelines in Red Hat Openshift

Microservices CI/CD Pipelines in Openshift

Rafael Benevides

One of the greatest advantages of using docker containers is the fact that you can move them between environments. A promotion from Development to a Production environment, shouldn’t take more than some few seconds. This is one aspect of “Continuous Delivery” Because Microservices Architectures are “independently replaceable and upgradeable”, they are the best scenario to show a “Deployment Pipeline”. Red Hat Developers has produced a sample and free application called “Red Hat Helloworlds MSA” that demonstrates different aspects of microservices...

Jenkins Pipeline Builds and A/B Deployments in CDK

Using Jenkins in the Red Hat CI/CD Ecosystem

James Falkner

The last 4-5 years have seen the debut of many new software products specifically targeting both infrastructure services and IT automation. The consumerization of IT has caused its architects to take a fresh look at their existing, often times monolithic apps and IT infrastructure and asking: Can we do better? How do I keep IT relevant? How do I keep track of all these VMs and data? How do I scale out my IT environment without a huge budget increase...