OpenShift Origin Community Hangout: A Conversation with the OpenShift UX Design team
Demos of new Admin Console and a conversation about UX & UI design on the OpenShift project with the
Demos of new Admin Console and a conversation about UX & UI design on the OpenShift project with the
OpenShift Origin Community Hangout: Theming the Console with Steve Goodwin and a discussion about building custom "App Stores" with Ryan J & Corey Daley
Software Collection Libraries and OpenShift Origin
The OO-Index project needs you! This a sneak preview of a community project to build & host a place to find and browse OpenShift Community-sourced QuickStarts and Cartridges in GitHub. This package is a general-purpose stand-alone index of quickstarts and cartridges for the OpenShift hosting platform and can easily be deployed on an Origin-based Platform as a Service. The project is written in Python using Flask and could use some more community love so if you have some band-width, take a look at the code & make a few commits! CSS/HTML stylists wanted!
Fabric8 is an integration and management platform adding to the Java developer's perspective of Kubernetes and OpenShift. It consists of multiple parts. Fabric8 tooling helps tremendously in deploying Java applications on Kubernetes and OpenShift by creating all the complex deployment descriptors directly from a Java build. In addition, fabric8 contains a rich set of DevOps Microservices which provides a flexible and automatedsetup for a Continous Integration and Delivery pipeline on a per project basis. It also includes an integration-Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) centered around Camel and ActiveMQ with rich visualisations and one click installations. But the queen of fabric8 is its web console which allows for a rich user experience for managing Kubernetes services, pods and more. With this in place even complex setups can be easily managed. This talk provides an overview over all these components and shows how the pieces fit together.
In this mini-session, Steve Pousty will showcase how to automatically scale Java EE applications on a PaaS environment using JBoss EAP and OpenShift. This will be a live demo where he will deploy an application to the cloud and then turn up the heat by running a load test with thousands of users.
Developer Interview (#DI16) with Veer (@VeerMuchandi) Docker, OpenShift Enterprise v3, Kubernetes
Matthias Wessendorf (@mwessendorf) about Openshift, Aerogear and how to bring Java EE to Mobiles
JavaOne 2015 - Ryan Jarvinen - Introduction to OpenShift v3
JavaOne 2015 - Max Rydahl Andersen - Docker & OpenShift Tooling for Eclipse
Infinispan is an extremely scalable, highly available, key-value datastore and data grid. The platform is highly flexible and can be deployed in environments ranging from on-premise physical hardware to elastic cloud environments. In this session, we'll demo how to deploy a cross-region Infinispan (JBoss Data Grid) cluster in the Amazon cloud (AWS). We'll cover the challenges faced when deploying a data grid in a single cloud region, as well as how to set up Infinispan x-site replication spanning multiple regions in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Topics discussed will include: The discovery of Infinispan nodes in a cloud environment. x-site replication across AWS EC2 regions. The new x-site state transfer feature in Infinispan 7. The remote listeners over the HotRod protocol. We'll also review the challenges imposed by the CAP theorem in a single grid in a single region and discuss data consistency challenges and possible solutions in a x-site, cross-region setup.
When developing software, you typically have 2 options. Either you use black-box testing and run code against mock objects, hoping that numerous unit tests catch any problems. Or, you don't run your code at all until you can hit a test or QA back-end service and hope everything works. Either way, there's a lot of hoping and not a lot of productive functional testing. It’s becoming more reasonable to have an instance of your application in a shared environment with other services hosted inside a modern cloud platform. Historically, developers didn’t write code against these cloud instances because of the time increase in the already slow Java tooling. But OpenShift and JRebel are changing that. In this session, we'll show you how to write Java EE applications on the OpenShift platform and we’ll use JRebel to instantly push our code changes into OpenShift.
Come see how a practical, out-of-box-reusable deployment of a continuous delivery tool delivers complex integration deployments using tools like Docker, Jenkins, OpenShift Enterprise by Red Hat, and Red Hat JBoss Fuse. As we’ve worked with clients to complete complex integrations with JBoss Fuse, we’ve learned best practices doing continuous delivery. We’ve taken what we’ve learned and created a working, modular example hosted on github. In this session, we'll use this example to discuss continuous delivery, DevOps, and how Red Hat’s technology brings a practical approach to making the theory a reality.
With Ansible Tower and OpenShift Enterprise, you can leverage new cloud technologies while still reusing your existing IT infrastructure to include enterprise database resources, mainframe systems, and your existing application farm. In this talk, we'll show Ansible can seamlessly connect to your existing server infrastructure and provide the ability to roll-out standard configurations. We'll also show how to create a new web application into OpenShift that leverages the new existing infrastructure as well as how to deploy an OpenShift application via Ansible Tower.
Kubernetes has answers to many questions related to clustering and the required low-level networking. When using Kubernetes for real live deployments we need more than those lower-level solutions however. We need things like automated deployments, load balancing for web applications, blue/green deployments and monitoring. This is all possible with Kubernetes when we start to look at Kubernetes as an API. In this talk you will learn to embrace the Kuberentes API and some of the patterns, tools and mechanisms we developed and use around Kubernetes to prepare for production grade deployments.
You've probably heard a lot about Linux containers and the exciting potential they hold. In this presentation, Matt Hicks will cover how Docker and Kubernetes have evolved to fundamentally change how you will approach development and operations. If you are looking for an understanding of the technology and how it relates to the common roles in IT today, this is the talk to watch.
OpenShift is Red Hat's polyglot Platform as a service which allow you to run a large range of services in the cloud. In this talk I will give an introduction to OpenShift, what it offers and how it works. The talk will be in two parts. The first is about OpenShift in general and how to use it from the command line and the web console. The Second part is about how JBoss Developer Studio works with OpenShift and how it both coexist and extend the experience you get with "plain" OpenShift. This part will focus especially on how well the JavaEE and mobile parts of Developer Studio works with OpenShift. The talk is intended to be practical and guided by attendees question. Max Rydahl Andersen was born and raised in Denmark, worked on health care software systems for some time. In that work I bumped into this small project called Hibernate and had to fix a couple of things in it to make it useful. Since then I've been working at Red Hat on Hibernate Core, Hibernate Tools, Seam and now lately JBoss Tools and Developer Studio.
For this meetup we have two short talks, both with a "Transactions in the Cloud" theme. The talks cover some novel research undertaken by this summer's intern students. Transactions and NoSQL Review It is a common to forgo the use of transactions in an application due to untested performance or scalability concerns. While it is true that transactions do come at a cost, they also bring a lot of strong guarantees essential to a correctly running application. There are many differing transaction options available, each with varying costs and guarantees. Rather than dismiss transactions altogether, it would be more prudent to consider how your application would perform under a number of different transaction models and select the option that hits the right balance of performance and guarantees. This presentation provides a useful reference for developers and architects who need the guarantees that transactions can bring, but don't know which model is right for them. In particular the presentation will: 1) Review each of the transaction options available in NoSQL today. 2) Compare ACID and Extended (relaxed ACID) transaction models and understand how these models relate to NoSQL and scalability. 3) Present performance results for a selection of transaction options under different classes of workload. Covering a single node, as well as cluster of sharded nodes. Scaling a transaction manager in the Cloud Transaction coordination systems such as Narayana rely upon storage facilities to recreate transaction state during recovery from a system crash. These logs are usually stored on RAID hard drives to maximize reliability. However, any disk I/O is relatively slow and writing the logs can become a bottleneck in high performance transaction systems. Using the fastest available disk subsystems is thus an expensive necessity for many enterprise applications. The use of a cluster of inexpensive, unreliable hardware nodes in conjunction with data replication for redundancy is an increasingly popular and cost effective architecture for many highly scalable, high reliability applications. Data grids such as Infinispan provides distributed in-memory replication of Java objects, making programming for this kind of cluster relatively simple. This presentation will cover a new transaction logging plugin for Narayana that uses a data grid to replicate the logs to main memory on other nodes in a cluster, in preference to writing them to disk. In addition, the presentation will also cover performance benchmarks and reliability trade-offs.
Join us for this interactive event and get your hands dirty with some WildFly 9 hacking! Our host Kabir Khan will explain how you can contribute to the WildFly project at many different levels, from properly reporting bugs in the forums and issue tracker, to actually being able to submit a pull request. During this interactive event you will have a chance to play with WildFly 9 and try some of the following: • Find a JIRA you want to work on. • See how to check-out the code and setup your IDE. • Build WildFly • Code walkthrough - code organisation, jboss-modules etc. • Debug something from a stack trace in a JIRA issue to nail down the • problem. • Try the testsuite • And more!
For this session we have John Frizelle presenting Red Hat's Mobile platform. == Abstract == A walk-through of the features of the Red Hat Mobile Application Platform (RHMAP) and how to use the OpenShift Online PaaS as a Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) for RHMAP. During the walkthrough, we will look at creating mobile applications, deploying Node.js microservices as well as local development, testing and deployment. The majority of the session will be a live demo of the platform & will include live coding. Open registration for the stack we will be using is available at