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It’s been one week since we announced the beta for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host and we’re looking for your feedback. If you’ve downloaded and installed the beta, this is your chance to tell us what you think, and what you’d like to see in the product moving forward.Red_Hat_RGB_300pxTechValidate is conducting a short, 5-minute survey on behalf of Red Hat. Why should you participate?  And there's a $500 prize drawing


Provide direct, valuable feedback to Red Hat
Your contributions help Red Hat improve its products and services, identify customer support issues, and provide valuable insights into real-world usage.

Your anonymity is guaranteed
We take your privacy seriously. All responses will remain 100% anonymous, unless you explicitly opt-in to let your name be used in published research.

$500 prize drawing
When you complete your responses, you’ll be entered to win a drawing at the end of the month for your choice of a $500 Visa gift card or a $500 donation on your behalf to your favorite charity. For official rules, click here.

So take the survey, and tell us what you think of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host Beta. Or, if surveys (and the chance to win $500) aren’t your “thing”, feel free to leave your thoughts as comments below. We look forward to your feedback.

By Kimberly Craven.  Read the original posting at Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host Beta: Tell Us What You Think | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Blog.

Last updated: March 15, 2023