Red Hat Developer Program

Meet The Assertable Chaos Monkeys For Your Docker System (Aslak Knutsen & Bartosz Majsak)

The production system has been targeted by troublesome random failures over a long period of time, and countless hours of debugging has yielded no valuable results. We're close to throwing in the towel. An army of Chaos Monkeys has been deployed in an attempt to force the issue, but no solution is in sight. We need to take back control. It's time to meet the Assertable Chaos Monkey, Arquillian Cube Q. Arquilian Cube Q is an extension that gives you full control over a production-like system right from the comfort of your IDE. In this session, we'll explore some of the things you can do when you have control over the whole system. We'll validate scalability and connectivity, assert the failure state, enforce service responses, and more.