Red Hat Developer Program

Keycloak: A New Open Source Authentication Server Video

Keycloak is a new open source authentication server for cloud, mobile and html5. With loads of features, including single-sign on, social login, account management console, account workflows, fully featured admin console, OAuth2 and OpenShift cartridge to name a few. The first alpha has recently been released, with loads more features planned for the future. Keycloak also provides support for role based authorization and supports granting access to third party applications. This talk gives a comprehensive introduction to Keycloak and its features, as well as discuss how easily you can add authentication to your applications. There will also be an extensive live demo. Stian Thorgersen is a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat. He co-leads the Keycloak project together with Bill Burke, and is also the security lead on another new open source project. Stian also has many years of experience in cloud solutions.