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Reactive systems with Eclipse Vert.x and Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat Developer Program

Hear from Clement Escoffier, Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat in this breakout session at Red Hat Summit 2017. Eclipse Vert.x is a toolkit to create reactive distributed and polyglot applications on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It takes the JVM to new levels of performance, yet has a small API. It lets you build scalable, microservice-based applications transparently distributed and packaged as a single jar file. This simplicity makes deploying and managing Vert.x applications on OpenShift a breeze. Upload your jar and Vert.x connects all your pods and services. That's not all, the application you're developing with Vert.x is "reactive": It's responsive, elastic, resilient, uses asynchronous message-passing saving resources, and handles a huge level of concurrency. How does that work on OpenShift? In this session, you'll see how the combination of Vert.x and OpenShift paves a new way to build and manage reactive systems. You'll see several examples and a demonstration of how Vert.x simplifies not only development, but thanks to OpenShift, the deployment and management of your distributed system. Everything you need will be covered in this session: service discovery, resilience pattern, rolling updates, monitoring, and metrics. This is a "slide-less" session consisting of pure, live coding. https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/2017/agenda/session

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Run .NET and SQL Server natively on Linux with OpenShift

Red Hat Developer Program

Hear from John Osborne, Sr. Solutions Architect, Red Hat, Harold Wong, Cloud Architect, Microsoft, and Jason Dudash, Specialist Solution Architect, Red Hat in this breakout session at Red Hat Summit 2017 For the past several years, Microsoft's approach has been to make Linux and open source technologies first class citizens in the public cloud. Microsoft engineers participate in key open source communities. In this joint session with Red Hat and Microsoft, we'll demonstrate technologies like .NET and SQL Server running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux-based containers in OpenShift on premise and in Azure. We'll also discuss the development and operational perspectives and things like security patching and scans. https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/2017/agenda/sessions

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Bringing Red Hat benefits to Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

Red Hat Developer Program

Hear from Edson Yanaga, Director of Developer Experience at Red Hat in this breakout session at the Red Hat Summit 2017. If you’ve decided ride the wave of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, you could gain further improvements using the Spring programming model with Red Hat technologies. In this session, view demos and code on how to take advantage of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud programming models. We'll show how to enhance Spring with Red Hat OpenShift, Infinispan, Apache ActiveMQ Artemis, and more. Learn how to use your new favorite framework with the platform tools that you trust. Learn more: https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/2017/agenda/sessions

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Developing cloud-ready Camel microservice

Red Hat Developer Program

Hear from Claus Isben, Sr. Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat in this breakout session from Red Hat Summit 2017. For Java developers, it may be daunting to get started developing container applications that run on OpenShift clusters. Minishift can help you run OpenShift locally by launching a local, single-node OpenShift cluster within a virtual machine. With fabric8 tools, it’s even easier to install and run OpenShift using familiar tools like Apache Maven. In this session, we’ll build a set of Apache Camel- and Jav-based microservices that use Spring Boot and WildFly Swarm. We’ll show how fabric8 Maven tools can be used to build, deploy, and run your Java projects on local or remote OpenShift clusters, as well as to easily perform live debugging. Additionally, we’ll discuss best practices for building distributed and fault-tolerant microservices using technologies such as Kubernetes Services, Netflix Hystrix, and Apache Camel Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs) for fault tolerance. Learn more: https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/2017/agenda/sessions

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Microservices and OpenShift with .NET Core and .NET Standard 2.0

Red Hat Developer Program

Hear from Don Schenk, Director of Developer Experience, Red Hat and Scott Hunter, Microsoft in this breakout session at Red Hat Summit 2017. In this session, we’ll show the evolution from a .NET application running on a server to a microservices architecture with zero-downtime deployments—including advanced techniques for optimizing performance. Join this session if you’re ready to apply your .NET skills to microservices and Linux containers. https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/2017/agenda/session

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Mastering deployments with Kubernetes & OpenShift Video

Red Hat Developer Program

Hear from Rafael Benevides, Director of Developer Experience at Red Hat in this breakout session at Red Hat Summit 2017. The "deploy moment" is an occasion that still causes many developers to shiver. But it shouldn't be this way, at least not every time. Deployment failures, customer downtime, hundreds of calls to customer service—we've all been there. Luckily, today we have the tools and processes to turn the deploy moment into just another ordinary activity. In this session, we'll show you how to evolve your deployment process from the very basic zero downtime with some very interesting additional strategies such as blue/green, A/B, and canary deployments. You'll learn how to not only deploy your software faster, with a vastly better uptime, but how to use container technologies like OpenShift to get business feedback—and recover some well-deserved sleep time. https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/2017/agenda/sessions

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Achieving deployment excellence with OpenShift.io

Red Hat Developer Program

James Strachan, sr. consulting software engineer, Red Hat, and James Rawlings, principal software engineer, Red Hat, discuss and demo continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) in OpenShift.io in this breakout session at Red Hat Summit 2017. James Strachan explains CI/CD and its importance to developing, testing, and releasing code. He then demos how it works in OpenShift.io using Jenkins pipelines. Watch the live demo to see it in action.

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The power of cloud workspaces in OpenShift.io

Red Hat Developer Program

Pete Muir, technical director, Red Hat Developer Tools, and Gorkem Ercan, principal software engineer, Red Hat, present this breakout session on cloud workspaces in OpenShift.io at Red Hat Summit 2017. Pete discusses how cloud workspaces work in OpenShift.io and their capabilities. He explains the workspaces, describes how Eclipse Che fits in, and details why Red Hat chose this technology. He also outlines the benefits of running in a container. Gorkem presents a demo of the cloud workspaces, including coding, testing, debugging, and integrating analytics. The session closes with an audience Q&A.

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Increasing developer confidence and reducing development risk with OpenShift.io analytics

Red Hat Developer Program

Todd Mancini, lead product manager, Developer Tools, Red Hat, and SriKrishna Paparaju, sr. principal software engineer, Red Hat, talk about OpenShift.io analytics in this breakout session at Red Hat Summit 2017. Todd details the analytics capabilities of OpenShift.io—features available today and what’s coming in the future. With OpenShift.io, developers can take large data sets and infer issues, problems, and concerns to help them make better decisions. SriKrishna provides additional insight into the past, present, and future of Fabric8 and OpenShift.io analytics, including use cases.

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An introduction to OpenShift.io, an end-to-end OpenShift development platform in the cloud

Red Hat Developer Program

Hear from Todd Mancini, lead product manager, Developer Tools, Red Hat, Pete Muir, technical director, Red Hat Developer Tools, and James Stachan, sr. consulting engineer, Red Hat, in this breakout session from Red Hat Summit 2017. The group shares the development journey of OpenShift.io, and the various developer needs considered when creating the product. They give a product demo of OpenShift.io, showing the benefits of developing, testing, and running on the same platform. The breakout session closes with an audience Q&A.

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Accelerate DevOps with Red Hat Consulting and OpenShift Enterprise by Red Hat

Red Hat Developer Program

By aligning development and operations teams with solutions from Red Hat Consulting and OpenShift Enterprise by Red Hat, you can: -Reduce product cycle time. -Write applications faster. -Drive automation that strengthens the link between IT and the needs of your organization. This video includes a demonstration of OpenShift Enterprise.

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Intro to OpenShift Express (Fedora)

Red Hat Developer Program

Intro to OpenShift Express (Fedora) - This video demonstrates how to install the OpenShift Express client utilities on the Fedora operating system. Furthermore, it provides a walk through of signing up for an RHN account using the OpenShift website and details steps to allow a user to create their first express domain. Please go to openshift.redhat.com for more details.

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Red Hat OpenShift express demo

Red Hat Developer Program

Mike McGrath, a cloud architect at Red Hat, speaks about the OpenShift project, including express--a way to easily on-board PHP, Ruby, and Python applications via standard, open interfaces. McGrath demonstrates the process of uploading and updating the applications in the cloud using express, as well as ways to snapshot, clean up, and remove applications that are being migrated or eliminated. Learn more about Red Hat OpenShift: http://openshift.redhat.com/app/ Learn more about Red Hat cloud technology: http://www.redhat.com/cloud/build/

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2012 Red Hat Summit: How Red Hat OpenShift Achieves Multi-Tenancy in the Cloud

Red Hat Developer Program

Come learn about what goes on behind the scenes with Red Hat OpenShift and the implications of having all of a project's operations running entirely in the public cloud. Brett Lentz, senior software engineer at Red Hat, will cover the tools, design patterns, and security considerations that are critical to make operating in the public cloud a success. He will also spend a significant part of the session discussing configuration management and automation techniques as they are key factors for success in the OpenShift environment. Living in the public cloud has significant security implications that will be discussed in depth. Tools and concepts such as SELinux, update lifecycle management, and "SSL/TLS Everywhere" are not just good ideas, but crucial to succeeding in the public cloud. Brett will cover tools and techniques for easing the integration of these and other security tools. Brett will also discuss how identifying powerful, reusable design patterns has allowed the OpenShift team to find efficiencies, enabling it to move at a rapid pace and not just put out fires, but to continually roll out new features and incremental functionality improvements.

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Red Hat OpenShift flex demo

Red Hat Developer Program

Isaac Roth from Red Hat discusses the way developers can use OpenShift flex to self-service deploy applications in minutes, choose and manage operating environments, and share and monitor information and functionality. Watch as Roth demonstrates OpenShift actions, deployments, and measures through the management interface. Learn more about Red Hat OpenShift: http://openshift.redhat.com/app/ Learn more about Red Hat cloud technology: http://www.redhat.com/cloud/build/

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Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise Use Case Animation

Red Hat Developer Program

Public Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solutions lack the privacy and compliance features needed by enterprises. Learn how OpenShift Enterprise by Red Hat, Red Hat CloudForms, and Red Hat Enterprise Virtulization provide an enterprise PaaS solution and a strategic choice for an open, hybrid cloud. Learn more about OpenShift Enterprise: https://www.openshift.com/products/enterprise

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Effectively scale by maximizing efficiency through the cloud

Red Hat Developer Program

Red Hat Consulting helps customers build highly scalable, flexible platforms that enable growth. Watch this video to see how customers grow without time- and resource-intensive IT buildouts or learn more at http://www.redhat.com/consulting.

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The OpenShift Ecosystem: Red Hat Customer Success Stories

Red Hat Developer Program

Hear directly from Red Hat(R) OpenShift customers and users--CEOs from BitRock, eXo, and Contendo, the EVP of products and technologies at 10gen, the director of Mayflower GmBH, and an information manager at FARO, as well as the CTO and co-founder of Appcelerator. They've all chosen Red Hat OpenShift to simply, easily, and affordably develop, deploy, and manage their enterprise PaaS architecture. The flexibility and open APIs of the Red Hat stack make moving into the cloud simple and sustainable--no matter your line of business or level of expertise. Learn more about Red Hat OpenShift: http://openshift.redhat.com/app/ Learn more about Red Hat cloud technology: http://www.redhat.com/cloud/build/

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Using Java EE 6 with OpenShift Express running JBoss AS 7 (all 8 segments in one video)

Red Hat Developer Program

Java EE 6 - This video demonstrates how to develop a Java EE 6 application for OpenShift Express running the JBoss AS 7 cartridge. It uses the kitchensink quickstart, distributed alongside JBoss AS 7, as an example application. It finishes by showing you how to create your own Java EE 6 application for OpenShift Express. Please go to bit.ly/​as7tutorials for details on the quickstart and openshift.redhat.com for more details on OpenShift Express.

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Using JBoss EAP 7 with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Red Hat Developer Program

A quick intro on how to develop and deploy JBoss EAP 7 apps to OpenShift, Red Hat's hybrid cloud PaaS. Topics covered: - Building EAP 7 apps using OpenShift S2I images - Deploying and auto-scaling apps - Accessing OpenShift through JBoss Developer Studio - Brief description of advanced operations with EAP 7 and OpenShift

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Deploy Docker images on OpenShift 3 with Red Hat Developer Studio

Red Hat Developer Program

Learn how to deploy Docker images on OpenShift 3, running in Red Hat's Container Development Kit, with Red Hat Developer Studio 10 The Microservices Architecture tutorial is available at https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/redhat-helloworld-msa/helloworld-msa/blob/master/readme.html Learn more about Red Hat Developer Studio, Docker and OpenShift 3 support in Eclipse from http://tools.jboss.org/

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Docker+Kubernetes+OpenShift Demo

Red Hat Developer Program

Assuming you are comfortable with Docker, this demo quickly walks through some of the super powers gained by running a Docker container on Kubernetes with OpenShift. Slides at http://bit.ly/kube4docker Downloads at http://developers.redhat.com/products/cdk/overview/

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JUDCon 2012 - OpenShift State of the Union

Red Hat Developer Program

A JUDCon 2012 session presented by Eric D. Schabell It has been a marriage made in heaven. JBoss has brought the enterprise application platform and JEE to the OpenShift PaaS for all of your development tasks. It is much more than a simple application server though, JBoss provides a multitude of projects that cover everything from mobile, business process management, web development, support tooling to inter connectivity with other development languages like Ruby. This session will take you through an overview of what OpenShift has to offer right now, how to get started, and then provide some highlights of the various projects that you can now access within the JBoss community. Bring you laptop and follow along as we help you get started in mobile development with Aerogears, Ruby Java connectivity with TorqueBox, process development with tooling from jBPM and much more. These will all be real world projects put on display for you with code you can access live during this session!