
Camel / Red Hat Fuse

How to run FIS 2.0 application using source S2I deployment procedure

Chandra Shekhar Pandey

This article describes how to create and deploy an FIS 2.0 project using the s2i source workflow. It creates a project from scratch and using github repository one can deploy their FIS 2.0 camel and spring-boot based project to an Openshift environment. Below are the steps in the sequence, which should be followed to deploy the application easily. Firstly, one should setup an Openshift environment with FIS image and templates as per doc https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_fuse/6.3/html-single/fuse_integration_services_2.0_for_openshift/. Create a directory spring-boot somewhere in...

Kubernetes logo

Getting started with Kompose

Suraj Narwade

We have written about Kompose earlier here , when it was as young as 0.1.0. This blog post will showcase where Kompose stands now. Kompose is a tool that converts a Docker Compose file to Kubernetes or OpenShift artifacts. Kompose was originally started as an onboarding tool for Kubernetes users by Skippbox (now part of Bitnami). It went on to receive early contributions from both Google and Red Hat. Kompose has graduated from the Kubernetes Incubator, we reached the epic...

Red Hat OpenShift

OpenShift 3.6 - Release Candidate (A Hands-On)

Alessandro Arrichiello

Hi, Everybody! Today I want to introduce you to some features of OpenShift 3.6 while giving you the chance to have a hands-on experience with the Release Candidate. First of all: It's a Release Candidate and the features I'll show you are marked as Tech Preview, so use them for testing purpose ONLY! We cannot use Minishift just because there is no Minishift updated yet. Anyway, I'll show how could use its base iso-image. I don't want to use 'oc...

Architecture for Agile Integration

Reference Architecture for Agile Integration

Christina Lin

Integration is still around but in a different form. So, what does modern integration look like? Looking at how agile scrum has taken over traditional waterfall development framework, by enabling shorter delivery cycles, faster feedback, and having the flexibility to rapidly adapt to changes. I believe it’s time for traditional integration to be agile again. By breaking up traditional ESB into distributed microservices. A little recap of what should be in Agile integration: Distributed Integration Lightweight, support distributed deployment Pattern...

EDI Transformations

EDI Transformations with Fuse Integration Services (FIS)

Simon Green

EDI, or Electronic Data Interchange, has always been a challenging domain to support for organizations. As EDI standards cover a large range of industries, from supply chain to medical to financial services (FSI), the standards rapidly evolve and change over time, thus requiring constant maintenance. The sheer cost of maintaining standards is high, not only for organizations but also for EDI software vendors who struggle to keep up. The expensive fees paid to standards organizations and rapidly evolving releases are...

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Using OpenTracing with Jaeger to collect Application Metrics in Kubernetes

Diane Mueller-Klingspor

This article will show how OpenTracing instrumentation can be used to collect Application Metrics, in addition to (but independent from) reported tracing data, from services deployed within Kubernetes. These Application Metrics can then be displayed in your monitoring dashboard and used to trigger alerts. THE EXAMPLE APPLICATION In a recent article, we showed how a Spring Boot application could easily be instrumented using OpenTracing. The example we are going to use in this article uses the same approach to create...

Building Containerized IoT solutions on OpenShift Lab

Building Containerized IoT solutions on OpenShift Lab

Ishu Verma

As technology continues to disrupt the industries beyond the first wave (led by Netflix, Amazon, Uber etc.), the enterprises are embracing digital transformation to meet the challenge. One of the key technologies enabling digital transformation is Containers through its inherent advantages with packaging (Atomic, built for CI/CD), collaboration and runtime (lightweight, distributable, portable). At the Red Hat Summit in Boston, Andrew Block and I conducted a hands-on lab on how to build a containerized intelligent Internet-of-Things (IoT) gateway on Red...

The Twelve factor app

12 Factors to Cloud Success

Rafael Benevides

Hey, developers! Do you care about using the best practices to apply your application to the cloud? If so then you should be using The 12-factor App , which is a methodology for building software-as-a-service. Today I like to talk about the 12-factor App, which I had presented to a group at the Red Hat Summit last month. Every developer that is moving their application to the cloud will face a different environment than what they are used to, their...

Red Hat Mobile Application Platform

Local Development Setup for Red Hat Mobile using Docker

Evan Shortiss

Getting up and running with local development for Red Hat Mobile Application requires that you run MongoDB and Redis locally. Doing so isn’t particularly difficult if you follow online guides, but it would be much more straightforward if you could just get these pieces of software up and running in a single command and not need to worry about versioning, creating data directories, setting permissions, and compiling some things such as Redis from source. It would be even better if...


Your first Business Rules application on OpenShift: from Zero to Hero in 30 minutes

Duncan Doyle

In a previous blog post, we explained how to deploy an existing JBoss BRMS/Drools rules project onto an OpenShift DecisionServer. We created a decision/business-rules microservice on OpenShift Container Platform that was implemented by a BRMS application. The polyglot nature of a microservice architecture allowed us to use the best implementation (a rules engine) for this given functionality (business rules execution) in our architecture. The project we used was an existing rules project that was available on GitHub. We did however...

Red Hat Logo

Red Hat and Apache OpenWhisk

Rich Sharples

Unless you’ve been on a complete media blackout for the last year or so (entirely understandable) you’ve likely heard a lot about Serverless (or FaaS - Function as a Service). Serverless is a major shift in the way developers build and deliver software systems - it greatly simplifies development by insulating the developer from infrastructure concerns and pushes the envelope on cost and efficiency of execution. Various groups at Red Hat have been investigating Serverless for some time now -...

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Cloudy with a chance of BMWs

Red Hat Developer Program

Are you interested in all things JBoss+Cloud, then this is your opportunity to ask. Bob McWhirter (BMW) is lead JBoss Cloud Architect and will cover projects like BoxGrinder, Steam Cannon and CirrAS. Now is your opportunity to see the next generation of IT infrastructure and Platform as a Service using JBoss technologies. Presenter: As the chief architect for middleware cloud computing at Red Hat, Bob McWhirter leads a team of engineers that is paving the way for the enterprise cloud computing paradigm shift. Named a Red Hat Fellow in 2009, McWhirter joined Red Hat in 2007 and is responsible for navigating the cloud as it relates to Red Hat’s middleware technologies within the JBoss Community and via JBoss Enterprise Middleware. He also leads the TorqueBox project, creating a Ruby application server on top of the core JBoss Application Server. Prior to joining Red Hat, McWhirter served as a founding engineer at Radar Networks, where he spent nearly two years working on the semantic-Web platform Twine.com. He is also the founder of the Codehaus open source community.

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Getting started with OpenShift using JBoss Tools

Red Hat Developer Program

In this small screencast we'll show you how to get started with OpenShift using JBoss Tools. We'll show you how to create an new OpenShift application and import it to your Eclipse workspace. We'll then show you how to change the starter-application in your workspace, and push those changes to OpenShift.

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Forge: From Zero to Cloud with OpenShift Express

Red Hat Developer Program

Follow me at: http://twitter.com/lincolnthree In order to follow this tutorial, please make sure that you have installed JBoss Forge (at least Beta3): http://jboss.org/forge You will also need to install Git for your operating system: http://git-scm.com/ Be ready to follow the steps in the tutorial by signing up for a free account at http://openshift.com, and making sure that your SSH keys are configured correctly via the OpenShift quick-start guide. -------------------------------------------------------------- ++ Set up our OpenShift Project ++ 1. new-project --named forge-openshift-demo --topLevelPackage org.jboss.forge.openshift 2. forge install-plugin openshift-express 3. rhc-express setup --app forge 4. servlet setup 5. git add pom.xml src/ 6. rhc-express deploy ++ Add JPA and the Scaffold ++ 7. persistence setup --provider HIBERNATE --container JBOSS_AS7 8. scaffold setup 9. entity --named User 10. field string --named name 11. field int --named rating 12. scaffold from-entity 13. rest setup 14. rest endpoint-from-entity 15. git add pom.xml src/ 16. rhc-express deploy

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From Zero to Cloud in Almost No Time

Red Hat Developer Program

This demo will show you how to use JBoss Forge and JBoss Developer Studio to reverse engineer a Java EE application from an existing database and deploy it on OpenShift.

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Red Hat OpenShift bpmPaaS with Generic Loan Demo

Red Hat Developer Program

Are you ready for BPM in the Cloud? The fully cloud enabled JBoss BPM Suite is now available on OpenShift as a bpmPaaS cartridge. We have not been idle in the background as this was developed and have put together some automated cartridge installation projects that kick start you with pre-loaded demo projects. Here we provide a video walkthrough covering the creation of your bpmPaaS instance on OpenShift and quick tour of how to run the Generic Loan demo project, all in just over 6 minutes.

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JBoss BRMS Cool Store using bpmPaaS in OpenShift xPaaS

Red Hat Developer Program

Here is a fully automated cartridge installation for JBoss BRMS Cool Store in the OpenShift Cloud that will allow you to kick start a pre-loaded demo project in the OpenShift bpmPaaS based on JBoss BRMS. Get up and running in just minutes.

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Modernizing application deployments with OpenShift Container Platform

Red Hat Developer Program

Ryan Hennessy, Sr. Solution Architect, Red Hat and Guna Vijayaratnam, Solutions Architect, Red Hat speak in this breakout session at Red Hat Summit 2017. The Red Hat team had the opportunity to work with a lot of customers, this one, in particular, was struggling with their application deployment process. Their current processes were fragile and didn’t meet the business needs to be more flexible, automated, and cloud-centric. The customer IT department realized if they didn’t address these problems soon there was a high risk that individual business units were going to start looking to other partners for serving their IT needs. In this session, we will cover in depth the following areas: Main hosting focus areas and business drivers that lead to the adoption of OpenShift Application delivery methodologies that were modernized using OpenShift How OpenShift was able to directly solve the challenges and focus areas set out by IT leadership. https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/2017/agenda/sessions

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From monolith to containers: How Verizon containerized legacy applications on OpenShift

Red Hat Developer Program

Zohaib Hhan, Practice Lead, Application Modernization & Migration, Red Hat and Malik Sayed, Sr. Manager, Digital Architecture, Verizon speak in this breakout session at the Red Hat Summit 2017. Enterprises generally have a significant portfolio of legacy applications running in production. Applications that have been developed 10, 15 years ago, or more. These applications stand in the critical path of revenue generation. It's not easy to just rip them out and replace them all with applications built on modern architectures, such as microservices and containers. Businesses can't afford downtime and certainly aren't willing to pay for something they can't see. We need the ability to modernize legacy applications while allowing IT to continue to deliver value—innovating from inside out. Verizon evaluated Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform to modernize their application portfolio. In this session, we'll present Verizon’s journey to containerize one of their most challenging applications. We'll show the results of a 2-month long proof-of-concept, including successes, misses, and a roadmap for application modernization. You'll learn about the journey, the pitfalls, and the lessons learned of modernizing complete application portfolios. Learn more: https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/2017/agenda/sessions

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12 factors to cloud success video

Red Hat Developer Program

Hear from Rafael Benevides, Director of Developer Experience, Red Hat in this breakout session at Red Hat Summit 2017. Challenged by the highly automated, virtualized, and scalable infrastructure that cloud enables? Now we have a whole new set of restrictions and capabilities that demand we shift the way we architect our applications. Luckily though, we already have some best practices from brave cloud pioneers. Some of these best practices make up the “12 Factor Apps” (12factor.net). In this session, we'll show you how to apply these practices in the new world of containers. Dive with us into the 12-factor methodology to see how each factor can be applied with Linux container technologies such as OpenShift. Because we're "open," we’ll demo everything in a language-agnostic and platform-agnostic way. Regardless of your choices, you’ll never think about your application architecture the same way again. https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/2017/agenda/sessions