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2012 Red Hat Summit: An Overview of Red Hat Cloud & Systems Management Portfolio

Red Hat Developer Program

This video provids an overview of Red Hat cloud and systems management portfolio, presented by Chris Wells, Joe Fernandes, and Katie Kelley. Red Hat became far more than just the premier open source Linux solution provider long ago. It now provides a suite of products and solutions that offer robust and expansive capabilities to manage operating systems, hypervisors, middleware, and applications on physical, virtual, and cloud resources. This Transform session focuses on Red Hat Network Proxy, Red Hat Network Satellite, JBoss Operations Network, and Red Hat CloudForms. The presenters also touch on Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager, Red Hat OpenShift, and other topics. This session helps you navigate these offerings and guides further discussion about how we can help you address your IT challenges. Watch more 2012 Red Hat Summit and JBoss World videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL995CD1141C3330D5&feature=plcp

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JUDCon 2012 - Modular Java EE in the Cloud

Red Hat Developer Program

A JUDCon 2012 session presented by Paul Bakker Designing a system that can evolve without creating a maintenance nightmare is far from trivial and there are no silver bullets to do this correctly. A service oriented, modular architecture will help a lot to achieve this goal. Modularity forces separation of concerns which, when combined with a service oriented architecture, enables you to replace parts of a system without breaking others. The only mature modularity approach for Java is OSGi. OSGi is a framework that enables low-level modularity and services, but it is not an application framework like Java EE, i.e. you still need APIs to create web applications, use transactions, access data sources etc. Without these APIs you will have a hard time to actually build applications. Unfortunately OSGi and Java EE did not interoperate well in the past; it was very challenging to mix both. But what if we want modularity in our architecture, but also the ease-of-use of Java EE 6? Luckily times are changing. All major application servers are getting support for deploying mixed Java EE and OSGi applications. This makes it possible to deploy OSGi bundles that contain Java EE 6 code such as EJBs, JPA and JAX-RS resources. CDI can be used to inject OSGi services and EJBs can easily be exported as OSGi services too. The next question is how to deploy this into the cloud. Just uploading a large WAR file to a server in the cloud doesn't fit modularity very well. How can you update just parts of a running application without breaking the rest of it? We will introduce Apache ACE, an Open Source Provisioning Platform to deploy OSGi bundles (containing Java EE code) and other artifacts to the cloud.

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2012 Red Hat Summit: Red Hat Cloud - Present, Future & Benefits

Red Hat Developer Program

In this Best of Session video from the 2012 Red Hat Summit and JBoss World, Bryan Che (senior director of product management in cloud operations at Red Hat), discusses what Red Hat is doing and is planning to do in the cloud. He details Red Hat strategy, our innovative portfolio, and the shape of cloud at Red Hat. See more 2012 Red Hat Summit and JBoss World videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL995CD1141C3330D5&feature=plcp

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What's on Brian's mind? - Opening the cloud

Red Hat Developer Program

Red Hat CTO Brian Stevens discusses the barriers and choices that exist for enterprise customers investing in cloud. He discusses Red Hat aims and industry standards, and why open source will greatly affect the way cloud technology matures. Video was shot at the 2009 Red Hat Summit and JBoss World in Chicago, Illinois. Find out more about Red Hat cloud technologies: http://www.redhat.com/solutions/cloud/ Find out more about the Red Hat Summit and JBoss World: http://www.redhat.com/summit/

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Craig Muzilla keynote - JBoss Everywhere: Better for the Enterprise. Ready for the Cloud.

Red Hat Developer Program

The next generation computing platform will be driven by the rapidly growing proliferation of multi-core computing mobile devices, where everything is connected and where the elastic capabilities of the cloud are pervasive and required. Our live demonstration includes multiple servers, workstations and mobile devices. We setup a network using equipment you can purchase at your local electronics store and built a mini-datacenter for the stage. We required WIFI connectivity, internet access, a live Twitter stream, audience participation and even managed to avoid system failure while "pulling the plug" on one of our servers. In short, we pulled off something miraculous, a maximum risk, live demonstration and lived to tell (actually tweet) about it!

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Lew Tucker keynote: Cloud computing with Red Hat & Cisco (2011 Red Hat Summit & JBoss World)

Red Hat Developer Program

Lew Tucker, chief technology officer for cloud at Cisco, speaks at the 2011 Red Hat Summit and JBossWorld. Tucker speaks about the partnership between Cisco and Red Hat, and the growing applications of software-as-a-service (SaaS) that come from this collaborative relationship. The movement of technology to a service-oriented approach is a major shift in the industry, particularly for start-ups and smaller enterprises, who take a pay-as-you-go approach to more efficiently use their capital. But it's not just new and small companies that need the ability to flexibly and quickly handle gigantic amounts of information--every enterprise must be able to provide customers with the tools and service they now expect. Thus, the cloud. Tucker explains that cloud technologies allow customers to flexibly retain control of their software resources through economies of scale, multi-tenancy, and reliable cost reduction. He touches on Moore's Law--the idea that hardware technology will continue to advance--and discusses how this will allow us to continue to scale to meet growing demand for these services. Tucker touches on the needs of specific industries, including healthcare, services, banking, and gaming, and how the new architectural models can meet and exceed these demands.

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Steve Dietch keynote: Build and manage clouds (2011 Red Hat Summit & JBoss World)

Red Hat Developer Program

Steve Dietch, vice president of marketing for cloud solutions and infrastructure at HP, gives a talk at the 2011 Red Hat Summit and JBossWorld. Dietch speaks in-depth about today's popular technology--cloud. He talks about how cloud adoption has grown faster than IT departments have expected, what issues this creates, and what methods can help customers adapt. He discusses the ways in which cloud technology can be applied--today and going forward--and how public, private, and hybrid approaches can be combined to deliver unified services that allow for a wide range of customer choice--in applications, in hypervisor, and in hardware. He also addresses some of the concerns surrounding this rapid adoption, and how a complete, open, and integrated system can help enterprises avoid cloud sprawl and vendor lock-in, while gaining value, improving cost, and increasing performance and flexibility. Dietch also talks extensively about the partnership between Red Hat and HP and the enterprise offerings they develop and support collaboratively and completely. See more videos from the 2011 Red Hat Summit and JBossWorld: http://www.youtube.com/user/RedHatVideos#g/c/995CD1141C3330D5

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Intro to OpenShift Express (Mac)

Red Hat Developer Program

Intro to OpenShift Express (Mac) - This video demonstrates how to install the OpenShift Express client utilities on a Mac. Furthermore, it provides a walk through of signing up for an RHN account using the OpenShift website and details steps to allow a user to create their first express domain. Please go to openshift.redhat.com for more details.

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Red Hat JBoss xPaaS services for OpenShift

Red Hat Developer Program

Red Hat announces its vision for xPaaS -- platform as a service for the enterprise. For more information: http://red.ht/xpaas

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Intro to OpenShift Express (Windows)

Red Hat Developer Program

Intro to OpenShift Express (Windows) - This video demonstrates how to install the OpenShift Express client utilities on the Windows operating system using cygwin. Furthermore, it provides a walk through of signing up for an RHN account using the OpenShift website and details steps to allow a user to create their first express domain. Please go to openshift.redhat.com for more details.

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Microservices with Kubernetes, Docker, and Jenkins (Rafael Benevides, Christian Posta)

Red Hat Developer Program

A lot of functionality necessary for running in a microservices architecture have been built into Kubernetes; why would you re-invent the wheel with lots of complicated client-side libraries? Have you ever asked why you should use containers and what are the benefits for your application? This talk will present a microservices application that have been built using different Java platforms: WildFly Swarm and Eclipse Vert.x. Then we will deploy this application in a Kubernetes cluster to present the advantages of containers for MSA (Microservices Architectures) and DevOps. The attendees will learn how to create, edit, build, deploy Java Microservices, and also how to perform service discovery, rolling updates, persistent volumes and much more. Finally we will fix a bug and see how a CI/CD Pipeline automates the process and reduces the deployment time.

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Kubernetes for Java Developers (Edson Yanaga, Rafael Benevides)

Red Hat Developer Program

Yes, Docker is great. We are all very aware of that, but now it’s time to take the next step: wrapping it all and deploying to a production environment. For this scenario, we need something more. For that “more,” we have Kubernetes by Google, a container platform based on the same technology used to deploy billions of containers per month on Google’s infrastructure. Ready to leverage your Docker skills and package your current Java app (WAR, EAR, or JAR)? Come to this session to see how your current Docker skill set can be easily mapped to Kubernetes concepts and commands. And get ready to deploy your containers in production.

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Openshift Enterprise 3 Walk-Through With Docker And Kubernetes (Grant Shipley)

Red Hat Developer Program

Everyone's heard about Docker and how it's going to solve all of our problems, or not. In this session, we'll walk you through using Docker and discuss why using a scheduler and orchestration system is important. Then we'll dive into an actual usage of the container application platform, OpenShift Enterprise 3 by Red Hat, to show how it makes both Docker and Kubernetes accessible to the average human being. We'll keep the slides to a minimum and instead focus on live demo/coding/deployments. After deploying several containers, we'll turn up the heat by showcasing scaling and moving on to deployment strategies including blue/green.

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Developing and Deploying Cloud-Native Apps as Resilient Microservices Architectures (Edson Yanaga)

Red Hat Developer Program

You've been hearing about microservices for months and have probably taken a look at 12-factor and cloud-native apps, too. But there's a myriad of frameworks and tools you can use to craft your software and join the pieces together into a microservices architecture. You want to use the best tool for the job, and you need a hassle-free DevOps pipeline to orchestrate and deploy all of them. In this session, you'll learn how to combine a lot of different technologies and tools in a live demo that will open your eyes to the huge possibilities that microservices can help you achieve. We'll have it all: containers, Docker, Wildfly Swarm, Spring Boot, NodeJS, .NET, OpenShift, Jenkins, Kubernetes, and more.

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Scaling In-Memory Data Grid Automatically With Kubernetes (Ray Tsang)

Red Hat Developer Program

Kubernetes is a powerful, open source, container orchestration and cluster management tool from Google. It drew upon all the lessons learned from a near-decade of using containers at Google. In this session, we'll look beyond container orchestration with Kubernetes and take a deep dive into more advanced features such as autoscaling. But its most powerful feature is its versatile REST API, which you can use to tailor Kubernetes to your needs. In addition to the out-of-the-box Kubernetes Autoscaler, we'll look at: - How to access the Kubernetes API securely - The different Kubernetes resources such as Pod, Replication Controller, Service, etc. - How to update/manage your entire cluster using the API We'll use the techniques and the REST API to demonstrate how to cluster Infinispan, an in-memory data grid, in Kubernetes, and autoscale Infinispan using custom metrics.

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Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)

Red Hat Developer Program

With the recent advancements in modern browsers, more native app-like features are coming to the browser. Things like push notifications, background sync, offline capabilities and home screen app icons have been added to browsers allowing developers to continue building web apps, but now include features that users expect from native apps. In this session we'll take an existing web app and transform it into a progressive web app. We’ll learn how to make the web app installable, how to make it work offline and finally we’ll learn how to add push notifications to re-engage our users.

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Fabric8-Ing Continuous Improvement - Kubernetes/Jenkins Pipeline (James Rawlings & James Strachan)

Red Hat Developer Program

Using Docker for building and packaging small discrete microservices, and Kubernetes to ensure they stay running and gaining OOTB service discovery, significantly reduces the challenges of having a consistent way to build, package, and run applications. Then, there's how to develop, test, promote, release, support, and improve our container-based architectures, taking an idea from inception to repeatable releasing in a live environment. In this session, we'll look at how fabric8, which runs on top of OpenShift 3 by Red Hat and Kubernetes, uses Docker and Jenkins workflow for pipeline orchestration to provide an extensible OOTB CD solution. Fabric8 significantly simplifies the creation of new projects with a one-click setup and the wiring-together of tooling such and version control systems, artifact repositories, and release pipelines. With human approval, automated integration testing, ChatOps, environment + pipeline visualisation, commit traceability, and a developer experience that helps teams deliver value faster, we'll see how the strength of the open source community works together to provide a consistent approach to building and releasing software for new, cloud-based microservices.

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Ultimate DevOps: OpenShift Dedicated With CloudBees Jenkins Platform (Andy Pemberton)

Red Hat Developer Program

Are you ready to innovate with cloud-native app development? Are you ready to accelerate business agility with continuous delivery (CD)? Well, now you can easily do both using CloudBees Jenkins Platform within OpenShift Dedicated by Red Hat. In this session, you'll learn how to seamlessly use this CD solution to fully automate your application development, test, and delivery life cycle. Using the CloudBees platform to automate your CD pipelines allows your developers to focus on what they do best—innovating. Combine that with the elasticity and scale of the Docker-based OpenShift Dedicated environment, and you'll remove many of the obstacles to business growth. Come see the future of digital innovation.

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CDK 2.0: Docker, Kubernetes, And OSE On Your Desk (Langdon White)

Red Hat Developer Program

Scale changes everything. What once was quite adequate for enterprise messaging can't scale to support "Internet of Things". We need new protocols, patterns and architectures to support this new world. This session will start with basic introduction to the concept of Internet of Things. Next it will discuss general technical challenges involved with the concept and explain why it is becoming mainstream now. Now we’re ready to start talking about solutions. We will introduce some messaging patterns (like telemetry and command/control) and protocols (such as MQTT and AMQP) used in these scenarios. Finally we will see how Apache ActiveMQ is gearing up for this race. We will show tips for horizontal and vertical scaling of the broker, related projects that can help with deployments and what the future development road map looks like.

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Developing With OpenShift Without The Build Waits (Peter Larsen)

Red Hat Developer Program

As application systems move to Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) environments and every source code change results in a full build, a simple change can easily take minutes. This is much longer than developers are willing to wait to verify a change. And working in the cloud shouldn't mean loss of control and visibility into how an application is working. In this session, we'll cover how OpenShift by Red Hat works closely with Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio to let you push code directly to a container, see your changes as you make them, debug live in deployment, and much more.