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Best practices with React and Redux web application development

Samuel Mendenhall

Introduction In the past year, our team has re-written one of our internal apps from Angular to React. While earlier React experience on the team ranged from new to experienced, we learned a lot along this journey. Much of what we learned has been from experiencing pain points in development, or inefficiencies, and either researching others' best practices or experimenting with what works best for us. Use Typescript One of the best decisions we ever made in our project was...

Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio Logo

Announcing Red Hat Developer Studio 11.1.0.GA and JBoss Tools 4.5.1.Final for Eclipse Oxygen.1A

Jeff Maury

JBoss Tools 4.5.1 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 11.1 for Eclipse Oxygen.1A are here waiting for you. Check it out! Installation JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our JBoss Products page and run it like this: java -jar jboss-devstudio-.jar JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio requires a bit more: This release requires at least Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen) but we recommend using the latest Eclipse 4.7.1A Oxygen JEE Bundle since...

Using New Relic

Using New Relic in Red Hat Mobile Node.js Applications

Evan Shortiss

Introduction New Relic is an application-monitoring platform that provides in-depth analytics and analysis for applications regardless of the type of environment where they are deployed, or as New Relic put it themselves: “Gain end-to-end visibility across your customer experience, application performance, and dynamic infrastructure with the New Relic Digital Intelligence Platform.” - New Relic You might ask why there’s a use for New Relic’s monitoring capabilities when Red Hat Mobile Application Platform (RHMAP) and OpenShift Container Platform both offer insights...

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Announcing Red Hat Developer Studio 11.0.0.GA and JBoss Tools 4.5.0.Final for Eclipse Oxygen

Jeff Maury

JBoss Tools 4.5 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 11.0 for Eclipse Oxygen are here waiting for you. Check it out! Installation JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our Red Hat Developers and run it like this: java -jar jboss-devstudio-.jar JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio requires a bit more: This release requires at least Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen) but we recommend using the latest Eclipse 4.7 Oxygen JEE Bundle since...

Hybrid app on iOS

How to debug your mobile hybrid app on iOS

Mikel Sanchez

Following the blog post series, today, finally we have Part 2, this chapter tries to explain in an easy way how to debug your hybrid app using the Safari web inspector. As you know sometimes debugging a mobile app on a mobile device can be hard work, for Android and Web pages we have the Chrome Developer tools, this has been an extended way to do it, Part 3 of the blog post series will cover this method, for iOS...

Mobile Apps Load Testing

Developing Mobile Applications using TypeScript on Red Hat Mobile Application Platform

Evan Shortiss

As of its release 2.19, the Red Hat Mobile JavaScript Client SDK contains a TypeScript definition file. By providing type definitions our JavaScript SDK can easily be used in applications developed using TypeScript. As a developer with a few years of JavaScript experience, I was initially skeptical of TypeScript, but after using it for a short period, I'm not sure how I ever managed without it! In this post, I take a look at the benefits TypeScript offers and demonstrate...

Red Hat Mobile Application Platform

Debugging RHMAP Apps locally with Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

David Ffrench

Do you want to speed up your debugging process? This blog post is designed to help you do just that by empowering you with the knowledge of how to debug RHMAP Cloud Apps and MBaaS services locally using VS Code. For an introduction to running RHMAP client apps locally, see How to Setup your Apps to Target Locally on Device. Why VS Code? Interactive Debugger allows you to step through source code, inspect variables, view call stacks, and execute commands...

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DevNation 2015 - Catherine Robson - Building your Internet of Things (IoT) user experience

Red Hat Developer Program

As enterprises look at ways they can transform their business with the Internet of Things (IoT), IT and development teams are left to figure out how each of these devices work together to create an experience that both delights users and meets company goals. Learn how to shape an ideal user experience using the IoT. We’ll show you how to create and extend possibilities for users to holistically connect with your brand and offerings.

Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio Logo

JBoss Tools and Red Hat Developer Studio Maintenance Release for Eclipse Neon.3

Jeff Maury

JBoss Tools 4.4.4 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 10.4 for Eclipse Neon.3 are here waiting for you. Check it out! Installation JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our Red Hat Developers and run it like this: java -jar devstudio-.jar JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio require a bit more: This release requires at least Eclipse 4.6.3 (Neon.3) but we recommend using the latest Eclipse 4.6.3 Neon JEE Bundle since...

Red Hat Logo

Riviera Dev/JUDCon: Riviera 2017 Recap

Lance Ball

I returned late Sunday night from a trip to the south of France, where I was privileged to speak about Microservices, OpenShift, and how to do it all on Node.js. The conference was RivieraDev/JUDCon: Riviera 2017 and took place in Sophia Antipolis, near Nice, Cannes, St. Tropez and other fabulous Mediterranean cities on the southeastern coast of France. This was a two-day conference, sponsored in part by Red Hat. It was great to see so many Red Hatters there and...

Red Hat OpenShift logo

Develop and Deploy on OpenShift Next-Gen using Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio (Part 2)

Jeff Maury

In the first part of this series, you can see how to use and configure Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio in order to develop and deploy on the Next-Gen OpenShift platform. A step-by-step guide was given allowing us to: connect to the Next-Gen OpenShift platform from Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio deploy and tune a JBoss Enterprise Application Platform based application debug the deployed JBoss Enterprise Application Platform based application In this second part, we will follow the same pattern...

Red Hat JBOSS Data Grid

What’s new in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 7.1

Cojan van Ballegooijen

We're excited to announce the availability of Red Hat JBoss Data Grid (JDG) Version 7.1. Thanks and congratulations to the JDG engineering and product management team for this release. JDG 7.1 release focuses on the following areas: Performance enhancements Apache Spark 2.x integration Several other enhancements The following new features were added in support of these themes: Release Highlights Performance enhancements JDG 7.1 features core performance improvements, especially in clustered write operations. Current tests have shown up to 60% increase...

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Data Encapsulation vs. Immutability in Javascript

Lance Ball

A while ago, I wrote a fairly long post attempting to shed some light on a few things you can do in your JavaScript classes to enforce the concept of data encapsulation - or data "hiding". But as soon as I posted it, I got some flak from a friend who is a Clojure programmer. His first comment about the article was this. Mutability and data encapsulation are fundamentally at odds. Eventually, he walked that back - but only just...

Red Hat Logo

Architectural Cross-Cutting Concerns of Cloud Native Applications

Raffaele Spazzoli

Several organizations are wondering (and sometimes struggling on) how to port their current workloads to cloud environments. One of the main characteristics of a cloud environment is that the infrastructure is provisioned dynamically. This implies, for example, that we don’t know a priori where our resources are being allocated (we can find that out, though). VMs or containers will receive a dynamic IP. Storage will be allocated somewhere and attached to our VMs or containers and so on. So, how...

Eclipse logo

Eclipse Vert.x Core Cheat Sheet

Clement Escoffier

Eclipse Vert.x is a toolkit used to build reactive and distributed systems on the Java Virtual Machine. Vert.x supports a variety of languages letting you choose which one you’d prefer. The Vert.x Core cheat sheet covers the creation of a project using Apache Maven, Gradle or the Vert.x CLI, and references most common Vert.x Core APIs, in 3 different languages (Java, JavaScript, and Groovy). Forgot how to create an HTTP server, use the HTTP client, implement a request-response on the...

Red Hat Mobile Application Platform

Release of v3.15 of the Red Hat Mobile Application Platform

Conor O'Neill

Red Hat Mobile Application Platform (RHMAP) lets teams extend their development capabilities to mobile by developing collaboratively, centralizing control of security and using back-end integration with a range of cloud deployments. We have just completed the deployment of the RHMAP v3.15 to all our actively updated grids. Please pay particular attention to notes on deprecations and upcoming removals. Full release notes including a list of known issues, customer-facing bug-fixes and changes are available on the Customer Portal here. Summary iOS...

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Node Package Manager 4 --- Changes to Prepublish (NPM)

Lucas Holmquist

NPM 4 was released recently, about 2 weeks ago, and with it came some major changes. Some breaking, some not, but there is an interesting deprecation that happened with regards to the prepublish script. Currently, if you had a prepublish entry in your package.json: { scripts: { prepublish: "nsp check" } } This would be run whenever you performed a npm publish. Which is probably what you would expect with a name like prepublish. Another thing was also happening though...

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Node 7 and Promise Rejections - Please Handle them

Lucas Holmquist

Node.js 7.0.0 was released just last week, and the announcement dropped a bombshell. I'm guessing the following announcement might freak some people out: DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. While the UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning has been in node since 6.6.0, this deprecation warning is new --- basically, it means you've rejected a promise in your code, but you are not handling it, and...

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Data-hiding in ES6 (JavaScript) from an Object Oriented perspective

Lance Ball

For a long time during my early career, I was an OO --- object oriented --- developer. I genuflected regularly in front of the altar of data encapsulation, object hierarchies and static typing. And the syntax. Oh the syntax! But I have changed, of course, and so much of the dogma and ceremony that I participated in during those times has come to seem a lot less important than it was 20 years ago. Languages, and developers evolve. But that...

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Improving user experience for mobile APIs using the cloud

Evan Shortiss

For your end users, one of the most important aspects of your API is the perceived response time --- if your mobile application takes an excessive amount of time to load data, users will get frustrated. In this series of blog posts, we’ll cover three ways to approach building a RESTful API that leads to better user experience by minimizing perceived response time. These strategies include: processing requests quickly, reducing payload sizes, and eliminating requests entirely, or only downloading data...

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Checking node.js dependencies with SZero - Never lose track again.

Lucas Holmquist

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on top of Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It is highly event-driven, and leverages non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight, efficient, and incredibly productive to use. It's that last bit, "productive", that I want to focus on today. One of the things that i feel makes Node(and NPM) so great is the ease in which you can add and use third-party modules. As most node.js developers know, to start using an external module, you...

Red Hat Mobile Application Platform

Announcing fully containerized Red Hat Mobile Application Platform 4.2

Javier Perez

Last June, we announced the availability of version 4.0 of our product. This was the culmination of months of hard work and demonstrated our constantly expanding set of capabilities. I went on to recap the key technology choices made over five years ago, choices that proved to be visionary for our mobile platform’s architecture and functionality: Node.js and containers. We are very proud of our accomplishments with Red Hat Mobile Application Platform 4.0 and the new technologies we introduced to...

Red Hat and Eclipse IDE, looking back at Neon and forward at Oxygen

Red Hat and Eclipse IDE, looking back at Neon and forward at Oxygen

Mickael Istria

Last June, Eclipse IDE had a great release, named Neon. It features, among many other less visible but still quite useful improvements, many new functionalities for everyone. If you did not migrate yet and are still using an older Eclipse version, just move to Neon right now, it’s worth it! For this Neon release, Red Hat managed to increase its contributions to the Eclipse IDE. The 2 main teams doing Eclipse IDE development (to package Eclipse IDE as .rpm for...

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Why should I use Node.js: The Non-blocking Event I/O Framework?

Cesar Valdez

Objective Some days ago, I was having an argument with a few Java developers about Node.js, they asked questions like “why should I use that?” or “what’s the benefit?”, I told them by memory that Node.js is an event driven I/O, and thanks to that you will end up writing very efficient server-side applications. They come back saying that they can get the same effect using threads. Thing is I wasn't fully prepared to explain the difference, I had a...