Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform

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vJBUG - Learn About JBoss Technology Online!

Markus Eisele (@myfear)

Have you heard about your local JBoss User Group (JBUG)? A JBUG is a group of people who share a common interest in JBoss technologies. They are organized and supported by the community and meet on a regular basis to discuss new technologies, development methodologies, interesting use cases, and other technical topics. The common goal is to provide education, help, and social events for the community and to promote open source. You can find a list of 38 JBUGs around...

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Externalize HTTP Session Data to the JBoss Data Grid

Guna Vijayaratnam

Introduction This article aims to provide a step by step guide for setting up a remote Red Hat JBoss Data Grid (JDG) cluster as an HTTP session store for your state-full web applications running on Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP). I had recently explored this setup for another customer and figured it would be helpful to put together a set of detailed instructions for replicating this. This feature was recently released with the GA of JDG 6.5. Benefits...

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Java and Sécurité à Devoxx France (French)

Romain Pelisse

Entre l'attaque subie par Github la semaine dernière , et le hack de la chaîne TV5 , la présentation que j'ai faite avec François Le Droff vendredi 10 avril, à Devoxx France , sur la Java et la Sécurité ne pouvait tomber plus à point nommée: Devoxx 2015-barbus-et-barbares from François Le Droff Mon comparse ayant déjà pris le temps de publier les slides, j'ai pensé qu'il serait pertinent d'ajouter un lien ici vers ces derniers, car, après tout, si il...

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JCache and Infinispan - standardize your application's cache

Romain Pelisse

With the adoption growth of Infinispan, its community has been resurrecting works on the quite old, but stalled, JSR-107, aka JCache . The first step was obviously the released of the JSR 1.0 version, a few month back, and most recently in December with Infinispan 7.0.2.Final is a certified JSR-107 1.0 implementation . It's actually quite useful news, as it allows you to build webapps or even JEE apps using a standard API to access Infinispan. Using JCache API is...


November 2014 Developer Newsletter

Mike Guerette

In the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November, which follows our Canadian colleagues who celebrate theirs in October. It's a day for families to get together and give thanks for what we have. Our Red Hat family wants to give thanks for open source, too. Can you imagine an IT world without open source? A number of UNIX businesses would be different. Same with development tools. We have so many scripting languages and other developer...

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Because Red Hatters are PHPers, too

Mike Guerette

Because Red Hatters are PHPers, too PHP is everywhere, including at Red Hat. Red Hat offers a number of options to deploy PHP and get it up and running quickly. As a PHP developer, you'll find plenty of options to keep you happy with our support of PHP applications on both physical servers and in the cloud. Read on to learn how we support PHP in Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® , and how you can get your applications up and...

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Because Red Hatters are Pythonistas, too

Mike Guerette

At Red Hat, we're big supporters of Python. We code in Python and provide great tools to get your Python applications up and running. We also offer you—the Python developer—projects you can get involved in to further hone your Python skills. Read on to learn how: We use Python in Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform. We support your Python coding with Red Hat Software Collections. You can get your applications up and running in the cloud with OpenShift by...

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Repost | SAP HANA® now on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Mike Guerette

Red Hat "today announced an expansion of the company’s strategic alliance with SAP AG to make it easier for customers to adopt and run the SAP® Data Management portfolio, including the SAP HANA® platform, SAP Adaptive Server® Enterprise (SAP ASE), SAP IQ software, and the SAP SQL Anywhere® suite on Red Hat’s open source solutions. The expanded collaboration is expected to enable real-time, in-memory innovation by providing an open, scalable, integrated and highly-available platform for solutions from SAP along with...

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Repost: JBoss User Group (JBUG) Chicago – August 6

Mike Guerette

Here's a great opportunity for those of you in the Chicago area: JBoss User Group (JBUG) Chicago – Workshops with JBoss Evangelists. Visit Andrew, Eric and Kenny: The following Evangelists will be in attendance to help you along with the workshops and any questions you might have around JBoss technologies: Andrew Rubinger is Red Hat’s JBoss Developer Advocate and Program Manager. Advocate for and speaker on open, testable enterprise Java development, author of O’Reilly Media’s “Enterprise Java Beans 3.1” and...

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Using RHQ (JON) to monitor Java apps

Romain Pelisse

While there is not yet a RHQ plugin for Glassfish, it is already possible to monitor an instance of Glassfish (GF), using the existing JMX Server resource template. Let's see how this unfolds... Set up Foreword: While not difficult, setting this up on a laptop requires running a LOT of Java processes, on top of a database. As the latter needs to be a somewhat older version of PostgreSQL (8.4), you might even end up running it on VM using...

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Our Top 12 Blog Articles of 2013

Mike Guerette

One thing I love about this blog site is the variety of developer-related topics - all created by the experts themselves! So, in case you missed any, here are the top 12 blog posting for 2013: 1. Setting up Django and Python 2.7 on Red Hat Enterprise 6 the easy way - This was the most popular article, by our developer evangelist, Langdon White . Great job, dude! 2. Released! Red Hat Software Collections now GA! - And here's the...