Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform

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JBoss EAP 7 Domain deployments – Part 4: Domain deployment with REST Management API.

Elvadas Nono

In this series of article, I will present several ways to deploy an application on an EAP Domain. T he series consists of four parts. Each one will be a standalone article, but the series as a whole will present a range of useful topics for working with JBoss EAP . Part 1: Set up a simple EAP 7.0 Domain (this article) . Part 2: Domain deployments through the new EAP 7.0 Management Console Part 3: Introduction to DMR (...

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Get it done with these 5 techniques to debug your JBoss BRMS applications

Duncan Doyle

JBoss BRMS provides a sophisticated and powerful business rules engine. The BRMS rules engine allows an organization, among other things, to: define rules in single, governed, environment. define rules in the domain language (or syntax) of the problem domain. declaratively define rules. It allows to define what to do, not how to do it individually test rules, outside of any application logic. (incrementally) update rules without the need to update and/or restart the application that uses the rules. have better...

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Considerations for Implementing JBoss Fuse in your Enterprise

Bryan Saunders

In today's modern world, the need for enterprise integration has never been greater. Companies are looking for ways to reduce the costs of their application infrastructure and one of the ways they are doing that is by extending the lifespan of older legacy platforms. This introduces a number of problems when there is also a need for the implementation of new modern systems as well. Often times it is difficult if not impossible to make these new and legacy systems...

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JBoss EAP 7 Domain deployments - Part 1: Set up a simple EAP Domain

Elvadas Nono

Red Hat JBoss EAP 6 introduced some new concepts like configuration simplification, Modularity, new management CLI , user-friendly management console and an amazing feature called "Domains". Domain mode changes the way applications are deployed on EAP instances. JBoss EAP 7.0 was just released and announced by Red Hat. In this series of articles, I will present several ways to deploy an application on an EAP Domain. T he series consists of four parts. Each one will be a standalone article...

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Continuous Delivery to JBoss EAP and OpenShift with the CloudBees Jenkins Platform

Deon Ballard

If you are using JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) for J2EE development, the CloudBees Jenkins Platform provides an enterprise-class toolchain for an automated CI/CD from development to production. The CloudBees Jenkins Platform now supports integrations with both Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) and Red Hat OpenShift across the software delivery pipeline. This enables developers to build, test and deploy applications, with Jenkins-based continuous delivery pipelines in JBoss via JBoss EAP 7 or JBoss EAP 7 on OpenShift. The...

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JBoss EAP 7 on OpenShift

James Falkner

JBoss EAP 7 was recently released, and brings with it a whole host of new features and support, such as support for Java EE 7, reduced port usage, graceful shutdown, improved GUI and CLI management, optimizations for cloud and containers, and much more. EAP 7's small footprint, fast startup time and support for modern Java and non-Java frameworks make it uniquely suitable for deployment onto PaaS cloud environments, and Red Hat happens to have a leading one: OpenShift . I...

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Installing JBoss EAP 7 on RHEL using RPMs

James Falkner

JBoss EAP 7 was recently released, and brings with it a whole host of new features and support, such as support for Java EE 7, Undertow (a highly scalable web server), reduced port usage, graceful shutdown, improved GUI and CLI management, and much more. Go ahead and download it , unzip, and run bin/ and check out all these great features. What's that? It didn't work? Did you check that your JRE is compatible? Are there outstanding incompatibility or security...

Offline CLI with JBoss EAP 7

Offline CLI with JBoss EAP 7

James Falkner

Over the years, I've come across many command line interfaces ( CLI ) to larger applications, each with varying levels of access and power. Having a CLI at all is a great first step for an application, as it opens up a much wider range of possibilities: administration, extension, and trust. CLIs also promote scriptability - the ability to create and maintain repeatable scripts, and the easier it is to develop said scripts, the better. Sometimes scripts can solve issues...

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DevNation Live Blog: Decomposing a Java EE Monolith into WildFly Swarm Microservices

Salem Elrahal

WildFly Swarm is a "Just Enough" Application Server. If you don't need EJB, don't bundle it. Likewise for JPA, JAX-RS, or whatever subsystem. Bringing only the portions of an App Server that you need is the strategy that makes Java EE and the JVM a real contender in the microservices space. Ken Finnigan, Co Founder/Lead of WildFly Swarm, walked us through how easy it is to move a monolith deployment to a WildFly Swarm Microservice. Getting Started Getting started is...


MicroProfile - Collaborating to bring Microservices to Enterprise Java

Rich Sharples

Today at the DevNation conference in San Francisco, Red Hat’s Mark Little was joined on-stage by Alasdair Nottingham from IBM, Theresa Nguyen from Tomitribe, Mike Croft from Payara and Martijn Verburg from the London Java Community to announce a new community collaboration - MicroProfile - whose goal is to make it easier for developers to use familiar Java EE technologies and APIs for building microservice applications. Mark talked about some of the reasons Java EE has established itself as the...

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Announcing JBoss EAP 7

Lincoln Baxter III

Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7 is here. This is a significant new release. There are the obvious benefits — Java EE 7 certification, numerous bug fixes, a simplified and more intuitive administrative UI — but there are a lot of features just under the hood that really make JBoss EAP 7 a pathway for IT departments and app developers to move their projects forward. Agility and Transformation There are a lot of buzzwords and think-pieces on changes in...

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An Announcement for JBoss Core Services Collection

Deon Ballard

Red Hat JBoss Core Services Collection is a group of common services that are critical for application developers. The services included change as new services and projects are added over time, but the idea is to include common, developer-friendly projects under a single subscription. The collection makes it much easier for developers to access these services. The launch of the Core Services Collection includes services that focus on three areas: web servers, security, and monitoring. New Components There are six...

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Maven mirrors on OpenShift with and without Source to Image (S2I)

James Falkner

I'm guessing if you've done enough repeated builds on OpenShift, using Maven, that you are probably aware of the " download the internet " phenomenon that plagues build times. You start a build, expecting all those Maven dependencies you downloaded for your last build to be re-used, but quickly see your network traffic ramp up while the same 100MB of jars are downloaded again and again. Even builds of a few minutes tend to grind on me, frustrate me as...

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Developer interest survey - May 2016

Lincoln Baxter III

At Red Hat Developers, we're working to create a new breed of developer community - one where its participants Learn, Code, and Share together. As part of the process, we're publishing information that you find helpful, interesting, and things that generally make you awesome, feel awesome, and inspire you to do awesome things. (That's the goal, anyway.) One thing you might not know, is that most of the articles that get published here are actually contributed by our community members...

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Red Hat goes DevOps - New certifications for developers

Lincoln Baxter III

As a developer, certifications offer a unique opportunity to increase your personal marketability - they are a tangible indication of your subject matter expertise. Not only can the necessary preparation provide an opportunity to learn new material, but having a way (the certification exam) to verify you've actually learned the core skills can be a valuable tool to ensure you're "doing and learning the right things". There is constant debate about the utility of certifications within some IT circles, but...

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Security update: SAMAS/SamSam Ransomware and JBoss

Chris Robinson

Over the last few weeks reports of crypto-ransomware have been circulated on the Internet and in the Press. While public details are sparse and victims are hesitant to share details, Red Hat is aware that older, un-patched versions of JBoss have been linked to several cases. The main flaw seen used has been CVE-2010-0738 . Unsecured consoles appear to have been the main culprit of allowing attackers into internal networks using the JexBoss testing tool. Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application...

Jolokia JVM Monitoring in OpenShift

Jolokia JVM Monitoring in OpenShift

Andrew Block

Cloud based technology offers the ability to build, deploy and scale applications with ease; however, deploying to the cloud is only half of the battle. How cloud applications are monitored becomes a paramount concern with operations teams. When issues arise, teams and their monitoring systems must be able to detect, react, and rectify the situation. CPU, system memory, and disk space are three common indicators used to monitor applications, and are typically reported by the operating system. However, for Java...

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Continuous Development with Automated Testing

Thomas Qvarnström

Automated testing is one of the hardest, but also the most important thing to get right when doing Continuous Delivery or DevOps. Recently Aslak Knutsen and I hosted a webinar with the title "Continuous Development with Automated Testing". The webinar had quite a few viewers (and maybe that was one of the reasons that the demo in the webinar didn't exactly go as planned.) Aslak did a great job trying to talk through a demo that played at 1/3 of...

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What’s new with JPA 2.1 and Hibernate 5 in JBoss EAP 7

Thomas Qvarnström

Background The Java Persistence API (JPA) provides Java developers with an object/relational mapping facility for managing relational data in Java applications. The latest version of the JPA standard is 2.1 and is part of Java EE 7. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform is a fully certified Java EE application server and JBoss EAP 7 which is currently in Beta is certified according to the most recent Java EE 7 specification. Hibernate is one of the most popular JPA implementations and is...

Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform

Getting started with EAP 7 and JBoss Developer Studio

Markus Eisele (@myfear)

Now, that the beta of latest Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7 is out, it is about time to explore the available Java EE 7 quickstarts and deploy your first application with JBoss Developer Studio (JDBS) . The quickstarts demonstrate JBoss EAP, Java EE 7 and a few additional technologies. They provide small, specific, working examples that can be used as a reference for your own project. To make it a real quick start for you, I recorded a...

Integrating WebSphere MQ with JBoss Enterprise Application Server

Run your first Java EE application with JBoss EAP 7 Beta

Thomas Qvarnström

This article describes how efficient development is on JBoss EAP 7. It will also give example of different build tools and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) to use for application development on JBoss EAP 7. Additionally it will briefly explain how dependency management [1] works for Java EE 7 and JBoss EAP specific artifacts. Finally there is a step-by-step guide that demonstrates how fast and efficient it is to develop on JBoss EAP 7. If you don't like to read such...

Integrating WebSphere MQ with JBoss Enterprise Application Server

JBoss EAP 7 Beta is now available!

Christina Wong

JBoss EAP 7 Beta is now available! Here's a preview of what's to come... Today, we officially announced the availability of Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7 beta . We truly believe this release will shift the way the enterprise Java community thinks about application servers and builds Java applications. But, before we get into the details of how you can use JBoss EAP 7 to accomplish this, I want to bring attention and recognition to the community who...

Virtual JBoss User Group

Re-Watch: Messaging for IoT - Virtual JBoss User Group

Markus Eisele (@myfear)

The Virtual JBoss User Group had another successful session on November 10th. This time it was Martyn Taylor talking about Messaging for the Internet of Things (IoT). He is a senior software engineer at Red Hat and has over 7 years' experience working on cloud, middleware and messaging software. Martyn currently works on the Apache ActiveMQ suite of projects. The presentation gives you a brief intro into IoT in general and explains why it brings all kinds of challenges to...