Streams for Apache Kafka

Red Hat AMQ image

How to set up LDAP authentication for the Red Hat AMQ 7 message broker console

Elvadas Nono

This post shows how to set up LDAP authentication on Red Hat AMQ 7. As part of the procees, it describes how to configure AMQ to authenticate users from LDAP and allow only users from a specified group to access the AMQ management console and publish messages in queues.

Red Hat AMQ image

Asynchronous communication between microservices using AMQP and Vert.x

Faisal Masood

This article shows how to use Apache QPid Proton (or Red Hat AMQ Interconnect) as a message router, the Vert.x AMQP bridge, and the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) for asynchronous request-reply communication between two microservices. Since AMQP is a wire-level protocol, services written in other stacks (like .NET) can also use the same communication channel.

Red Hat AMQ image

How to integrate A-MQ 6.3 on Red Hat JBoss EAP 7

Abraham Francisco Arellano Tavara

This article describes how to integrate A-MQ 6.3 on Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) 7 and covers in the admin-object configuration.

Red Hat AMQ image

Setting up RBAC on Red Hat AMQ Broker

Yohanes Widi Sono

This post provides an example of how to configure role-based access control on top of Red Hat AMQ--a flexible, high-performance messaging platform that provides a role-based security model with built-in support for separation of duties.


Announcing Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit 4.1.0: Now with technical reports

Christian Huffman

The new Technology Reports feature in Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit (RHAMT) 4.1.0 lets you quickly analyze hundreds of applications to see which technologies they use. In addition, the size, number of libraries, and story point totals of each application are displayed, allowing you to quickly determine each application’s type from a single report.

Apache Kafka on OpenShift

Smart-Meter Data Processing Using Apache Kafka on OpenShift

Hugo Hiden +2

Learn how to process and aggregate huge streams of IoT data using Strimzi and Apache Kafka on Red Hat OpenShift. The data stream is processed using the Red Hat AMQ distributed streaming platform to perform aggregations in real time as data is ingested into the application.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Using the STOMP Protocol with Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Broker

Chandra Shekhar Pandey

This article shows how to use Python-based messaging clients and STOMP to connect and subscribe to a durable topic in the Apache ActiveMQ Artemis or the Red Hat AMQ 7 broker. STOMP clients can communicate with any STOMP message broker, providing messaging interoperability among many languages, platforms, and brokers.

Red Hat Wimplicit

Monitoring Red Hat AMQ 7 with the jmxtrans Agent

Roman Martin Gil

Monitoring the Red Hat AMQ 7 broker enables you to get metrics about the performance and behavior of the broker and its resources. This post describes how to set up Red Hat AMQ 7 for monitoring the broker using the popular jmxtrans agent for Java-based applications.


An Introduction to Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit

Christian Huffman

Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit provides utilities for easing the process of application migration and modernization. You can analyze an existing code base using a CLI, web-based interface, or inside Eclipse to identify what might need to change in order to migrate to a newer platform

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Customizing an OpenShift Ansible Playbook Bundle

Alessandro Arrichiello

Learn how to create an Ansible Playbook Bundle (APB) and customize it to configure an external remote host (through SSH), explore what goes on "under the hood," and get tips for troubleshooting APBs.

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Using Ansible Galaxy Roles in Ansible Playbook Bundles

Siamak Sadeghianfar

[In case you aren't following the OpenShift blog, I'm cross posting my article here because I think it will be of interest to the Red Hat Developer commnity.] The Open Service Broker API standard aims to standardize how services (cloud, third-party, on-premise, legacy, etc) are delivered to applications running on cloud platforms like OpenShift. This allows applications to consume services the exact same way no matter on which cloud platform they are deployed. The service broker pluggable architecture enables admins...

Red Hat JBoss AMQ image

Scaling AMQ 7 Brokers with AMQ Interconnect

Roman Martin Gil

AMQ Interconnect provides flexible routing of messages between AMQP-enabled endpoints, including clients, brokers, and standalone services. With a single connection to a network of AMQ Interconnect routers, a client can exchange messages with other endpoints, enabling you to scale your AMQ 7 brokers easily.

Apache Kafka on OpenShift

Announcing AMQ Streams: Apache Kafka on OpenShift

David Ingham

We are excited to announce a Developer Preview of AMQ Streams, a new addition to Red Hat AMQ, focused on running Apache Kafka on OpenShift. AMQ Streams simplifies the deployment, configuration, management and use of Apache Kafka on OpenShift using automation based on Kubernetes Operators.


Automating AMQ 7 High Availability Deployment

Abraham Francisco Arellano Tavara

The project Deployment automation AMQ 7 High Availability Shared Store provides deployment automation of an AMQ 7 high availability configuration with a shared store, and it provides you with a cluster of two nodes (master/slave) deployed on different hosts or on the same host.

Cloud Lab Environment in a Backpack

A Cloud Lab Environment in a Backpack

Marcelo "Ataxexe" Guimarães

Have you ever thought about having your own cloud environment? A local cloud is one of the best things you can do to better understand all the gears that run inside a highly productive environment. How do I know that? I've done it! And I'm ready to show you how I did, and how you can do it.

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Enabling Byteman Script with Red Hat JBoss Fuse and AMQ - Part 2

Chandra Shekhar Pandey

When using Byteman scripts for tracing and debugging with Red Hat JBoss Fuse and AMQ, learn how to use Java helper classes with for advanced options, such as viewing or modifying arguments, and utilizing 'java.util.logging' to inject messages into the existing logs.

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Enabling Byteman Script with Red Hat JBoss Fuse and AMQ - Part1

Chandra Shekhar Pandey

In a production or customer environment it is not always possible to identify issues by looking at logs or setting up a remote debugging using IDE. Often the issues are specific to the environment and can't be reproduced. having byteman scripts can help in identifying issues without actual code changes.

How to install Ansible Tower on Red Hat OpenShift

Understanding Ansible Tower Isolated Nodes

Alessandro Arrichiello

Learn how Ansible Tower Isolated nodes can be used to manage systems that are on restricted remote networks such as VPCs, and hosted environments

Apache Camel logo

Using Camel-Undertow component supporting http2 connection

Chandra Shekhar Pandey

This article would help to configure http2 protocol support for the camel-undertow component. Camel's undertow component use embedded undertow web-container of version undertow-core:jar:1.4.21. This version also supports the http2 connection. I have used camel version 2.21.0-SNAPSHOT from upstream Also, the curl version to test application using camel-undertow component is 7.53.1. This curl version supports --http2 flag for sending an http2 request. I have also used nghttp to test application from linux terminal. However, this article is not about http2...

Red Hat JBoss AMQ image

Securing AMQ7 Routers with SSL

Mary Cochran

AMQ7 is full of new and exciting technology and capabilities. However, with both routers and brokers now securing your topology can get confusing. Particularly securing the routers and learning how to use clients with them, using AMQP can be challenging for those of us used to using jks files and pure jms. SSL between Routers The first step in securing traffic between routers is getting your pem files for your key and certificate. These steps will also give you a...

Configuring mKahaDB persistence storage for ActiveMQ

Configuring mKahaDB persistence storage for ActiveMQ

Chandra Shekhar Pandey

In this post, I wanted to address how to configure mKahaDB persistence storage on ActiveMQ for better management and reducing disk usage. Default configured KahaDB persistence adapter works well when all the destinations (queues/topics) being managed by the broker have similar performance. However, an enterprise solution where several third parties are involved is never the case. There are multiple queues or topics and different consumers or listeners listening to these queues/topics. Some consumers might be slower than other consumers. This...

ARM TechCon logo

ARM TechCon 2017 - Embedded, IoT, Networking, and more...

Ishu Verma

Arm TechCon 2017 - Embedded, IoT, Networking and no Server focus Last month was Arm TechCon, the annual developer conference showcasing offerings from Arm and its partners. Arm laid out its vision and strategy to achieving even greater integration in its processors and circumventing the slowing Moore’s law. As always, there was a bevy of new product announcements but overall, the show seemed to lack the energy of the last few years and especially the excitement of last year after...