The greeter quickstart demonstrates the use of CDI, JPA, JTA, EJB and JSF in JBoss EAP.

What is it?

The greeter quickstart demonstrates the use of CDI, JPA, JTA, EJB and JSF in JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Server.

When you deploy this example, two users are automatically created for you: emuster and jdoe. This data is located in the src/main/resources/import.sql file.

To test this example:

  1. Enter a name in the username field and click on Greet!.

  2. If you enter a username that is not in the database, you get a message No such user exists!.

  3. If you enter a valid username, you get a message Hello, followed by the user’s first and last name.

  4. To create a new user, click the Add a new user link. Enter the username, first name, and last name, and then click Add User. The user is added and a message displays the new user id number.

  5. Click on the Greet a user! link to return to the Greet! page.

Considerations for Use in a Production Environment

H2 Database

This quickstart uses the H2 database included with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Server 7.2. It is a lightweight, relational example datasource that is used for examples only. It is not robust or scalable, is not supported, and should NOT be used in a production environment.

Datasource Configuration File

This quickstart uses a *-ds.xml datasource configuration file for convenience and ease of database configuration. These files are deprecated in JBoss EAP and should not be used in a production environment. Instead, you should configure the datasource using the Management CLI or Management Console. Datasource configuration is documented in the Configuration Guide.

System Requirements

The application this project produces is designed to be run on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Server 7.2 or later.

All you need to build this project is Java 8.0 (Java SDK 1.8) or later and Maven 3.3.1 or later. See Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.


In the following instructions, replace EAP_HOME with the actual path to your JBoss EAP installation. The installation path is described in detail here: Use of EAP_HOME and JBOSS_HOME Variables.

Start the JBoss EAP Standalone Server

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the JBoss EAP directory.

  2. Start the JBoss EAP server with the default profile by typing the following command.

    $ EAP_HOME/bin/ 
    For Windows, use the EAP_HOME\bin\standalone.bat script.

Build and Deploy the Quickstart

  1. Make sure you start the JBoss EAP server as described above.

  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.

  3. Type the following command to build the artifacts.

    $ mvn clean package wildfly:deploy

This deploys the greeter/target/greeter.war to the running instance of the server.

You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.

Access the Application

The application will be running at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/greeter/.

Undeploy the Quickstart

When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.

  1. Make sure you start the JBoss EAP server as described above.

  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.

  3. Type this command to undeploy the archive:

    $ mvn wildfly:undeploy

Server Log: Expected Warnings and Errors

You will see the following warnings in the server log. You can ignore these warnings.

WFLYJCA0091: -ds.xml file deployments are deprecated. Support may be removed in a future version.

HHH000431: Unable to determine H2 database version, certain features may not work

Run the Quickstart in Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio or Eclipse

You can also start the server and deploy the quickstarts or run the Arquillian tests in Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio or from Eclipse using JBoss tools. For general information about how to import a quickstart, add a JBoss EAP server, and build and deploy a quickstart, see Use JBoss Developer Studio or Eclipse to Run the Quickstarts.

Debug the Application

If you want to debug the source code of any library in the project, run the following command to pull the source into your local repository. The IDE should then detect it.

$ mvn dependency:sources