Red Hat build of Quarkus for Spring developers

Kubernetes-native Java with low memory footprint and fast boot times for microservices and serverless applications.

Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.8 is now available. Click here for more details.

Move your Spring applications to Quarkus in 5 minutes or less

Red Hat's migration toolkit for applications is an assembly of tools that supports large-scale Java application modernization and migration projects. This tool facilitates application code analysis, supports effort estimation, accelerates code migration, and helps you move applications to containers and the cloud.

The migration toolkit for applications includes rules to support development teams migrating from Spring Boot to Quarkus.

Download Red Hat's migration toolkit for applications

Case studies: Migrating to Quarkus

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“There was a low learning curve with Quarkus. It took one of our developers one week to get up to speed on Quarkus and another week to migrate a Spring application to Quarkus.”

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“Quarkus is close to what our developers are already doing with Spring and it’s familiar to them. This is a big benefit.”

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Ennovative Solutions

“It took me about three days to get familiar with the Quarkus stack."

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