Java on OpenShift

Red Hat OpenShift is the ideal environment for your cloud-native Java applications.

Java's flexibility, compatibility, and performance, combined with OpenShift's containerization capabilities, provide developers with a potent combination for building secure, cloud-native applications.

Java on OpenShift increases developer productivity, accelerates application development and deployment, and improves the reliability and security of Java applications in the cloud.

Get started with Java on OpenShift


Get started with Java on OpenShift


Quarkus on OpenShift

Red Hat build of Quarkus is a Kube-native Java framework for creating supersonic, subatomic apps for the cloud.

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Spring on OpenShift

Spring Boot empowers effortless Java app development on the OpenShift platform.

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JBoss EAP on OpenShift

Developing JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss EAP) apps on OpenShift is a great way to reduce costs, improve resource utilization, and accelerate development.

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JBoss Web Server on OpenShift

Modernize and develop new Jakarta EE or Microprofile Java apps for the cloud with OpenShift.

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Develop Java apps for OpenShift

OpenShift's comprehensive support for Java frameworks facilitates the creation of cloud-native applications by streamlining and integrating with popular Java tools and libraries, enabling developers to efficiently develop within a Kubernetes-based environment.



Including observability metrics like health checks and liveness probes enhances application reliability and performance, enabling real-time monitoring and automated responses to maintain optimal operation in dynamic cloud-native environments.

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Kubernetes Resources

Kubernetes Resources

You can leverage Kubernetes resources like ConfigMaps and Secrets to effectively store and manage configuration settings and sensitive environment variables, enhancing application flexibility and security.

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When building Java applications on OpenShift, you benefit from enhanced security features like controlled access, data encryption, SSO, and user authentication, which protects against vulnerabilities and unauthorized access.

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Remote Development

Remote Development

OpenShift's remote development capabilities empower Java developers to work efficiently from their preferred integrated development environments (IDEs) while seamlessly connecting to the platform's resources.

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Build & Deploy Java Apps to OpenShift

OpenShift's container security measures ensure that your applications are isolated and protected, while its seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines accelerates development and deployment cycles.

Containerize Your Apps

Containerize Your Apps

OpenShift simplifies the process of containerizing Java applications, enabling developers to package, deploy, and manage Java applications easily.

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Optimize Your Container

Optimize Your Container

Choosing the right Java framework and optimizing it appropriately when developing a Java application for the cloud can make a big difference in performance and reliability.

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Secure Supply Chain

Supply chain security

Building security into your Java container images is an integral part of the software supply chain for cloud-native applications.

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Single-Step Deployment

Single-Step Deployment

OpenShift enables effortless one-step deployment of Java apps using tools like Maven, Gradle, and Source-to-Image (S2I), streamlining the process for developers.

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Manage Java Apps on OpenShift

OpenShift provides comprehensive monitoring for Java applications, offering insights into performance, resource utilization, and behavior so that you can easily maintain optimal app performance.

Maintain & Updatet

Maintain & Update

OpenShift utilizes operators to automate and ensure the seamless, up-to-date management of applications, enhancing reliability and reducing manual intervention.

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OpenShift makes it easy to monitor the health and security of Java applications deployed across multiple cloud platforms.

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OpenShift empowers effective troubleshooting of Java applications by providing advanced tracing, and metrics capabilities, enabling developers to pinpoint issues and optimize performance.

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Migrate Java apps to OpenShift

Migrating Java applications to OpenShift harnesses the benefits of cloud computing, providing automated scaling for efficient resource management, robust monitoring, advanced tracing, and metrics capabilities, ensuring a seamless transition to the cloud, optimized performance, simplified troubleshooting, and a developer-friendly environment.

Migration Toolkit for Applications

Migration Toolkit for Applications

Red Hat Migration Toolkit for Applications simplifies and accelerates the process of migrating applications to modern platforms.

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Cloud-native app server on OpenShift

Cloud-native app server on OpenShift

Migrating lightweight server apps to OpenShift offers developers enhanced scalability, automated deployment, and efficient resource management within a cloud-native environment.

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