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Try Red Hat's products and technologies without setup or configuration.
Try Red Hat's products and technologies without setup or configuration.
The Developer Sandbox provides you with 30 days of no-cost access to a shared cluster on OpenShift, an enterprise-grade Kubernetes-based platform. Get instant access to your own minimal, preconfigured OpenShift environment for development and testing, hosted and managed by Red Hat.
Refer to our FAQs for more details.
The Developer Sandbox is perfect for immediate access to OpenShift, but where do you even start? Here are some recommended use case-based activities to help you get started.
The Developer Sandbox is an ideal place to start developing your project. Once you are ready to take your application to production or you begin to hit resource limitations with the Developer Sandbox, consider moving your project to Red Hat OpenShift in the public cloud.
Red Hat OpenShift is available on all major public cloud providers including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, and Google Cloud.