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AI-powered search, the combination of artificial intelligence technologies and search engines, enables semantic and similarity search that goes beyond keyword matching to understand the intent and context of a query.

The integration of machine learning with Elasticsearch revolutionizes search and data analysis. Elasticsearch, known for its real-time search capabilities, can be powered by machine learning algorithms to provide intelligent, context-sensitive results.

In this article, you will discover how this powerful combination gives users the ability to efficiently index large datasets and perform multilingual semantic-similarity searches in Elasticsearch using a pretrained model.

The article's step-by-step guide assumes you have a Jupyter notebook or Python environment to run the code, as well as an accessible instance of Elasticsearch running. There are no restrictions, but we recommend using Red Hat OpenShift with the OpenShift AI and Elasticsearch operators. We also recommend creating a sandbox environment through Red Hat Developer, where you can get started simply and quickly, at no cost.

All demo code can be found in the ml_elasticsearch repository.

1. Machine learning

In machine learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP), models take vectors (arrays of numbers) as input. Embedding is a technique used to represent words, phrases, or entities as vectors of real numbers in a high-dimensional space (as illustrated in Figure 1). These embeddings capture semantic relationships and contextual information, allowing algorithms to better understand and process language.

Figure 1: Embedding Model
Figure 1: Embedding model.

1.1 Universal Sentence Encoder Multilingual

The Universal Sentence Encoder is a model developed by Google that produces fixed-size embeddings for input sentences or short texts. These embeddings are designed to capture semantic information about the meaning of the input text, making them useful for a variety of natural language processing tasks, such as text classification, text clustering and semantic search.

The Universal Sentence Encoder Multilingual module (shown in Figure 2) is an extension of the Universal Sentence Encoder that includes training on multiple tasks across different languages.

Figure 2: Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder
Figure 2: Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder.

2. Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is an open source, distributed search, and analytics engine designed for scalability and real-time search. It can handle large volumes of data of different types, including structured, unstructured, and geospatial data. Elasticsearch is commonly used in various applications, including log and event data analysis, monitoring, business intelligence, and search engines. Its versatility and scalability make it a popular choice for organizations dealing with large and complex datasets.

2.1 Index

In Elasticsearch, an index is a collection of documents that share a similar structure and are stored together for efficient searching and retrieval. It serves as the primary unit for organizing and managing data (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Elasticsearch Actions
Figure 3: Elasticsearch actions.

2. Index datasets

The first step is to download the BBC News dataset and index it in Elasticsearch. The notebook that implements these tasks is 01_index_datasets.ipynb.

2.1 Install and import the required packages

To perform all steps, install and import the following packages:

import tensorflow_text as tf_text
import tensorflow_hub  as tf_hub

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from datasets      import load_dataset
from IPython       import display

2.2 Create the Elasticsearch client

Create the client that will be responsible for executing actions in Elasticsearch. At a minimum, you must specify the host and some form of authentication, such as a username and password.

es = Elasticsearch(
    hosts        = es_host,
    basic_auth   = (es_username, es_password),
    verify_certs = False

If the connection has been established, the es.info() method should return something similar to this:

    "tagline":"You Know, for Search"

2.3 Download the BBC News dataset

In this article, we will use the BBC News dataset, which contains over 2000 news in text format, all categorized. We can download it just by calling the load_dataset method from the datasets package.

bbc_news_dataset = load_dataset('SetFit/bbc-news')

The output must be an object of type DatasetDict:

    train: Dataset({
        features: ['text', 'label', 'label_text'],
        num_rows: 1225
    test: Dataset({
        features: ['text', 'label', 'label_text'],
        num_rows: 1000

2.4 Download the Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder model

In machine learning, a model is a mathematical representation that learns patterns from data to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed.

The Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder is a model with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture that covers 16 languages, showing strong performance in multilingual retrieval. From the tensorflow-hub package, we can easily use this model with the following expression:

model = tf_hub.load('https://www.kaggle.com/models/google/universal-sentence-encoder/frameworks/TensorFlow2/variations/multilingual-large/versions/2')

The model's input is text, and its output is an array of 512 items containing the embeddings of the input expression. For example, for input:

model('Hello World, ML Elasticsearch!')[0].numpy()

The output should be:

array([ 6.04993142e-02,  2.46977881e-02,  3.43629159e-02, -3.45645919e-02,
       -2.19440423e-02,  1.74631681e-02,  4.07335758e-02, -7.56947622e-02,
       -4.24392615e-03, -9.12883040e-03, -7.34170526e-02, -8.02445412e-02,
        7.20020905e-02,  3.64579372e-02, -4.03201990e-02,  3.09278686e-02,
       -4.60638112e-04,  2.28298176e-03,  8.05738419e-02,  1.25325136e-02,
        8.55052546e-02, -4.09091152e-02,  7.49715557e-03,  1.39080118e-02,
        4.30730805e-02, -3.43654901e-02,  5.11647621e-03,  2.94517819e-02,
        1.54668670e-02,  6.75039068e-02,  1.02604687e-01, -3.43576036e-02,
        1.10444212e-02, -5.98613322e-02, -2.86747441e-02,  3.58597264e-02,
        1.37920845e-02, -1.31028690e-04, -5.92646468e-03, -7.39952251e-02,
        3.12727243e-02, -5.23758633e-03, -4.90117408e-02, -2.00900845e-02,
        7.94764757e-02,  1.69147346e-02, -7.27028772e-03,  4.55966964e-02,
        2.82147657e-02, -1.79359596e-02,  3.01514324e-02, -4.47459966e-02,
       -6.71745390e-02,  4.77596521e-02,  7.86093343e-03, -1.41343456e-02,
       -3.58230583e-02, -1.85324792e-02,  4.14996557e-02, -2.08834168e-02,
        8.51072446e-02,  4.16630059e-02, -5.32974862e-02, -4.40437198e-02,
       -4.28032987e-02, -8.95944908e-02,  3.19887549e-02,  6.05730340e-02,
       -3.23659391e-03,  7.54942596e-02, -5.46579855e-03,  3.77340917e-03,
        5.46114445e-02, -4.40792646e-03, -3.59019917e-03,  6.38055429e-02,
        1.04503930e-02,  5.62766846e-03, -3.87495980e-02,  4.47553173e-02, ... ])

2.5 Create the index for the dataset

We can then create the index that will store the records from the BBC News dataset using the Elasticsearch client. It is possible and necessary to change the parameters according to your needs.

bbc_news_index = 'bbc_news'

    index    = bbc_news_index,
    settings = {
        'number_of_shards'   : 2,
        'number_of_replicas' : 1
    mappings = {
        'properties' : {
            'text'            : { 'type' : 'text'    },
            'label'           : { 'type' : 'integer' },
            'label_text'      : { 'type' : 'text'    },
            'dataset_type'    : { 'type' : 'text'    },
            'text_embeddings' : { 'type' : 'dense_vector', 'dims' : 512 }

The result should be a positive feedback message, for example:

ObjectApiResponse({'acknowledged': True, 'shards_acknowledged': True, 'index': 'bbc_news'})

2.6 Index the BBC News dataset in the Elasticsearch

Finally, index the BBC News dataset in Elasticsearch using the client created previously. The dataset is divided between train and test, and for this separation we will use the dataset_type field. We will also use the text_embeddings field to save the embeddings of the text field of the dataset. This field will be used to perform the semantic search.

for dataset_type in bbc_news_dataset:

    dataset = bbc_news_dataset[dataset_type]
    size    = len(dataset)

    for index, item in enumerate(dataset, start = 1):

        display.clear_output(wait = True)
        print(f'Indexing BBC News { dataset_type } dataset : { index } / { size }')

        document = {
            'text'            : item['text'],
            'label'           : item['label'],
            'label_text'      : item['label_text'],
            'dataset_type'    : dataset_type,
            'text_embeddings' : model(item['text'])[0].numpy()

            index    = bbc_news_index,
            document = document

A counter will appear that displays the indexing progress. When finished, you can check the total number of records in the index by calling the es.count() method.

es.count(index = bbc_news_index)

ObjectApiResponse({'count': 2225, '_shards': {'total': 2, 'successful': 2, 'skipped': 0, 'failed': 0}})

3. Multilingual semantic-similarity search

With the data from the BBC News dataset indexed in our running instance of Elasticsearch, we can perform searches using the text_embeddings field.

The code to implement this section can be found in notebook 02_semactic_search.ipynb.

3.1 Create the search function

Firstly, it is necessary to define the function that will perform the semantic search.

In this function, we will use the client to perform the search and use cosine similarity between the input embeddings (using, again, the pretrained Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder model) and those indexed in Elasticsearch.

def semantic_search(text):

    query = {
        'script_score' : {
            'query'  : { 'match_all' : {} },
            'script' : {
                'source' : "cosineSimilarity(params.text_embeddings, 'text_embeddings') + 1.0",
                'params' : { 'text_embeddings' : model(text)[0].numpy() }

    result = es.search(index = bbc_news_index, query = query, size = 1)
    result = result['hits']['hits']

    if len(result) == 0:

        print('no results found...')

    result = result[0]

    print(f"score : { result['_score'] }")
    print(f"label : { result['_source']['label_text'] }")
    print(f"text  : { result['_source']['text'] }")

As an example, let's use the search for economic growth, and we should get the following result:

semantic_search('economic growth')

score : 1.3540239
label : business
text  : us economy shows solid gdp growth the us economy has grown more than expected  expanding at an annual rate of 3.8% in the last quarter of 2004.  the gross domestic product figure was ahead of the 3.1% the government estimated a month ago. the rise reflects stronger spending by businesses on capital equipment and a smaller-than-expected trade deficit. gdp is a measure of a country s economic health  reflecting the value of the goods and services it produces.  the new gdp figure  announced by the commerce department on friday  also topped the 3.5% growth rate that economists had forecast ahead of friday s announcement. growth was at an annual rate of 4% in the third quarter of 2004 and for the year it came in at 4.4%  the best figure in five years. however  the positive economic climate may lead to a rise in interest rates  with many expecting us rates to rise on 22 march. in the january-to-march quarter  the economy is expected to grow at an annual rate of about 4%  economists forecast. in the final quarter of 2004  businesses increased spending on capital equipment and software by 18%  up from 17.5% in the third quarter. consumer spending grew 4.2% in the final quarter  down from the third quarter s 5.1%.

Now we can look for crescimento econômico, which means economic growth in Portuguese:

semantic_search('crescimento econômico')

score : 1.342734
label : business
text  : us economy shows solid gdp growth the us economy has grown more than expected  expanding at an annual rate of 3.8% in the last quarter of 2004.  the gross domestic product figure was ahead of the 3.1% the government estimated a month ago. the rise reflects stronger spending by businesses on capital equipment and a smaller-than-expected trade deficit. gdp is a measure of a country s economic health  reflecting the value of the goods and services it produces.  the new gdp figure  announced by the commerce department on friday  also topped the 3.5% growth rate that economists had forecast ahead of friday s announcement. growth was at an annual rate of 4% in the third quarter of 2004 and for the year it came in at 4.4%  the best figure in five years. however  the positive economic climate may lead to a rise in interest rates  with many expecting us rates to rise on 22 march. in the january-to-march quarter  the economy is expected to grow at an annual rate of about 4%  economists forecast. in the final quarter of 2004  businesses increased spending on capital equipment and software by 18%  up from 17.5% in the third quarter. consumer spending grew 4.2% in the final quarter  down from the third quarter s 5.1%.

and by crecimiento económico, economic growth in Spanish:

semantic_search('crecimiento económico')

score : 1.3169482
label : business
text  : us economy shows solid gdp growth the us economy has grown more than expected  expanding at an annual rate of 3.8% in the last quarter of 2004.  the gross domestic product figure was ahead of the 3.1% the government estimated a month ago. the rise reflects stronger spending by businesses on capital equipment and a smaller-than-expected trade deficit. gdp is a measure of a country s economic health  reflecting the value of the goods and services it produces.  the new gdp figure  announced by the commerce department on friday  also topped the 3.5% growth rate that economists had forecast ahead of friday s announcement. growth was at an annual rate of 4% in the third quarter of 2004 and for the year it came in at 4.4%  the best figure in five years. however  the positive economic climate may lead to a rise in interest rates  with many expecting us rates to rise on 22 march. in the january-to-march quarter  the economy is expected to grow at an annual rate of about 4%  economists forecast. in the final quarter of 2004  businesses increased spending on capital equipment and software by 18%  up from 17.5% in the third quarter. consumer spending grew 4.2% in the final quarter  down from the third quarter s 5.1%.

As expected, we obtained the same news, with the same text and the same category, business, slightly differentiating the score, calculated by cosine similarity.


In conclusion, the integration of machine learning with Elasticsearch unveils a transformative synergy, enhancing the capabilities of data retrieval, analysis, and decision-making.

This article presented a way to apply this combination, which can be inspired and carried out in the same way for data in other formats, such as videos and texts, and can also be adapted to your business needs while maintaining a high level of performance.