Red Hat Developer Program

Testing the Enterprise layers, with Arquillian

Arquillian is an innovative and highly extensible testing platform for the JVM that enables developers to easily create automated integration, functional and acceptance tests for Java middleware, from Java EE and beyond. For years we've been exploring how to layer and separate our code to test in isolation on the unit level. We've kept integration and functional testing as a big ball of mud; jumping straight from unit to full system testing. But can we apply some of the same lessons learned from unit to integration testing? Speaker Bio:  Arquillian project lead, Aslak Knutsen, is a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat where he is working on projects such as Arquillian and ShrinkWrap, one of the founders of the JBoss Testing initiative and a speaker at major industry conferences including JavaOne, Devoxx, Jazoon, JFokus, Geecon, JUDCon and JBoss World.