Red Hat Developer Program

An Introduction To Eclipse Che: A Next-Generation Java IDE (Tyler Jewell)

What happens when on-demand workspaces powered by Docker are transformed into a new kind of Java IDE accessed through your browser? This session introduces Eclipse Che and shows how a cloud IDE can make developing Java projects fast and powerful. We'll compare Intellisense, content assist, machines, plug-in architecture, and performance when compared to traditional desktop IDEs. Che includes numerous forms of refactoring and uses Docker to initiate environments and machines to build and run code. We'll also cover Maven, Ant, and Gradle extensions and discusses how Che can be extended with custom code templates, Dockerfiles, and plug-ins (authored in Java, of course). Additionally, Che has a Kubernetes and OpenShift plug-in, which provides duality of environments between development and production, all structured on container topologies. We'll discuss how developers are marrying their code with containers and keeping those topologies synchronized between different environments, and the role that IDEs must play in this world.