Red Hat Developers

Enterprise Node.js on OpenShift | DevNation Tech Talk

JavaScript has always played an important role in the browser, and now it's use in enterprise server-side development has exploded with Node.js. It's reactive architecture and lightweight makes it an ideal technology for containerized microservices architectures you've been hearing so much about. What does this mean for your enterprise? Where does it fit, and how can Red Hat® OpenShift Application Runtimes help you use this technology while still taking advantage of the foremost Platform-as-a-Service? Join this session for the answers. We'll also demonstrate how quickly you can set up a non-trivial, enterprise-grade Node.js applications on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. We'll explore how to integrate with other open source technologies, such as Istio, and discuss strategies for your Node.js development and deployment pipeline, including canary and blue/green deployment strategies.