Analyzing Java Applications Using Thermostat (Omair Majid)
Ever wondered how your Java application is actually working? How it's making use of scarce resources on your machine? Ever tried to look under the hood of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and felt lost with various tools that don't provide an overall picture, only local details? Thermostat is an open source serviceability tool to help Java developers understand what's happening inside the JVM when their programs are running. Thermostat collects and combines information from various sources—including the Hotspot JVM—to present a complete picture of how the application is behaving. In this session, you'll get a chance to see Thermostat in action as it's used to examine various Java applications, identify what's wrong and fix those problems—often without even modifying the application code. You'll also learn how to add more features to Thermostat through plug-ins. If you're a developer, sysadmin, or QA, and if there's Java in your technology stack, you'll want to learn how Thermostat can make your life easier.