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Node.js - Harnessing the power of Java (for PDF generation and more)

Cesar Valdez

At Red Hat, we all love playing with new technologies, and sometimes we find gaps that haven't yet been filled. I want to take a few minutes to share a personal project I've been working on in my spare time. It is a native C++11 add-on that allows you to run a JVM in Node.js, giving access to the mature Java ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Motivation I just wanted some mature PDF library in Node.js, like iText , PDFBox...

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Red Hat CDK installation in just minutes!

Eric D. Schabell

Ready to develop container application in just over 4 minutes? Since I started playing around with OpenShift in its various forms, such as Online with cartridges and then later as containerized images, nothing has gotten me more excited than the availability of the Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK). This kit has made it possible to easily gain access to a full, product based installation of OpenShift as you would interact with it in application development in just minutes. While...

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Scalable Microservices through Messaging

Bilgin Ibryam

Microservices are everywhere nowadays, and so is the idea of using service choreography (instead of service orchestration) for microservices interactions. In this article I describe how to set up service choreography using ActiveMQ virtual topics, which also enables scalable event based service interactions. Service Interaction Styles There are two main types of service interaction: synchronous and asynchronous . With synchronous interactions, the service consumer makes a request and blocks until the operation completes and a response is received. The HTTP...

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Persistent Custom MDC Logging in Apache Camel

Mary Cochran

Logging is an ubiquitous need in any production quality application, and one common scenario is to log the active (logged in) username, or to log the user and order IDs for customer order event details. This is typically done to create an audit trail so that issues can be more easily traced should something go wrong, but there are any number of reasons why you might decide to create a custom log. Mapped Diagnostic Contexts (MDCs) in Apache Camel are...

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Developer interest survey - May 2016

Lincoln Baxter III

At Red Hat Developers, we're working to create a new breed of developer community - one where its participants Learn, Code, and Share together. As part of the process, we're publishing information that you find helpful, interesting, and things that generally make you awesome, feel awesome, and inspire you to do awesome things. (That's the goal, anyway.) One thing you might not know, is that most of the articles that get published here are actually contributed by our community members...

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Building JBoss Projects with PatternFly and AngularJS

James Falkner

Recently I've been looking into different UI tech in use for apps built on top of Red Hat middleware, and I've discovered that many of Red Hat's products use PatternFly (in differing capacities) for their administrative UIs. PatternFly is "A community of designers and developers collaborating to build a UI framework for enterprise web applications." (from the website). There are also components, directives, etc, for AngularJS projects (which I really like). This sounds awesome, particularly because I'm a terrible designer...

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Announcing Microservices Day London - 2016

Lincoln Baxter III

A day dedicated to digital transformation with microservices Microservices day is coming to London ! Organized by nearForm and sponsored by RedHat , the event takes place in the City of London’s iconic Barbican Centre on May 10, 2016. Registration is open now . This post was originally published on . Why attend? Microservices Day is a one-day, single-track, non-profit event that focuses on the business benefits of utilizing microservices. It is aimed at chief digital officers, chief technical...

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Different types of microservices?

Mark Little

I've been working with some of our teams recently on microservices and how we can assist our customers and communities with best practices and recommendations, whether they're Java EE developers, Vert.x coders, writing Node.js applications or something else. If you've read any of my previous articles then you'll know I have a few thoughts on microservices , and yet there are many things I still feel I need to get straight in my own head. That's why I love talking...

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Announcing NodeConf London 2016

Lincoln Baxter III

The first NodeConf London event takes place on Wednesday May 11, 2016, in the City of London’s Barbican Centre . Tickets cost £200 and are available now. What’s on offer? This is a one-day, single-track conference that focuses on what people in both the enterprise and software development community need to know about Node.js. Here’s a flavour of the lineup of speakers: Kassandra Perch “Robots, Code, and People” Nikhila Ravi “Server-less Architecture in the Wild” James Halliday “The Disintermediated Web”...

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Red Hat at QCon São Paulo 2016

Lincoln Baxter III

Last week, the seventh edition of QCon São Paulo made a strong repeat performance with over 800 attendees and over 100 speakers . Enterprise Java, Microservices, DevOps, CI/CD, Big Data, User Experience, and the Internet of Things (IoT) were focal points of the conference, along with dozens of other topics from which attendees could choose. Several Red Hat speakers gave presentations, including: Eder Ignatowicz - Java/JVM - about how OO Design Patterns had changed with Functional Programming: " Refactoring to...

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"Don't cross the streams": Thread safety and memory accesses at the speed of light

William Cohen

The classic 1984 movie Ghostbusters offered an important safety tip for all of us: " Don't cross the streams. " - "Why not?" - "I t would be bad. " - " I’m fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. What do you mean, 'bad'? " - "Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light." - "Right. That’s bad. Okay. All right. Important safety tip. Thanks..."...

Should I learn OSGi? What's the point?

Should I learn OSGi? What's the point?

Mary Cochran

Recently, I have been hearing a lot of debate around whether it is worth someone's time to learn OSGi. Doing a simple Google search on "OSGi usability" returns results filled with phrases such as "not easy to use", "unproductive", "developer burden", and "going away". However, you will also find that it solves a lot of common issues in the JVM, particularly issues around class loading. So is learning OSGi worth your time? What is OSGi? OSGi is meant to solve...

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Origins of .NET on Linux: An explanation for Java Developers

Lincoln Baxter III

The .NET framework is a relatively young technology when compared to the rest of computer science history, but as it turns fourteen this year, we can look back and see a long-standing record of innovation, developer productivity, and more recently a refreshing open-source mentality from Microsoft that has resulted in the first ever release of (the official) .NET framework in a Linux distribution. .NET is a development platform that includes several programming languages, notably C# and Visual Basic, and the...

RedHat Shadowman Logo

Apps 101: An Absolute Beginner's Guide to building a Mobile App

Cian Clarke

Building applications can be a laborious process. Sourcing work to bespoke app development studios is expensive, and there's often a large backlog of applications built up within a business needing development. While there's no magic bullet solution to clearing this backlog, there are tools that can help. In today's post, we're going to look at building a mobile application on the Red Hat Mobile Application Platform as a complete beginner. Since mobile developers are an increasingly rare commodity, this post...

Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform

Getting started with EAP 7 and JBoss Developer Studio

Markus Eisele (@myfear)

Now, that the beta of latest Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7 is out, it is about time to explore the available Java EE 7 quickstarts and deploy your first application with JBoss Developer Studio (JDBS) . The quickstarts demonstrate JBoss EAP, Java EE 7 and a few additional technologies. They provide small, specific, working examples that can be used as a reference for your own project. To make it a real quick start for you, I recorded a...

Integrating WebSphere MQ with JBoss Enterprise Application Server

JBoss EAP 7 Beta is now available!

Christina Wong

JBoss EAP 7 Beta is now available! Here's a preview of what's to come... Today, we officially announced the availability of Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7 beta . We truly believe this release will shift the way the enterprise Java community thinks about application servers and builds Java applications. But, before we get into the details of how you can use JBoss EAP 7 to accomplish this, I want to bring attention and recognition to the community who...

Modern Java EE Design Patterns

New Java EE Book - Modern Java EE Design Patterns

Markus Eisele (@myfear)

Today is a very special day for me. I am pleased to announce that my thoughts around Enterprise Java development made it into a report and has been published by O'Reilly. The "Modern Java EE Design Patterns" mini-book is available for download as of today here . I am covering a lot of ground in this, beginning from the overall Enterprise challenges and changes over the last couple of years all the way down to microservices pattern. With plenty of...

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What Lies Beneath: A tour of the dark gritty underbelly of OpenJDK

Andrew Dinn

OpenJDK is the premier open source Java implementation. The OpenJDK project provides the code used to build Red Hat's Java releases for Fedora and RHEL and the Java releases used on most other Linux distributions. It also forms the basis of Oracle's proprietary Java binary releases. The Red Hat OpenJDK team has been working for some time now, along with organizations like the London Java Community (LJC) and some of our academic partners (e.g. Glasgow & Manchester) to encourage researchers...

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Type safe SalesForce Queries (SOQL) in Scala

Adam Kovari

This blog shows how to implement a relatively simple type safe DSL for the SalesForce Object Query Language (SOQL). SalesForce doesn’t provide much tooling specifically for the Scala world, which got me to writing some support myself. One of the most common ways to interact with the SalesForce API is using the Enterprise or the Partner WSDL. For the purpose of this article, I will be using the Enterprise WSDL. The main difference is that the Enterprise one is type-safe...

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DevNation Talk: Shenandoah: An ultra-low pause time garbage collector for OpenJDK

Christine Flood

Join us at DevNation and learn about Shenandoah. You've tuned your Java application so that you can promise response times of 10ms and then a GC pause happens. You want to scale up your enterprise application but suddenly your GC pauses go from 50ms to 2 minutes. You need a garbage collector that works while your program is running so that you don't hit the GC wall. Current GC technology works really well for managing pause times right up until...

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JCache and Infinispan - standardize your application's cache

Romain Pelisse

With the adoption growth of Infinispan, its community has been resurrecting works on the quite old, but stalled, JSR-107, aka JCache . The first step was obviously the released of the JSR 1.0 version, a few month back, and most recently in December with Infinispan 7.0.2.Final is a certified JSR-107 1.0 implementation . It's actually quite useful news, as it allows you to build webapps or even JEE apps using a standard API to access Infinispan. Using JCache API is...