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Open Source IoT Gateway: A Tale Of Eclipse Kura, Apache Camel, And Rhiot (Henryk Konsek)

Red Hat Developer Program

The Internet Of Things (IoT) brings the whole new challenges to the world of the messaging solutions. Gathering data from the field and delivering it to the cloud is a common task for IoT solutions. Developers find themselves struggling with field protocols on one side and data delivery protocols on the other. Eclipse Kura is a well-recognized field gateway for IoT applications. Apache Camel is a message-routing engine and a library containing a gazillion various endpoint connectors. And last, but not least, Rhiot project attempts to make the Kura and Camel developer experience even better. In this session, you'll learn how Red Hat combines Kura, Camel, and Rhiot to create rocking IoT gateway solutions.

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From object oriented to functional domain modeling by Mario Fusco

Red Hat Developer Program

Join us in March 21-23 for Devoxx US 2017, details @ The main consequence of the introduction of lambda expressions in Java 8 is the possibility of conveniently mixing the object oriented and the functional paradigms. Nevertheless the biggest part of Java developers is not used yet to employ functional idioms and then they are not ready to fully leverage the new functional capabilities of Java. In particular it is still uncommon to see functions used together with data in business domain model. The purpose of this talk is not doing a comparison between object oriented and functional programming, but showing how these two styles can be combined in order to take advantage of the good parts of both. For example it's usual to pass a list of data to a function that processes them, but there are cases when you may want to create a list of functions and pass a single data through all of them. Immutable objects leads to a inherently thread-safe domain model. Functions often compose better than objects. Side-effect free code allows better reusability. This talk will demonstrate the validity of these statements with practical examples till to distil the essence of functional programming: data and behaviours are two aspects of the same thing.

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vert.x 3 - be reactive on the JVM but not only in Java by Clement Escoffier/Paulo Lopes

Red Hat Developer Program

Join us in March 21-23 for Devoxx US 2017, details @ Vert.x 3 is a toolkit to create reactive applications on the Java Virtual Machine. Vert.x 3 takes the JVM to new levels of reactive awesomeness: it lets you build scalable applications transparently distributed in Java, JavaScript, Ruby and Groovy. And, you don’t have to choose a single language, but mix them! This talk presents the key concepts of Vert.x and how you can use it to build your next application. This session explains how the simple model promoted by Vert.x enables the construction of concurrent, scalable and efficient micro-service based applications. Several examples are developed during the talk and demonstrates Vert.x features such as the distributed event bus, the high availability, the polyglot aspect and vert.x web.

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CDI 2.0 is coming by Antoine Sabot-Durand/José Paumard

Red Hat Developer Program

The work on JSR 365 (Context and Dependency Injection for Java) started one year ago. Expert group already added interesting features like asynchronous events or Java SE bootstrap. Thanks to early draft and alpha version of CDI 2.0 implementation we can already experiment the future CDI 2.0. In this talk we will show the top new features in CDI 2.0 thru code examples (when possible) and presents expert group serious leads for the end of this first totally open source Java EE specification.

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Process-driven applications: let BPM do (some of) your work by Kris Verlaenen

Red Hat Developer Program

Even the simplest application ideas always end up requiring more development than you hoped for: maintaining long-lived state, interaction with other services or human actors performing some of the work, showing current status of ongoing requests, management and reporting, etc. Business processes and rules allow you to externalize some of that logic and dynamically update it, but you don't want your business process management (BPM) system to get in your way either. And every application is different, so you want to be able to fully control every bit of it. Using process-driven application development, you define your application logic in a (flexible) business process, but you also expect your BPM system to help you out with much more than that. In this session we will show you live how to quickly get new web applications up and running by relying on jBPM to provide some of the UI (should you want to), or even to generate parts of your application for you (that you can customize later), so you can focus on what makes your application different. jBPM uses the power of open source and it's flexible architecture to let you decide what you need: nothing more, nothing less.

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Docker Tooling for JavaEE Developers by Xavier Coulon

Red Hat Developer Program

Docker is awesome, but how to use it well when doing Java development ? In this talk you will get a quick introduction on how to use Docker effectively, especially for Java EE development. We will show how the recent release of Eclipse Mars supports Docker to make it even more integrated into your day-to-day work from within your IDE. In particular, you'll see how you can pull and run an image for a database, build a custom image for an application server, run it and deploy a JavaEE application using data volume, exposed ports and container links. And more !

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fabric8 - Java developer tools for Kubernetes and OpenShift by Roland Huß

Red Hat Developer Program

Fabric8 is an integration and management platform adding to the Java developer's perspective of Kubernetes and OpenShift. It consists of multiple parts. Fabric8 tooling helps tremendously in deploying Java applications on Kubernetes and OpenShift by creating all the complex deployment descriptors directly from a Java build. In addition, fabric8 contains a rich set of DevOps Microservices which provides a flexible and automatedsetup for a Continous Integration and Delivery pipeline on a per project basis. It also includes an integration-Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) centered around Camel and ActiveMQ with rich visualisations and one click installations. But the queen of fabric8 is its web console which allows for a rich user experience for managing Kubernetes services, pods and more. With this in place even complex setups can be easily managed. This talk provides an overview over all these components and shows how the pieces fit together.

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JBoss@JavaOne 2014: Java and Mongo for a fun mapping experience - Steve Citron-Pousty

Red Hat Developer Program

You have a great idea for quick and interesting mapping application with pins on a map with some basic search. Then you lose interest because of all the pieces to install. NOT ANYMORE! In this workshop we are going to use 1 command to spin up all our infrastructure (EAP and MongoDB). Then write some quick and easy Java EE code to build a REST service on MongoDB. To wrap it up we will use a simple Leaflet application to display the results. You will witness the transformation from idea to cool pinny map in this quick session.

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JBoss@JavaOne 2014: Automatically scaling Java applications in the cloud - Steve Pousty

Red Hat Developer Program

In this mini-session, Steve Pousty will showcase how to automatically scale Java EE applications on a PaaS environment using JBoss EAP and OpenShift. This will be a live demo where he will deploy an application to the cloud and then turn up the heat by running a load test with thousands of users.

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JBoss@JavaOne 2014: The Path to CDI 2.0 - Antoine Sabot-Durand

Red Hat Developer Program

CDI has proven itself to be a great asset for Java. The many features it provides (dependency injection, contextual lifecycle, configuration, interception, event notification, and more) and the innovative way it provides them (through the use of meta-annotations) explain its rapid adoption. This session reviews the features introduced in CDI 1.1 and 1.2 and discusses improvements planned for CDI 2.0.

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JBoss@JavaOne 2014: Developing Modern Mobile Applications - Sebastien Blanc

Red Hat Developer Program

Are you a Java developer and want to develop a mobile app that connects to a secured Java EE back end, but you don’t know where to start? This session is tailored for you. This live coding session, driven by Java and using a familiar development environment, goes step by step through building a complete mobile, hybrid, multiplatform application ready to be distributed on different vendors’ stores, such as the Apple store or Google Play. Starting from scratch, the tutorial takes you through building a simple Java EE application and, from there, scaffolding a mobile web client and turning it into a native app, including Android and iOS. This is an in-depth session in which the attendees will learn concretely, and without using hipster tools, how to enter the mobile world.

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Developer Interview (#DI18) - Rafael Benevides about Docker for Java EE Developers

Red Hat Developer Program

(Part 1)Containers are enabling developers to package their applications in new ways that are portable and work consistently everywhere: on your machine, in production, in your data center, and in the cloud. And Docker has become the de facto standard for those portable containers in the cloud. This lab offers developers an intro-level hands-on session with Docker, from installation to exploring Docker Hub, to crafting their own images, to adding Java apps and running custom containers. This is a BYOL (bring your own laptop) session, so bring your Windows, OS X, or Linux laptop and be ready to dig into a tool that promises to be at the forefront of our industry for some time to come.

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Thomas Qvarnstrom (@tqvarnst) Continuous Delivery with Docker Containers and Java EE

Red Hat Developer Program

Technical backgrounds to a recent webinar. Learn how to achieve continuous delivery with docker and Java EE. Topics will include: A developer's introduction to docker. Best practices and recipes for docker and Java EE. How to setup a delivery pipeline for a Java EE application running on Red Hat® JBoss® Enterprise Application Platform using docker (live demo).