DevOps pipelines with Kubernetes

Cloud developers can take advantage of increased speed, decreased risk, and improved collaboration with Kubernetes and DevOps.

DevOps with OpenShift Book

Free e-book: DevOps with OpenShift

Experts explain how to configure Docker application containers and the Kubernetes cluster manager with OpenShift’s developer- and operational-centric tools. Discover how this infrastructure-agnostic container management platform can help companies navigate the murky area where infrastructure-as-code ends and application automation begins.

The book covers the following topics:

  • Why automation is important
  • Patterns and practical examples for managing continuous deployments such as rolling, A/B, blue-green, and canary
  • Implementing continuous integration pipelines with OpenShift’s CI/CD capability
  • Mechanisms for separating and managing configuration from static runtime software
  • Customizing OpenShift’s source-to-image capability
  • Considerations when working with OpenShift-based application workloads
  • Self-contained local versions of the OpenShift environment on your computer

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a set of tools and techniques for combining the development and deployment of software. DevOps uses source code management systems and automated testing software to simplify the development process, while automated build and deployment tools streamline the work of the operations team. In a sophisticated DevOps environment, the division of labor between people who write software and people who deploy software to production systems is largely artificial. As DevOps continues to mature, the line between development and operations departments will become more blurred.

DevOps All The Things!

Host: Natale Vinto/Alex Soto
Guest: Daniel Bryant 

Want to know how you can effectively debug your workloads deployed in the cloud? And what are the best DevOps tools around today?

Join us for our bi-weekly hour-long live chat show with Daniel Bryant. Daniel is the Director of DevRel at Ambassador Labs. His technical expertise focuses on ‘DevOps’ tooling, cloud/container platforms, and microservice implementations. Daniel is a Java Champion and contributes to several open source projects.

Getting started with DevOps

Featured image for 9 best practices for building images that run well in both Kubernetes and OpenShift
Nov 18, 2021

Build and store universal application images on OpenShift

Bobby Woolf

Learn how to use a build pipeline for building and storing application...

Developer tools and practices for remote workspaces.
Oct 12, 2021

Tools and practices for remote development teams

Jason Dudash +1

Discover practices and tools (i.e., shared IDEs and automated pipelines) to...

Featured image for Red Hat OpenShift Developer Survey
Oct 16, 2020

Let's collaborate! Take the 2020 Red Hat OpenShift Developer Survey now

Serena Chechile Nichols

The 2020 OpenShift Developer Survey is open now and continues through...

Diagram showing the building blocks for a Tekton Pipeline
Apr 30, 2020

Creating Pipelines with OpenShift 4.4’s new Pipeline Builder and Tekton Pipelines

Joel Lord

Explore the new Pipeline Buillder that comes with OpenShift Container...

DevOps - Tear down that wall

Podcast: DevOps - Tear down that wall

Red Hat's Command Line Heroes podcast series covered DevOps in Season 1, Episode 4.

What is DevOps, really? Developer guests, including Scott Hanselman from Microsoft and Cindy Sridharan of Apple, think about DevOps as a practice from their side of the wall, while members from various operations teams explain what they've been working to defend.

Differences remain, but with DevOps, teams are working better than ever. Learn more in this episode of Command Line Heroes.

Listen Now

More DevOps resources

Featured image for Red Hat Developer Hub.

Create software templates for VMs with OpenShift Virtualization

Valentina Rodriguez Sosa

In the previous articles in this series , we demonstrated how Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization and Red Hat Developer Hub can increase developer productivity by building virtual machines with a click of a button and showcased the user experience for developers when building a new virtual machine based on the definitions of platform engineering and operations. In this installment, we explore software templates concepts, architecture, and how to use them to build virtual machines (VMs). The technology stack Figure 1...

Ready for more?

This panel brings together developers who understand the benefits of container technologies for DevOps and delivery pipelines.

Edson Yanaga
Director of Developer Experience at Red Hat

Developers and operators must work hand-in-hand; Burr walks us through the process and highlights automation, CI and CD deployment, containers, and microservices.


Director of Developer Experience