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A leaner <iostream> in libstdc++ for GCC 13

Patrick Palka

Learn about an upcoming change in GCC 13's libstdc++ that reduces executable size and improves startup times for C++ programs that use the <iostream> header.

Featured image for: Instant replay: Debugging C and C++ programs with rr.

Debugging binaries invoked from scripts with GDB

Kevin Buettner

It's very common on Linux for a binary application to be invoked by a shell script. This article explains how you can debug such binaries using GDB.

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Implementing C++20 atomic waiting in libstdc++

Thomas Rodgers

The C++ standard library gained some new concurrency features with C++20 . This article will cover the implementation approach for atomic wait/notify, as these are basis operations required to implement the remaining coordination primitives introduced with C++20.

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How to categorize C programs by behavior

Martin Sebor

Could your perfectly running program blow up someday? Learn different types of behavior in the standard and what helps make a correct C or C++ program.


An introduction to debug events: Learn how to use breakpoints

Keith Seitz

Breakpoints are the most commonly used (and underused) debugging event in a debugger. This article discusses the breakpoint features that GDB offers developers, and shows how to use breakpoints effectively.

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Red Hat Developer roundup: Best of April 2022

Red Hat Developer Editorial Team

A trip through Red Hat Developer's content for the month, with articles on GCC 12, Java in containers, Red Hat's SSO technology, and much more.

Featured image for: Value range propagation in GCC with Project Ranger.

New C++ features in GCC 12

Marek Polacek

Version 12 of GCC implements much of the recent C++ standard, allows a number of previously prohibited constructs, and fixes some problematic behaviors.