Red Hat Enterprise Linux

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What's new in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4?

Nikhil Mungale

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9.4 is now generally available (GA). Learn about the latest enhancements that improve the developer experience.

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AI/ML Workloads

Applications based on machine learning and deep learning, using structured and unstructured data as the fuel to drive these applications.

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Some more C# 12

Tom Deseyn

Explore C# 12 advanced features, including inline arrays, optional params and params in lambda expressions, ref readonly parameters, aliasing any type, and the UnsafeAccessorAttribute.

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Red Hat's AI/ML Platforms & Developer Tools

Red Hat provides AI/ML across its products and platforms, giving developers a portfolio of enterprise-class AI/ML solutions to deploy AI-enabled applications in any environment, increase efficiency, and accelerate time-to-value.

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Learn Linux

Unlock the power of Linux with our comprehensive learning resources. Dive into our collection of hands-on interactive tutorials and learning paths to accelerate your ability to learn Linux.

DOTNET on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Cheat Sheet

.NET on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Don Schenck

The .NET on Red Hat Enterprise Linux cheat sheet covers how to install .NET on RHEL, get a simple program running, and run a program in a Linux container.