

Knative: What developers need to know

Don Schenck

Knative is changing the world of microservices and serverless functions; here's what you need to know to take advantage of this cutting-edge technology.

omnichannel customer experience

Integration of storage services (part 6)

Eric D. Schabell

Part 6 of Eric Schabell's integration series covers the storage elements of a generic architectural blueprint for the omnichannel customer experience use case.


Building a Node.js service using the API-first approach

Mikel Sanchez

This article demonstrates the API-first development approach. To do this, it shows how to set up a Node.js microservice based on TypeScript by first generating an OpenAPI Specification file and then focusing only on developing the business logic. All the validations of the API are managed by oas-tools, which saves development time.

omnichannel customer experience

Integration of container platform essentials (Part 5)

Eric D. Schabell

This article, which is Part 5 of the series, covers core elements of a generic architectural blueprint (container platform and microservices) for the omnichannel customer experience use case.

omnichannel customer experience

Integration of API management details (Part 4)

Eric D. Schabell

This article, which is Part 4 of the series, covers details pertaining to API management and reverse proxies of a generic architectural blueprint for the omnichannel customer experience use case.

omnichannel customer experience

Integration of external application details (Part 3)

Eric D. Schabell

This article, which is Part 3 of the series, covers details pertaining to the specific elements (mobile and web application deployments) that can be used in a generic architectural blueprint for the omnichannel customer experience use case.

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Spring Boot-enabled business process automation with Red Hat Process Automation Manager

Duncan Doyle

This post described the new Spring Boot Starters provided in Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.1. Using a minimal amount of code, these Spring Boot Starters enable developers of modern, light-weight applications on Spring Boot to quickly build applications or microservices that have business process and business rules execution capabilities.

CloudEvent Flow

EventFlow: Event-driven microservices on OpenShift (Part 1)

Hugo Hiden +2

This post is the first in a series that describes a lightweight cloud-native distributed microservices framework called EventFlow that targets the Kubernetes/OpenShift platforms and models event-processing applications as a connected flow or stream of components. EventFlow can be used to develop event-processing applications that can process CloudEvents, which are an effort to standardise upon a data format for exchanging information regarding events generated by cloud platforms.

Kubernetes logo with text

Are App Servers Dead in the Age of Kubernetes? (Part 2)

Ken Finnigan

Given Kubernetes, docker containers and service mesh, are we seeing the start of an imminent decline in the use of application servers? This article explores the use case for application servers and examines why they will continue to evolve.

Graph view showing issues in the mesh

Observe what your Istio microservices mesh is doing with Kiali

Heiko Rupp

The Kiali project provides observability of a service mesh and the services in the mesh. This post describes how to use Kiali to observe what the microservices in your Istio service mesh are doing, validate the Istio configuration, and see any issues.

The rise of non-microservices architectures

The rise of non-microservices architectures

Bilgin Ibryam

There are pros and cons using to a microservices architecture. Some teams decide not to strictly follow all the principles of the "pure" microservices architecture. This post explores some valid reasons for using or not using microservices, and it discusses alternatives.

Red Hat AMQ image

Asynchronous communication between microservices using AMQP and Vert.x

Faisal Masood

This article shows how to use Apache QPid Proton (or Red Hat AMQ Interconnect) as a message router, the Vert.x AMQP bridge, and the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) for asynchronous request-reply communication between two microservices. Since AMQP is a wire-level protocol, services written in other stacks (like .NET) can also use the same communication channel.

Red Hat OpenShift

Sabre chooses Red Hat OpenShift for cloud-native DevOps platform

Mike Guerette

Sabre recently announced it has chosen Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform to fuel its digital transformation as it exits from transaction processing on the mainframe with TPF. OpenShift will be the basis of its next-generation platform, which will include microservices, DevOps, and a multi-faceted cloud strategy, to revolutionize the travel business.