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The Hardest Part About Microservices: Your Data

Christian Posta

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrV0DqTqpFU The challenge of data with microservices Of the reasons we attempt a microservices architecture , chief among them is allowing your teams to be able to work on different parts of the system at different speeds with minimal impact across teams. So we want teams to be autonomous, capable of making decisions about how to best implement and operate their services, and free to make changes as quickly as the business may desire. If we have our teams organized...

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From Fragile to Antifragile Software

Bilgin Ibryam

One of my favourite books is Antifragile by Nassim Taleb where the author talks about things that gain from disorder. Nacim introduces the concept of antifragility which is similar to hormesis in biology or creative destruction in economics and analyses it charecteristics in great details. If you find this topic interesting, there are also other authors who have examined the same phenomenon in different industries such as Gary Hamel , C. S. Holling , Jan Husdal . The concept of...

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Carving the Java EE Monolith Into Microservices: Prefer Verticals Not Layers

Christian Posta

Following my introduction blog about why microservices should be event-driven , I’d like to take another few steps and blog about it. (Hopefully I saw you at jBCNconf and Red Hat Summit in San Francisco , where I spoke about some of these topics). Follow me on twitter @christianposta for updates on this project. In this article we discuss the first parts of carving up a monolith. The monolith I’m exploring in depth for these articles will be from the...

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DevNation Live Blog: Decomposing a Java EE Monolith into WildFly Swarm Microservices

Salem Elrahal

WildFly Swarm is a "Just Enough" Application Server. If you don't need EJB, don't bundle it. Likewise for JPA, JAX-RS, or whatever subsystem. Bringing only the portions of an App Server that you need is the strategy that makes Java EE and the JVM a real contender in the microservices space. Ken Finnigan, Co Founder/Lead of WildFly Swarm, walked us through how easy it is to move a monolith deployment to a WildFly Swarm Microservice. Getting Started Getting started is...

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Dockerfile, `docker` CLI, containers "Cheat Sheet" now available!

Rafael Benevides

"Linux containers (sometimes managed using the docker command) keep applications and their runtime components together by combining lightweight application isolation with an image-based deployment method" . ( https://developers.redhat.com/topics/kubernetes ) Red Hat Developer program brings a very useful cheat sheet to those who need to create or work with containers, images, volumes and networks. When you download the sheet , you will find: An illustrated cheat sheet with commands related to the management of containers, Dockerfile instructions to craft your own...

Java fat jars

How to run Java fat-jars in Docker, Kubernetes and Openshift

Rafael Benevides

In a world where agility matters, the pursuit to reduce wasted time in environment configurations is apparent in many technologies. Some techniques, such as Virtual Machines, that enable distribution of pre-configured images have existed for decades, while others like Linux containers are more recent. Even platforms like Java allow developers to package all dependencies, resources and configuration files in single JAR (Java Archive) file. What started initially as way to have executable Java classes in Java SE (Standard Edition), has...

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Scalable Microservices through Messaging

Bilgin Ibryam

Microservices are everywhere nowadays, and so is the idea of using service choreography (instead of service orchestration) for microservices interactions. In this article I describe how to set up service choreography using ActiveMQ virtual topics, which also enables scalable event based service interactions. Service Interaction Styles There are two main types of service interaction: synchronous and asynchronous . With synchronous interactions, the service consumer makes a request and blocks until the operation completes and a response is received. The HTTP...

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REST and microservices - breaking down the monolith step by asynchronous step

Mark Little

A few days ago I had a rant about the misuse and misunderstanding of REST (typically HTTP) for microservices. To summarize, a few people/groups have been suggesting that you cannot do asynchronous interactions with HTTP, and that as a result of using HTTP you cannot break down a monolithic application into more agile microservices. The fact that most people refer to REST when they really mean HTTP is also a source of personal frustration, because by this stage experienced people...

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We are heading to Bengaluru. GIDS here we come!

Emily Parish

The Great India Developers Summit is quickly approaching and we are looking forward to landing in India to participate in this exciting event. This year we are focused on making DevOps work for you. DevOps isn’t a one size fits all. It depends on your organization, the culture and the technology you use to help you in your DevOps methodology. Stop by the booth and learn more about how DevOps can help you and while you are there sign up...

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Announcing Microservices Day London - 2016

Lincoln Baxter III

A day dedicated to digital transformation with microservices Microservices day is coming to London ! Organized by nearForm and sponsored by RedHat , the event takes place in the City of London’s iconic Barbican Centre on May 10, 2016. Registration is open now . This post was originally published on NearForm.com . Why attend? Microservices Day is a one-day, single-track, non-profit event that focuses on the business benefits of utilizing microservices. It is aimed at chief digital officers, chief technical...

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Different types of microservices?

Mark Little

I've been working with some of our teams recently on microservices and how we can assist our customers and communities with best practices and recommendations, whether they're Java EE developers, Vert.x coders, writing Node.js applications or something else. If you've read any of my previous articles then you'll know I have a few thoughts on microservices , and yet there are many things I still feel I need to get straight in my own head. That's why I love talking...

RedHat Shadowman Logo

Red Hat sessions at DevNexus 2016 (Atlanta)

Mike Guerette

Here are Red Hat's Session and speakers at DevNexus 2016 in Atlanta this week. Join us at these sessions plus stop by our booth for some good swag! MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Docker for Java EE Developers (ALL DAY WORKSHOP) Abstract: Containers are enabling developers to package their applications in new ways that are portable and work consistently everywhere: on your machine, in production, in your data center, and in the cloud. And Docker has become the de facto standard for...

12 Top blog articles of 2015

12 Top blog articles of 2015 - don't miss these

Mike Guerette

Another December and another list of must-read blog articles for the year. These were the most read and averaged 16,000 views per article - so lots of interest! Scala vs. Node.js as a RESTful backend server (31000 views) Improving math performance in glibc Red Hat and Microsoft making .NET on Linux work for Enterprises Five different ways to handle leap seconds with NTP JIT-compilation using GCC 5 GCC5 and the C++11 ABI GCC 5 in Fedora Live Migrating QEMU-KVM Virtual...

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Tear Down Data Silos with Mobile Microservices

Cian Clarke

A huge problem facing modern enterprises is managing the large software systems and applications they deal with on a daily basis. Be it the CRM system purchased by a predecessor, a bundled HRM product thrown in to sweeten a deal, or the CMS that marketing could not live without, silos of information exist in the modern enterprise, and it can often be difficult to utilize the data that these systems contain. When an enterprise decides to buy a proprietary system...

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Red Hat Developers Newsletter - August 2015

Mike Guerette

If you'd like to receive this monthly newsletter with fresh news, register here . Red Hat Developers Newsletter - August 2015 Welcome to the Red Hat ® Developers Newsletter. This month, many of you are getting your kids ready to go back to school. Learning can be a lot of fun, and we Red Hatters wish them (and you) good luck for the new year. By the way, have you learned something new lately? How about containers or Red Hat...

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Webinar: Continuous delivery with microservices

Mike Guerette

You’re invited to attend the Building enterprise applications the microservices way webinar series, a set of 3 Red Hat webinars. Read more about the entire series.

Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform

March in JBoss

Markus Eisele (@myfear)

A little late for a March review. But March was late in general. The weather didn't really pick up and we had some scheduling issues on the JBoss weekly editorial. Things like that happen, I guess. Time for me to finally catch up with all the news and releases in March. In the middle of April. My apologies. More than 20 Releases Everybody woke up from hibernation and we've seen 20+ releases of JBoss Open Source Projects and Products in...

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Evolving a Mobile-centric Architecture: The Microservices Way

Cian Clarke

There seems to have been an explosion in the use of the term “microservices” recently. I’ve been peripherally aware of the concept for some time now, but it seems it first came to light with a fantastic collection of thoughts by Martin Fowler [1] - some great reading on the topic. This three-part post will not help you make a business case for rewriting your existing monolith as a series of microservices - for that, I’d recommend Rich Sharples’ writings...

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January in JBoss

Markus Eisele (@myfear)

We just started this year and a lot has happened already. From now on, I will summarize the monthly happenings in JBoss to catch in one place. A Year in Review First thing a new year is all about is looking back. There's been plenty of recaps about 2014 for example by Eric Schabell who highlighted the most important events for JBoss Integration & BPM. Did you know, that there is a book called " OpenShift Primer " which got...

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Microservice principles and Immutability - demonstrated with Apache Spark and Cassandra

jay vyas

Containerizing things is particularly popular these days. Today we'll talk about the idioms we can use for containerization, and specifically play with apache spark and cassandra in our use case for creating easily deployed, immutable microservices. Note: This post is done using centos7 as a base for the containers, but these same recipes will apply with RHEL and Fedora base images. There are a few different ways to build a container. For example, for beginners, you can build a container...

JBoss Middleware Webinar Banner

Changing application demands: What developers need to know

Markus Eisele (@myfear)

This is a short heads-up about an upcoming, free webinar which discusses the influence of the growing demands for hyper-connected, internet-driven economy where users expect speedy delivery of new features, highly engaging personalized user experiences, and smooth, streamlined performance on today's application architecture and design. The result is that best practices for application development and architecture are rapidly changing. Traditional approaches to development are no longer competitive, with the new focus on simplicity, usability, and large-scale DevOps agility. In order...

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Gazing into the crystal ball: Red Hatters offer tech predictions for 2015

Mike Guerette

"As 2014 comes to a close, we asked Red Hat executives and subject matter experts to weigh in with their thoughts on what they expect to see happen in the world of tech in 2015. We’ve grouped predictions from these experts on many topics, including: Big data Business of tech Cloud computing Containers Developers and application development Internet of Things Mobile OpenStack Security Software-defined datacenter" Here are some of favorites: Open source has made software affordable and plentiful. Cloud computing...