Red Hat build of Node.js

Red Hat build of Node.js. is an open source JavaScript runtime environment designed to build modern scalable applications based on Node.js.

Red Hat build of Node.js makes it possible to run JavaScript outside of a browser. Its small size, fast startup, and high developer productivity makes it versatile in almost any use case.

From microservices to embedded software, it provides an I/O model based on events and non-blocking operations that enables you to write efficient applications.

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Rely on Red Hat’s Node.js experience and capability instead of having to build it yourself. Lean on Red Hat when you have issues in the runtime—not only to figure out what the problem is, but also to get the issues fixed upstream when necessary.

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Familiar workflow

Delivered through RPMs, Node.js is installed and managed using the trusted Red Hat ecosystem, ensuring consistency across components. Leveraging shared components like OpenSSL on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Red Hat's Node.js build automatically incorporates system-level policies, including FIPS validations, enhancing security.

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Shared components

Red Hat’s build of Node.js leverages shared components, like the OpenSSL running on RHEL. This allows system level policies to be automatically used by Node.js applications. It also has the added benefit of using Red Hat’s system level FIPS validations.

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Unlike the community builds, the Red Hat build of Node.js is packaged so that you can install just what you need. If you don't need multiple languages, you don’t have to install those dependencies. Want to reduce the attack surface in production? Start your application with Node.js directly and don’t install npm.

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Vulnerabilities are diligently monitored by the Red Hat security team, who prioritize and address them promptly, relieving the burden of exhaustive investigation and fixing. Trust in Red Hat's product security team to manage vulnerabilities effectively, striking a balance between risk and cost.

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Pre-built and maintained containers offer effortless consumption. Choose from full or minimal container images tailored precisely for building and running Node.js applications, ensuring efficiency and simplicity in deployment.

Node.js community

The Red Hat build of Node.js is built from the Node.js community upstream in Red Hat has collaborators and members of the Technical Steering Committee who help the upstream community build and ship Node.js releases.


Using Node.js to build JavaScript applications for the cloud

Node.js. is an open source JavaScript runtime environment designed to build modern scalable applications. Node.js enables developers to run JavaScript outside the browser, facilitating web development across back ends and front ends. 

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