Node.js at the edge

Red Hat build of Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment designed to build modern scalable applications.

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Why Node.js at the edge

C/C++ is the most popular language for building edge applications, but for developers immersed in IoT systems, the landscape is evolving. At the same time as the need for more sophisticated UIs and applications are needed, those C/C++ developers often reach for "one more language" and that is often JavaScript with Node.js.

Create better UIs at EDGE

Create better UIs at EDGE

In IoT, C/C++ is popular for hardware, but challenging for UIs on edge devices. JavaScript with Node.js, React, Angular, and Vue.js are preferred for their accessibility and efficiency. Their event-driven architecture and non-blocking I/O create responsive, scalable UIs. JavaScript's simpler syntax speeds up development, making it ideal for compelling UIs on edge devices.

Efficient EDGE applications

Efficient EDGE applications

Node.js is lightweight, efficient with its single-threaded event loop model enables handling a large number of concurrent connections efficiently. This architecture, combined with non-blocking I/O operations, ensures fast and responsive applications.

Efficent Application Management

Efficent Application Management

As edge devices look more and more like the servers already being managed by existing IT infrastructure they look to use existing hybrid cloud tools and approaches to manage edge devices. Node.js is a natural fit with the hybrid cloud, with its small footprint and fast startup.

Integration with External Systems

Integration with External Systems

Node.js can easily integrate with external messaging systems like MQTT, making it easier to communicate with other devices or services in the network.

Scalability and Performance

Scalability and Performance

Node.js event-driven, non-blocking I/O model allows for scalable and high-performance applications, making it ideal for edge computing scenarios where efficiency is crucial.

Reduced learning curve

Reduced learning curve

For C/C++ developers looking to learn a new language, Node.js offers a familiar and relatively easy-to-learn environment, reducing the learning curve for developing UIs and integrating with external systems.

Red Hat's products for Edge

Red Hat offers a comprehensive toolkit for Edge deployments, including Fedora IoT for the operating system, container development tools like Podman for building and managing containers, and MicroShift as a Kubernetes-native implementation of the OpenShift Container Platform optimized for edge computing. Additional tools such as Red Hat Advanced Cluster Managed for Kubernetes for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes for advanced container orchestration can be added to further enhance your Edge deployments.

Red Hat Device Edge

Red Hat Device Edge

Red Hat Device Edge is a flexible platform that consistently supports different workloads across small, resource-constrained devices at the farthest edge.

Get Red Hat Device Edge 

Podman Container Development Tools

Podman Container Development Tools

Podman is a daemonless container engine for developing, managing, and running OCI containers on your Linux system. It offers a more secure and lightweight alternative to traditional container engines.

Learn more about Podman 



MicroShift is a Kubernetes-native implementation of the OpenShift Container Platform optimized for edge computing, providing a lightweight, scalable, and secure platform for running containerized applications at the edge.

Learn more about MicroShift 

Get started with Node.js at Edge

Node.js reference architecture

Run Node.js applications on the edge with RHEL and Fedora

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Containerize Node.js

Containerizing your Node.js applications at the Edge on RHEL/Fedora

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