Red Hat Integration

Flexible integration products to connect your applications across hybrid infrastructure.

Which Red Hat Integration technology is right for you?

Depending on the job you have to do, Red Hat Integration technologies connect your applications through APIs, distributed functionality, and fast, secure, event-driven platforms. Explore the resources below to decide which integration technology is right for you.

Monitor, connect, and message now

Here's where you can get immediate access to three key components of the Red Hat Integration platform.  Red Hat 3scale API Management makes it easy to manage your APIs for internal or external users. Red Hat Fuse allows you to programmatically tie together various external SaaS services. Red Hat AMQ offers flexible, standards-based messaging for the enterprise, cloud, and Internet of Things (IoT).  


3scale API Management

Red Hat 3scale API Management makes it easy to manage your APIs for internal or external users.

Explore 3scale API Management.

Get started with 3scale API Management

Red Hat Fuse

Red Hat Fuse

Red Hat Fuse comes with a series of connectors—called components in Apache Camel—so you can programmatically tie together various external SaaS services.

Explore Red Hat Fuse.

Download Red Hat Fuse

Red Hat AMQ

Red Hat AMQ

Red Hat AMQ is a suite of components based on open source communities like Apache ActiveMQ and Apache Kafka.

Explore Red Hat AMQ.

Download Red Hat AMQ

Ready to use Red Hat Integration in production?

With a Red Hat subscription, you can deploy your application into a production environment and get world-class expertise and knowledge about security, stability, and maintenance for your systems. Our subscriptions provide many benefits, including access to resources, expertise, upgrades, and the ability to directly influence our commitment to providing an exceptional customer experience.