DevNation Day India 2021 - Productive development with Quarkus: Supersonic, Subatomic Java
Is your Java app consuming the server’s whole memory and taking minutes to boot? And then, even more time to redeploy? Forget your 25-year-old Java jokes and learn Quarkus, the supersonic, subatomic Java. Join this session and learn how to build resilient Java apps with small memory footprints, boot in milliseconds, and have instantaneous save/refresh coding sessions. Learn about the superpowers that Quarkus has to improve your productivity when working with Java17, Kubernetes, and many more. The world has changed, and Java changed with Quarkus, too.
Ana-Maria Mihalceanu, Developer Advocate, Red Hat
Ana is a Java Champion, Developer Advocate at Red Hat, co-founder of Bucharest Software Craftsmanship Community, and a constant adopter of challenging technical scenarios involving Java-based frameworks and multiple cloud providers. She is an active supporter of technical communities’ growth through knowledge sharing and enjoys curating content for conferences as a program committee member. Twitter handle: @ammbra1508. Find her on LinkedIn.